Legion Ball Schedule

2024 O'Neill Irish Junior Legion Schedule thru June 30June 1...

O'Neill Eagle Seventh Graders Compete In Stuart Tourney 

The Lady Eagle seventh graders played in the Stuart Tournament Saturday, Sept. 8.  The Eagles won their first game againt  Atkinson West Holt and lost to St. Mary's in the finals.  

Serving was the key to success for the Eagles against Atkinson. Leading the team were Sam Eichelberger with 15 points and four aces, followed by Aurora Gutshall with 13 points and five aces; and Emma Krysl with 13 points and one ace.  Other contributing Eagles were Mikayla Marvin with 10 points, Julia Bauer with seven, Amanda Brown with three, Haley Schmeichel with two, Gabbie Scott with two and Blair Langan with one service point. 

The Eagles also lead in attacks by Emma Krysl who was nine for 10 with three  kills and Aurora Gutshall who was five for nine with two kills.  The set scores were 25-22, 15-25 and 26-24.

In the final game  the Eagles went up against the St. Mary's Cardinals and were defeated in two sets.  The serving was led by Emma Krysl with four points and Amanda Brown, Aurora Gutshall, Sam Eichelberger and Blair Langan with two points apiece, and Gabbie Scott, Marissa Lichty, Mikayla Marvin, Haley Schmeichel and Julia Bauer each with one point.

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