CHAMBERS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR BOARD MEETING A meeting of the Board of Education of Chambers Public Schools was convened in open and public session on January 16, 2023, in the Library at Chambers Public Schools, 201 S. A Street, Chambers, Nebraska. The roll was called, and the following Board members were present: Terry Kamphaus, Mark Dexter, Monte Metschke, Amy Scott, Brady Dexter, and Jamie Tomjack. Also present was Frank Jesse, Superintendent. Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication on the Chambers Public School's website on January 9, 2023, and thereafter in the Holt County Independent, and Chambers Shopper on January 11, 2023. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all members of the Board of Education. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the publicized notice and a current copy of the agenda was maintained as stated in the publicized notice. All proceedings of the Board of Education, except as may be hereinafter noted, were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public. The meeting was called to order by President Terry Kamphaus at 7:00 p.m. Announcement of Open Meetings Act Posting At the beginning of this meeting, the Chair announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted on the north wall of the Library. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Jamie Tomjack, seconded by Mark Dexter, to approve the agenda. Motion carried, 6-0. Aye: Dexter, Dexter, Metschke, Scott, Tomjack, Kamphaus. Nay: 0. Visitors were invited to share public comment: • No comments Motion by Amy Scott, seconded by Monte Metschke to separate April Dexter payroll from the consent agenda. Motion carried 6-0. Aye: Dexter, Dexter, Metschke, Scott, Tomjack, Kamphaus. Nay: 0. Motion by Amy Scott, seconded by Jamie Tomjack to approve April Dexter payroll. Motion carried 5-0. Aye: Dexter, Metschke, Scott, Tomjack, Kamphaus. Nay: 0. Mark Dexter abstained. Motion by Brady Dexter, seconded by Mark Dexter, to approve all items on the consent agenda as provided. After discussion and roll call vote the motion carried 6-0. Aye: Dexter, Dexter, Metschke, Scott, Tomjack, Kamphaus. Nay: 0. GENERAL FUND CLAIMS: $31,209.75 HOT LUNCH CLAIMS: $8,519.37 PAYROLL: $167,115.17 Student Council Report No report was given Teacher Report Mrs. O'Malley and Mr. Baker gave the K-6 and 7-12 teacher report. Counselor Report Mrs. Pospichal gave the Counselor Report Activity's Report Mr. Firley gave the activity report Superintendent/Principal Report and Recommendations Mr. Jesse gave the superintendent/principal report. • CIP • Strategic Planning • Senior Work Study • Legislative Update • School Curriculum Visits • Title I Tri-annual Review • Food Service Inspection Board of Education Development A. President Terry Kamphaus appointed the following to committees: a. Negotiations: Mark Dexter, Monte Metschke, Brady Dexter b. Committee on American Civics: Monte Metschke, Jamie Tomjack, Amy Scott c. Transportation and Facilities: Terry Kamphaus, Mark Dexter, Brady Dexter d. Budget: Terry Kamphaus, Monte Metschke, Jamie Tomjack e. Policy: Amy Scott, Jamie Tomjack f. Administrative Review: Amy Scott, Jamie Tomjack g. CWC Sub-Committee: Monte Metschke, Terry Kamphaus, Mark Dexter h. Crisis and Safety: Amy Scott, Brady Dexter i. School Improvement: Mark Dexter, Brady Dexter, Terry Kamphaus Budget Finance Workshop: February 8, 2023 – Kearney; February 15, 2023 – La Vista New Business A. Motion by Amy Scott, seconded by Monte Metschke to appoint the Chambers Shopper, Holt County Independent and Chambers Public School website as the official publishers for the School District. Motion carried, 6-0. Aye: Dexter, Dexter, Metschke, Scott, Tomjack, Kamphaus. Nay: 0. Motion by Mark Dexter, seconded by Jamie Tomjack, to appoint Lammers, Abel & Kaps, LLC as the official auditors for the School District. Motion carried 6-0. Dexter, Dexter, Metschke, Scott, Tomjack, Kamphaus. Nay: 0. Motion by Monte Metschke, seconded by Mark Dexter, to appoint KSB School Law as the official law firm for legal advice for the School District. Motion carried 6-0. Dexter, Dexter, Metschke, Scott, Tomjack, Kamphaus. Nay: 0. Motion by Jamie Tomjack, seconded by Mark Dexter, to appoint Chambers State Bank as the official Financial Agency for the School District. Motion carried 6-0. Aye: Dexter, Dexter, Metschke, Scott, Tomjack, Kamphaus. Nay: 0. B. Motion by Amy Scott, seconded by Brady Dexter, to approve current board policies and regulations. Motion carried 6-0. Aye: Dexter, Dexter, Metschke, Scott, Tomjack, Kamphaus. Nay: 0. C. Motion by Mark Dexter, seconded by Monte Metschke, to designate annual review of Board of Education policies in September of each year. Motion carried 6-0. Dexter, Dexter, Metschke, Scott, Tomjack, Kamphaus. Nay: 0. D. Discussed and reviewed Board Member Conflict of Interest. E. No action taken to approve 2023-2024 District Calendar. F. No action to approve custodian/kitchen contract. G. Discussed Food Service Program. Topics for Next Month's Agenda: District Calendar, Classified Negotiations Adjournment Motion was made by Brady Dexter, seconded by Monte Metschke, to adjourn the meeting at 8:43p.m. on January 16, 2023. Motion carried, 6-0. Aye: Dexter, Dexter, Metschke, Scott, Tomjack, Kamphaus. Nay: 0. The meeting was duly adjourned. Next Scheduled Meeting: February 20, 2023 Amy Scott Secretary This is a draft copy of the Board of Education minutes that does not become official until approved by the Board. 95 West Express 938.07 Appeara 95.02 AT&T 65.19 B & M Repair 656.61 Bomgaars 107.49 Canon Financial Services, Inc. 621.52 Chambers Public School 1,224.59 Chambers School Activity Acct. 23.00 Chambers Shopper 200.00 Chambers State Bank 139.82 Educational Sevice Unit #8 11,668.80 Electronic Systems, Inc. 164.80 EMC Insurance 4,613.03 Essential Screens 37.75 Green's Service 1,369.48 HEARTLAND ROOFING CONSULTANTS 542.50 HOLT COUNTY INDEPENDENT 93.00 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO. 14.88 JAYMAR BUSINESS FORMS, INC. 118.34 JOHNSON'S, INC. PLUMBING AND HEATING SERVICE 1,215.50 JOSTEN'S INC. 105.26 K & M Telephone Company 196.30 KSB School Law 29.00 Loffler Companies, Inc. 1,079.21 Metschke, Ralph 80.00 Microsoft Corporation 152.98 Nebr. Rural community School Assn. 80.00 Neligh-Oakdale Public School 776.01 Neu You Physical Therapy, PC 461.50 Niobrara Valley Electric 1,750.00 Northeast Regional Deaf Ed. Pro 315.00 O'Neill Public School 322.21 Quill Corporation 652.37 Village Market 282.92 Village of Chambers 1,017.60 _____________________________ 31,209.75 January 2023 Payroll: 167,115.17 Total 198,324.92 Published January 26, 2023 4 ZNEZ (0) COMMENTSWelcome to the discussion.