The Inman Village Board held their regular meeting at the Inman Community Center on March 29th, 2022 as published pursuant to Section 1-112 of the municipal code. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. Inman board meetings have been changed to the last Tuesday of the month and time change to 7 p.m. The board was informed of the location of the Open Meeting poster. Members present: Ron Sterns, Jacque Murray, Julie Engelbart, Sheryl Sawyer, Sheila Carr Village Clerk. Absent was Deb Fisher (who came late). Others present: Lonnie and Vicky Doty. March 2022 Receipts Sewer Fees: Sewer, Fees Collected $1,411.50 Hall Rental: General, Hall Rental $0 Holt Cty. Treasurer: General, Taxes $409.38 NPPD: General, Lease $1,592.22 Inman Township: General, Dumpsters $460.00 St. of Nebraska: General, Hwy. Allocation $2,174.27 General, Equalization $0 Totals: $6,062.27 March 2022 Transfers General Account to Street Account $543.56 Account Balances as of March 31st, 2022 General: $9,304.42 Reserve: $8,413.94 Sewer: $17,195.20 Street: $22,341.41 Total: $57,255.17 A motion was made by Sawyer and seconded by Englebart to approve deposits and balance reports. Bills Due NPPD: General, Utilities $499.90 Street, Utilities $363.52 Sewer, Utilities $156.21 J&J Sanitation: General, Dumpsters $1,336.62 B.H. Energy: General, Utilities $247.37 General, Utilities (Feb.) $229.22 Holt County Independent: General, Advertising $113.99 Carhart Lumber: General, Main/Repairs $10.86 Kellum Welding: Street, Main/Repairs $72.45 Vicky Doty: General, Core/Mileage $72.60 Bruce Bowman: General, Payroll $175.00 Julie Engelbart-Adams: General, Payroll $60.00 Jacque Murray: General, Payroll $60.00 Sherryl Sawyer: Sewer, Payroll $60.00 Ron Sterns: General, Payroll $60.00 Deb Fisher: Street, Payroll $60.00 Sheila Carr: General, Payroll $170.00 Street, Payroll $170.00 Lonnie Doty: General, Payroll $213.75 Street, Payroll $180.00 Sewer, Payroll $56.25 EFT: General, Withholding $113.02 Street, Withholding $62.72 Sewer, Withholding $17.80 A motion was made by Engelbart and seconded by Murray to approve all bill payments, all voted Aye. New Business & continued Old Business 1) Letters were sent out along with the sewer bills to all villagers for April yard cleanup. Dumpsters will be available for the next 3 months for yard debris. Limbs, brush and/or trees must be taken to the south dump south of town. Fines will be enforced where needed when the 3 month time is up for those who have not taken the clean up to heart and done their part. 2) An easement was discussed on an East street to be shut down, all voted Nay against such an easement. 3) The truck, generator, appliances and some other misc. will be put up for auction or sold on the Bargain Buy Way. 4) Ron Sterns volunteered to take care of the Library window replacement. note: if any of you have issues with our village policies, a signature must be included on all letters or forms of correspondence for the board to recognize the issues/concerns. thank you. Motion by Engelbart seconded by Sawyer to adjourn. Meeting adjourned 7:50 p.m. Sheila Carr Village Clerk Next meeting Tuesday, April 26th, 2022 - 7:00 p.m. Published April 28, 2022 17 ZNEZ . (0) COMMENTSWelcome to the discussion.
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