
Emma Sedlacek's Musical Journey

By Ally Sedlacek As the sun dips below the horizon in Norfol...


Covid Cases Rise In North Central District

Jan 19, 2022 Updated Feb 7, 2022

North Central District Health Department (NCDHD) has been made aware of 494 new COVID-19 cases in the district since last reporting period on Jan. 10.

This week, NCDHD is reporting 462 positive COVID-19 cases the week of Jan. 10 -Jan. 17. The previous case-rate/week high was 320 cases the week of Dec. 13 - Dec. 20.

You can get a home Rapid Antigen COVID-19 test. Visit covidtests.gov to order yours. Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests. The tests are completely free-there is no shipping cost and you do not need to enter a credit card number. Orders will usually ship in 7-12 days. Order your test now so you have them when you need them! Visit covidtests.gov for more information.

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination updates:

• Pfizer shortens the time between the completion of primary vaccination of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and booster dose to at least 5 months.

• Pfizer booster doses approved for individuals 12+ by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) through Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

• A 3rd Primary Dose of Pfizer for individuals 5-11 years of age with immunocompromising conditions is approved through EUA. This third dose needs to be administered at least 28 days or longer following the second dose of the two-dose regimen. People should talk to their healthcare provider about their medical condition, and whether getting an additional primary shot is appropriate for them.

Covid-19 isolation period for positive individuals and quarantine period for exposed individuals have been updated.

If you test Positive for COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status:

• Stay home for at least 5 days

• If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, you can leave your house.

• Must continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days.

• If you have a fever, continue to stay home until your fever resolves.

If you were exposed to someone with COVID-19, ARE FULLY VACCINATED and have received your COVID-19 booster dose if eligible:

• Wear a mask around other for 10 days.

• Test on day 5, if possible.

• If you develop symptoms stay home and consider getting a test.

If you were exposed to someone with COVID-19 and are NOT fully vaccinated:

• Stay home for 5 days. After that continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days.

• If you can’t quarantine you must wear a mask for 10 days.

• Test on day 5 if possible.

• If you develop symptoms stay home.

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