Board of Education Regular Board Meeting MAy 15, 2023 Board Members Amy Jo Rowse - President Coby Welke - Vice President Michael Hammerlun - Vice President-Elect Barton Becker - Member Monica Huber - Member Aaron Troester - Member Board Secretary Kathleen Marvin Administrators Michael Rotherham - Superintendent William Wragge - HS Principal Jim York - Elementary Principal Jill Brodersen - Assistant Principal Nick Hostert - Activities Director DeAnna Clifton - SPED Dir. Board Treasurer Carol Hammerlun __________ • Attendance Taken at 7:30 PM. Aaron Troester: Absent; Barton Becker: Present; Michael Hammerlun: Present; Monica Huber: Present; Amy Rowse: Present; Coby Welke: Present • Posted Locations: • Holt County Independent (print & website) • KBRX Radio • O'Neill Post Office • O'Neill Public Schools Administrative Office • O'Neill Jr-Sr High School • O'Neill Elementary School • O'Neill Public Schools Website Posted: Thursday, May 4, 2023 • Call to Order The regular board meeting of the O'Neill Public School Board of Education was called to order by President Amy Jo Rowse at 7:30 pm, on Monday, May 15, 2023 at the Administrative Offices at 410 East Benton, O'Neill, Nebraska. • Roll Call Administrators Jill Brodersen, DeAnna Clifton, Nick Hostert, Mike Rotherham, Will Wragge, and Jim York were present. • Excused/Unexcused Board Members Aaron Troester was absent. • Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. • Recite Mission Statement The Mission Statement was recited. • Approve Meeting Agenda A motion to approve the meeting agenda, passed with a motion made by Barton Becker and seconded by Coby Welke. Aaron Troester: Absent, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) A motion to approve the minutes of the April 17, 2023 regular meeting, passed with a motion made by Coby Welke and seconded by Michael Hammerlun. Aaron Troester: Absent, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Reception of Visitors Visitors were welcomed and informed that this meeting was in compliance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act which is posted on the south wall of the boardroom. •Oral and Written Communications Communications received, either written or oral, were reviewed. • Old Business • Football Concession Stand/Restroom Project Mr. Rotherham updated the board on the status of the Football Concession Stand/Restroom project. We have currently advertised to see if there were any contractors interested in the project. No action was necessary. • New Business • Staff Resignation A motion to accept Danielle Birch's resignation effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Barton Becker. Aaron Troester: Absent, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Transportation Contract A motion to authorize Mr. Rotherham to enter into a 9-month lease with Masters for a yellow and a coach bus for the 2023-2024 school year, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Coby Welke. Aaron Troester: Absent, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Audit Services A motion to engage Dana Cole for the 2022-2023 audit, passed with a motion made by Coby Welke and seconded by Monica Huber. Aaron Troester: Absent, Amy Rowse: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Technology Request A motion to enter a 3-year lease with Apple Financial Services for $207,416.75 for the MacBooks and iPads, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Monica Huber. Aaron Troester: Absent, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Math Curriculum Selection A motion to approve purchasing the 6th-12th grade Math curriculum Reveal, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Coby Welke. Aaron Troester: Absent, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Lunchtime Solutions Contract A motion to contract with Lunchtime Solutions for the 2023-2024 school year, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Coby Welke. Aaron Troester: Absent, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Set Lunch Prices for the Upcoming School Year A motion to approve the lunch prices for 2023-2024 as presented, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Coby Welke. Aaron Troester: Absent, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Policy #5045 - Student Fees Hearing was opened. Without any public in attendance, the hearing was closed. A motion to advance Policy #5045 - Student Fees to second reading, passed with a motion made by Barton Becker and seconded by Coby Welke. Aaron Troester: Absent, Amy Rowse: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Building Maintenance Technician We have advertised for the position in the Holt County Independent, Shopper, Holt County Economic Development website, and the Norfolk Daily News. There has been some interest and we will be reviewing the applicants and scheduling interviews. No action was necessary. • Beef Donation to School Lunch Program Mr. Rotherham explained the process regarding the beef donation to the school lunch program. No action was necessary. • Option Enrollment Report There wasn't an Option Enrollment report. No action is necessary. • Administrative Reports Administrative reports were presented. • Bills and Claims and Payroll Report A motion to approve the bills and claims, and accept the payroll report, passed with a motion made by Barton Becker and seconded by Coby Welke. Aaron Troester: Absent, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Adjournment A motion to adjourn at 8:33 pm, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Coby Welke. Aaron Troester: Absent, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 Kathleen Marvin School Board Secretary Holt Co. Dist. #7 General Fund Alder Plumbing LLC 104.47 1,998.31 Amigos 18.24 ANAC Conference 2023 8.00 Appeara 738.00 Applied Connective Technologies 217.50 Avera St. Anthony's Hospital 2,119.70 Barry's - The Nebraska Bar 20.79 BiggerBooks 287.02 Black Hills Energy 5,864.67 BlueChalk Software 250.00 Bomgaars 159.92 Brachle, Ashley 201.61 Breiner Welding & Fabrication Inc 304.99 Burival, Jeni 168.01 Buxton, Cody 403.23 Camp, Natalie 7,426.00 Carhart Lumber Co. 919.16 Casey's (Grand Island) 50.62 Casey's General Stores, Inc. 70.58 CDN77 204.13 CenturyLink 100.43 Chambers Public School 1,017.09 City of O'Neill Recycling Center 104.34 City of O'Neill 3,327.84 Clearfly 442.73 Clouse, Jessica 268.82 Cole Sand & Gravel 1,060.00 COMPanion Corporation 2,867.00 Cooper, Maria 268.82 Courtyard by Marriott 312.76 Cubby's - O'Neill 26.98 Cubby's, Inc. 3,223.93 Cuhel, Frank 537.64 Dairy Queen 188.04 Davis, Paula 89.61 DeKay, Lindsay 436.83 Dickau, Jacob 201.61 Dykshorn, Melissa 235.22 Edmar/Bissel Commercial Sales 71.93 Egan Supply Co 1,124.38 Emme Sand & Gravel, Inc. 127.92 Emme, Alexa 940.87 Engelhaupt, Monica 476.03 Environmental Services, Inc. 337.36 ESU #8 6,426.00 Fast Mart 37.24 First Student, Inc 5,760.20 Fisher, Tonya 504.04 Frank, Shelly 209.08 Gopher Sports 692.16 Gruhn, Cindy 235.22 Gueta-Lopez, Gabriela 201.61 Hamilton, Desiree 12.71 Heartland Counseling Services, Inc. 1,000.00 Higgins, Hannah 61.80 Hilton Omaha (73.68) Holt County Independent 202.25 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Co 7,755.12 Island Supply Welding Co. 653.61 Jakubowski, Cindy 34.97 Jaymar Business Forms, Inc. 159.35 KBRX Radio 67.50 Kennedy, Valerie 470.43 Klasna, Lala 436.83 Klein, Carre 4,664.41 Krysl, Lisa 95.21 KSB School Law 1,685.00 Laible, Dustin 268.82 Lakeshore Learning Materials 3,034.17 Lazlo's Brewery & Grill 49.11 Leaf Funding Inc 1,131.64 Licensure Unit 50.00 Little Disciples Child Development Center 1,600.00 Loves #680 49.78 Lunchtime Solutions, Inc.. 822.43 McDonald's 274.46 McIntosh Jewelry, Inc 140.00 Metal Doors & Hardware Co. 208.00 Mid-American Research Chemical 1,129.02 Miner, Cheryl 168.01 Mosyle Corporation 7,844.53 NASCO 166.93 Nebraska Ag Ed Association 235.00 Neu You Physical Therapy, PC, 2,249.50 NPPD 8,668.07 O'Neill Area Chamber of Commerce 500.00 O'Neill Car Wash LLC 43.15 O'Neill Lanes 1,407.40 O'Neill Pest Control 170.00 O'Neill Shopper 61.00 O'Neill Super Foods 155.43 Ogden Hardware 930.63 Ollendick, Kacey 67.20 One Office Solution 2,046.46 One Source, The Background Check Co.,Inc 32.50 OPS District #7 255.45 OPS Imprest Account 1,578.25 Paper101 12,450.65 Parks, Katie 100.81 Perma-Bound 701.86 Peterson, Kristi 436.83 Pinkerman, Denise 403.23 Popplers Music, Inc 126.95 Procare Software 79.00 Pump & Pantry #09 227.37 Ranchland Auto Parts 30.39 RC Pitstop 49.81 Really Good Stuff, LLC 73.76 Reynolds, Janene 54.64 Sayers, Angela 336.02 Schluns, Amanda 59.74 School Nurse Supply 360.10 School Speciality LLC 304.35 Seesaw Learning, Inc 2,851.33 Sholes, Molly 201.61 Spangler, Cindy 169.88 St. Mary's School 1.00 Stagemeyer, Carla 630.05 Steppco Refrigeration 3,633.70 Subway 213.73 Summers, Darren 403.23 Taco John's 43.30 Taco's & Tequila 903.46 Taylor Made Printing, Inc. 61.63 Teacher's Discovery 90.99 Three River 480.53 Thriving Students Collective 299.00 Top O' The Rock Designs 282.25 Torpin's Rodeo Market 1,879.59 University of Nebraska-Lincoln 800.00 UPS 13.43 VanEvery, Greg 436.83 Viaero Wireless 157.36 Welke, Amanda 147.85 Wettlaufer, Kristin 369.63 Wilson, Sarah 436.83 Wiseman, Tricia 1,568.11 Wright, Hannah 806.46 Young, Heather 222.15 Young, Sara 369.63 Zlomke, Kendra 739.25 Fund Total: 139,959.45 NUTRITION FUND Hupp, Mark 116.10 Lunchtime Solutions, Inc.. 42,873.93 Osborne, Dave 8.60 Stauffer, Seth 66.15 Strope, Boyd 22.25 Fund Total: 43,087.03 Checking Account Total: 183,046.48 Depreciation Fund Apple Financial Services 69,138.92 Fund Total: 69,138.92 Checking Account Total: 69,138.92 Published May 25, 2023 21 ZNEZ (0) COMMENTSWelcome to the discussion.
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