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Eagles Lag Behind In Mid-States

Feb 12, 2025 (0)

OHS'S (2) PORTER MATHEWS puts up a tough defense against a Hartington C.C. player in conference action.

The O'Neill Eagles recently competed in Mid-States, and the results were less than stellar. On Tuesday, Feb. 4, they faced Cedar Catholic in their opening game. 

This match had a solid start, with the Eagles taking it 18-17. Unfortunately, it was all downhill from this point on. The Trojans pulled ahead in quarter two with a 15-10 win over the Eagles.

The Eagles started to smooth things out again in the third, but they came crashing down in the finale, taking a huge 21-7 tumble to surrender the game. 

Braxen Eichelberger crushed it with 21 points, three rebounds and three steals; Turner Heiss had 12 points, two rebounds and two steals; Trevor Alder eight points, one rebound and two steals; Jackson Larsen six points; Westen Kohl three points, one rebound and two steals; Porter Mathews two points, 12 rebounds and four steals and Brady Eichelberger and Caleb Laursen two rebounds each. 

OHS 18 10 17 7 52 

CCHS 17 15 13 21 66

After a crushing defeat from Cedar Catholic, the Eagles would move on to face GACC on Friday, Feb. 7.

The Bluejays pulled ahead early on, claiming a small 15-14 lead. In the second stanza, the Eagles took a step forward and took the match to 27-24. 

Now on the downslide, the Bluejays upped their game and put the heat on. In post-halftime play, they managed to dominate the Eagles 17-9 and 12-8 to take the night 53-44.

Heiss put up big numbers with 18 points, eight rebounds and five steals; Braxen Eichelberger close with 14 points and one rebound;  Alder had three points, two rebounds and one steal; Ryder Kelly three points and one rebound; Brady Eichelberger two points, six rebounds and one steal; Mathews two points, four rebounds and two steals; Nate Brown two points; Kohl two rebounds and Larsen and Laursen one rebound each.

OHS 14 13 9 8 44 

GACC 15 9 17 12 53

The Eagles haven't found the most success this year. Currently, their record sits at 8-10 after competing in Mid-States.


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