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LYS Looking For Funding For Youth

Aug 3, 2022 (0)

Leprechaun Youth Sports was founded in 2002 by a group of families that were looking to create opportunities for kids to play youth sports. For the last 13 years, Leprechaun Youth Sports has participated in youth football at the YMCA in Norfolk. On average, 130 kids have participated in the Leprechaun Youth Sports/YMCA football league. This included families who supported our youth traveling to Norfolk for six Sundays each fall.

The Leprechaun Youth Sports mission is to provide an opportunity for all youth athletes in the surrounding area to participate. Leprechaun Youth Sports's primary focus is community, family and most importantly the development of our area youth.

The decision has been made that Leprechaun Youth Sports will no longer participate in the YMCA youth football program. Currently Leprechaun Youth Sports has 130+ area youth from third to sixth grade signed up to play this fall. Due to the fantastic interest, Leprechaun Youth Sports is committed to organizing the youth football league. This includes but is not limited to, providing necessary equipment, organizing practices, coaches, facilities, scheduling, officials, venues, etc.

Benefits to consider are more localized practice and game schedules.  This will allow more area youth to participate and more localized decisions concerning Leprechaun Youth Sports football.

Initial costs are estimated at about $400 per child. There are other financial obligations which include facilities, personnel, insurance, equipment, etc. They are looking to raise funds to help offset the cost of this opportunity.

They have identified you as a foundational business or person in our area. They have a limited time to raise the funds needed. Leprechaun Youth Sports is actively fund raising towards their startup goal. Please consider helping support our local youth and families.

Leprechaun Youth Sports Fund Raising Contacts: Josh Brabec (402) 340-1251, Garron Frank (402) 340-9130, Bryan Hoefer (402) 340-4685 and Chris Laursen (402) 340-6955.


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Leprechaun Youth Sports


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