Legion Ball Schedule

2024 O'Neill Irish Junior Legion Schedule thru June 30June 1...

Eagles Stomp
Central City 26-6

Sep 26, 2013 Updated Dec 20, 2021

Central City Game - Amador Medina puts a block on a Central City player in last week's game. Photo courtesy Jody Fox

The O'Neill Eagles traveled to Central City last Friday to take on the Bison. The Eagles walked away with their second win of the season defeating them 26-6.

Defensively the Eagles did not give up a score the entire night. "I thought that our defense played faster than we have all season. Our defensive backs did a great job in defending the pass forcing their quarterback to end the night two for 17 passing.  A lot of this had to do with the pressure that was put on by the defensive line as well. I was very proud of our overall team effort defensively," commented Coach Eichelberger. 

"Offensively the team had almost 400 yards of total offense combined with a little over 200 yards in the air and 176 on the ground. I thought our offensive line had great pass protection throughout the entire game, giving Charley time in the pocket to throw and our receivers a chance to work the field. Overall we were much improved from weeks one and two, " said Coach Eichelberger.

This week the Eagles come back home to face the Madison Dragons on Homecoming. "This week there are a lot of distractions and it will take all of our focus throughout the week in order to compete on Friday night," commented Eichelberger.

The Eagles passing game was 14/20 for 209 yards. On the ground the Eagles carried the ball 31 times for 176 yards for 5.68 yards per carry.

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