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Eagles Grounded By GACC 3-0

Sep 25, 2024 (0)

EYES ON THE BALL - OHS Reagan Kaufman (4) leaps to keep the ball airborne. The Eagles fell to GACC 3-0 Thursday, Sept. 19. Courtesy photo

Last week was a cool down  period for the O'Neill lady Eagles with only one match-up. The girls visited West Point Thursday to take on Guardian Angels Central Catholic and were sent packing 3-0.

The opening was a back-and-forth struggle, with the Bluejays taking the slight edge in the end, 27-25. Set two didn't help the Eagle's case when they fell further behind in a 25-14 feud. By the end, the Eagles were starting to pick up the pace, but the Bluejays still outdid them in a 25-21 finish.

Leading the Eagles was Autumn Jackson with nine kills, two blocks and four digsl; Ashley Sidak had five kills, two ace serves, one block and seven digs; Bergyn Classen four kills and two digs; Hannah Hilker three kills, two blocks, eight digs and 20 set assists; Olivia Young three kills and 13 digs; Taylor Young two kills, two blocks and one dig; Mariah Kallhoff one kill and one ace serve; Serena Chavez one ace serve, 10 digs and one set assist; Madalynn Kellum one ace serve and two digs; and Taylor Staroscik five digs and one set assist.


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