Board of Education Regular Board Meeting April 17, 2023 Board Members Amy Jo Rowse - President Coby Welke - Vice President Michael Hammerlun - Vice President-Elect Barton Becker - Member Monica Huber - Member Aaron Troester - Member Board Secretary Kathleen Marvin Administrators Michael Rotherham - Superintendent William Wragge - HS Principal Jim York - Elementary Principal Jill Brodersen - Assistant Principal Nick Hostert - Activities Director DeAnna Clifton - SPED Dir. Board Treasurer Carol Hammerlun __________ • Attendance Taken at 7:33 PM. Barton Becker: Absent; Michael Hammerlun: Present; Monica Huber: Present; Amy Rowse: Present; Aaron Troester: Present; Coby Welke: Present • Posted Locations: • Holt County Independent (print & website) • KBRX Radio • O'Neill Post Office • O'Neill Public Schools Administrative Office • O'Neill Jr-Sr High School • O'Neill Elementary School • O'Neill Public Schools Website Posted: Thursday, April 6, 2023 • Call to Order The regular board meeting of the O'Neill Public School Board of Education was called to order by President Amy Jo Rowse at 7:33 pm, on Monday, April 17, 2023 at the Administrative Offices at 410 East Benton, O'Neill, Nebraska. • Roll Call Administrators Jill Brodersen, DeAnna Clifton, Nick Hostert, Mike Rotherham, Will Wragge and Jim York were present. • Excused/Unexcused Board Members A motion to excuse Bart Becker, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Coby Welke. Barton Becker: Absent, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. • Recite Mission Statement The Mission Statement was recited. • Approve Meeting Agenda A motion to approve the meeting agenda, passed with a motion made by Coby Welke and seconded by Michael Hammerlun. Barton Becker: Absent, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) A motion to approve the minutes of the March 13, 2023 regular meeting, passed with a motion made by Coby Welke and seconded by Monica Huber. Barton Becker: Absent, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Reception of Visitors Visitors were welcomed and informed that this meeting was in compliance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act which is posted on the south wall of the boardroom. • Oral and Written Communications Communications received, either written or oral, were reviewed. • Old Business • Football Concession Stand/Restroom Project A motion to give Mr. Rotherham permission to get proposals for the restroom project at the football field and to explore making the stands handicapped accessible, passed with a motion made by Coby Welke and seconded by Michael Hammerlun. Barton Becker: Absent, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Interact Club Request • New Business • Staff Resignations A motion to release Mikaela Heiser from her 2023-2024 contract and accept her resignation, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Coby Welke. Barton Becker: Absent, Coby Welke: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Teaching Contract A motion to approve a 1.0 FTE teaching contract for Mackenzie (Mack) Alspaugh for the 2023-2024 school year, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Monica Huber. Barton Becker: Absent, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 A motion to approve a 1.0 FTE teaching contract for Allison Hajek for the 2023-2024 school year, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Monica Huber. Barton Becker: Absent, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 A motion to approve a 1.0 FTE teaching contract for Johanna Boyle for the 2023-2024 school year, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Monica Huber. Barton Becker: Absent, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Deaf & Hard of Hearing Educator Contract A motion to contract with Carre Klein to provide services for our hearing-impaired students for the 2023-2024 school year, passed with a motion made by Coby Welke and seconded by Michael Hammerlun. Barton Becker: Absent, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Building & Grounds Position A motion to approve advertising for a 1.0 FTE Building & Grounds/Maintenance position for the 2023-2024 school year, passed with a motion made by Coby Welke and seconded by Aaron Troester. Barton Becker: Absent, Coby Welke: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Compensation for Substitutes, Developing Eagles, Interpreters, Accompanist, and Off Contract Certified Staff A motion to accept the Additional Compensation rates as recommended, passed with a motion made by Coby Welke and seconded by Michael Hammerlun. Barton Becker: Absent, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 • Real Estate Opportunity A motion to go into executive session to discuss a possible real estate opportunity at 8:04 pm, was made by Aaron Troester. The motion died for a lack of a second. No action was taken. • Option Enrollment Report The Option Enrollment report was reviewed. No action is necessary. • Administrative Reports Administrative reports were presented. We are currently 58% into the fiscal year and our budget is 50% expended. • Bills and Claims and Payroll Report A motion to approve the bills and claims, and accept the payroll report, passed with a motion made by Coby Welke and seconded by Michael Hammerlun. Barton Becker: Absent, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 12. Adjournment A motion to adjourn at 8:38 pm, passed with a motion made by Coby Welke and seconded by Michael Hammerlun. Barton Becker: Absent, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1 Kathleen Marvin School Board Secretary Holt Co. Dist. #7 __________ General Fund Ainsworth High School 430.00 AKRS Equipment Solutions 900.00 Alder Plumbing LLC 193.75 154.64 Amplify Education, Inc. 1,008.00 Appeara 737.35 Arens, Lauren 39.73 Avera St. Anthony's Hospital 2,481.65 Benson, Mary 36.78 Best Western Plus 325.79 Black Hills Energy 7,359.50 Blick Art Materials 199.83 Bomgaars 291.02 Bosselman Pump & Pantry Inc 113.39 Boyle, Johanna 10.00 Brachle, Ashley 212.82 Breiner Welding & Fabrication Inc 221.03 Bright Wheel 50.00 Burival, Jeni 186.68 Buxton, Cody 425.63 C & S Repair 1,095.20 Camp, Natalie 6,715.00 Carhart Lumber Co. 104.85 Casey's General Stores, Inc. 512.00 Cengage Learning, Inc 935.00 CenturyLink 100.77 Chambers Public School 1,017.09 Chartwells Dining Services 184.00 City of O'Neill Recycling Center 101.26 City of O'Neill 3,236.94 Class B Honor Band 225.00 Clearfly 442.73 Clouse, Jessica 283.75 Cooper, Maria 283.75 Crowne Plaza 519.80 Cubby's, Inc. 2,034.38 Cuhel, Frank 597.38 Dairy Queen 199.80 Davis, Paula 106.41 DeKay, Lindsay 436.83 Dickau, Jacob 224.02 Dykshorn, Melissa 261.35 Egan Supply Co 4,383.77 Emme Construction, L.L.C. 2,062.50 Emme, Alexa 731.79 Engelhaupt, Monica 560.04 ESU #1 367.50 ESU #8 7,236.78 First Student, Inc 9,518.43 Fisher, Tonya 560.04 Frank, Shelly 261.35 Gruhn, Cindy 261.35 Gueta-Lopez, Gabriela 224.02 Hansen Locksmithing, Inc 56.00 Heiser, Mikaela 16.34 Hilton Omaha 765.68 Holt County Independent 208.97 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Co 1,400.93 Hytrek, Tonya 50.00 Instrumentalist Awards LLC 60.00 Island Supply Welding Co. 265.00 J&S TV & Electronics 769.70 J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc. 94.99 Johnson's, Inc. 1,825.50 KBRX Radio 7.50 Kennedy, Valerie 522.70 Klasna, Lala 339.76 Klein, Carre 5,015.75 Kruse, Shane 15.20 Krysl, Lisa 112.01 KSB School Law 45.00 Laible, Dustin 298.69 Leaf Funding Inc 1,131.64 Lightspeed Technologies, Inc. 45.00 Little Disciples Child Development Center 1,600.00 Lunchtime Solutions, Inc.. 967.36 Master Teacher, The 221.25 McDonald's 183.79 McGraw-Hill School Education Holdings, LLC 1,461.25 McIntosh Jewelry, Inc 102.00 Mid-State Conference 100.00 Midwest Automatic Fire Sprinkler Co 875.00 Miner, Cheryl 186.68 Nebraska Council of School Administrators 235.00 Nebraska Education Technology Assoc 219.00 Nebraska Rural Comm School Assoc 210.00 Neligh-Oakdale Music 540.00 Neu You Physical Therapy, PC, 1,592.50 Noetic Learning 207.00 NPPD 8,748.28 O'Neill Car Wash LLC 52.06 O'Neill Pest Control 50.00 O'Neill Super Foods 23.48 Ogden Hardware 865.90 Ollendick, Kacey 63.47 One Office Solution 2,201.10 OPS District #7 774.88 OPS Imprest Account 295.00 OPS Lunch Fund 106.86 Parks, Katie 106.41 Peterson, Kristi 485.37 Pinkerman, Denise 425.63 Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services, LLC 488.76 Pitsco Education, LLC 273.90 Podany, Melinda 322.75 Popplers Music, Inc 41.83 Procare Software 79.00 Quill Corporation 28.70 Ranchland Auto Parts 459.09 Reserve Account 525.80 107.91 Rotherham, Michael 23.63 Sayers, Angela 373.36 Schluns, Amanda 67.20 School Speciality LLC 787.64 Schwim, Samantha 974.64 Scott Residence Hall 550.00 Shad's Electric 4,612.47 Sholes, Molly 190.41 Spangler, Cindy 230.55 Stagemeyer, Carla 378.03 Staples Advantage 1,768.36 Stick It Vinyl Graphics 319.36 Subway 63.54 Summers, Darren 403.23 Sweetwater Sound 198.00 Target 143.44 Three River 478.59 Tomjack, Michelle 48.16 Torpin's Rodeo Market 1,573.58 VanEvery, Greg 485.37 Vex Robotics, Inc.. 2,285.24 Viaero Wireless 157.36 Wallace, Sally 130.00 43.28 Welke, Amanda 156.06 Wilson, Sarah 461.10 Wright, Hannah 896.06 Young, Heather 317.36 Young, Sara 410.70 Zlomke, Kendra 780.32 Fund Total 118,742.88 NUTRITION FUND Hyatt Appliance Service 515.01 Lunchtime Solutions, Inc.. 47,319.57 Reserve Account 85.80 Fund Total 47,920.38 Checking Account Total 166,663.26 Published April 27, 2023 17 ZNEZ (0) COMMENTSWelcome to the discussion.
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