Mary "Carmen" Bentzen

Omaha — Mary "Carmen" Bentzen, 83, of Omaha, formerly of B...

Frances K. Hipke

Mar 14, 2023 (0)

Stuart — Frances Kay Hipke, 70, of Stuart, died Wednesday, March 8, 2023.

Visitation was held Saturday, March 11, 2023 at Seger Funeral Home in Atkinson.

Funeral services were held Monday, March 13, 2023 at Faith Community Church in O'Neill Pastor Paul Harder officiated.

Burial was in the Cleveland Cemetery north of Stuart.

Memorials may be made to the family for future designation.

Frances was born May 24th, 1952 to Francis and Violet (Seger) Mohr, in Atkinson. After losing her father at age three she and her brothers went through some difficult years being cared for by various family members as their mother recovered from a stroke. During this time she developed a strong and loving relationship with her Gram Ethel who was a beautiful and long-lasting influence on her life. 

Francie was active in 4-H and enjoyed showing cattle, sewing and baking. Some of her happiest times were spent riding her horse Corky Bud and spending time outside in the sandhills. In high school she was also active in FHA and cheerleading.

Faith and family were of the utmost importance in Francie's life. She worked for the 700 club in Virginia Beach, VA prior to marrying Roy Hipke May 31st, 1980, and had daughters Katherine and Kimberly.  She loved joining Roy on the truck for many over the road adventures and loved the outdoors; in particular fishing.

Francie's faith shone throughout her life. She was active in her church and community, teaching art and music in her daughters' schools. Possessing a true servant's heart, she faithfully cared for family and friends through her delicious cooking/baking from scratch –famous for her dinner rolls,  sewing and crafting. A woman of faith and the heart of her family, Francie shaped their spirituality by her tireless Christian example

Her strong will to live, unwavering faith in God and the love and prayers of family, friends and supporters carried her through her many health issues over the past years.

Knowing that her time here was growing to a close, Francie wanted most for others to know the hope that is in Jesus Christ and she shared it freely in every hospital and nursing home she stayed in. Using her wit, sense of humor and warmth to witness to and encourage many.

Frances is survived by her loving husband of 43 years Roy; two daudaughters Katherine (Byrd) of Church Hill, TN and granddaughter Bella and Kimberly (Dustin Lofquist) and grandchildren Mason, Rylan, Weston, Teagan, Kolton, Suttan, Daelon and Greysan of Atkinson; one great-granddaughter Everleigh of Elwood; four brothers Willis and family of Sacramento, CA,  Clayton of Rochester, NY,  Tom of Eugene, OR, and Richard of Stuart; and many beloved in-laws, nieces, nephews and cousins.     


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