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Village of Inman Proceedings (07-11-2024)

Jul 9, 2024 (0)

Minutes of the July 1, 2024 Village of Inman Board of Trustees meeting. The meeting was called to order by Nicole Campbell, Chairperson at 7:34 pm. Roll call was taken. Board members present were Nicole Campbell, Chairperson, Randy Keil, and Kyle Campbell. Those absent were Sherryl Sawyer. The Clerk, Gwen Decker-Sterns, was present. In the audience were Shelby Ragen, Holt County Economic Development, Jason Hamilton, Hamiton Drywall and Remodeling, Ehric Strope, and Lisa Everett. Nicole asked for acceptance of the agenda. The agenda was accepted as presented. Nicole reviewed the Consent Agenda consisting of the minutes of the June 3,2024 Board of Trustees meeting, June bills to be approved and the Treasurers Report. There were no corrections to the minutes and no questions regarding the bills or the Treasurers Report. Kyle made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. Randy Keil seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried.

The Board reviewed the bid received from Shad's Electric regarding the electrical work needed when the new furnace is installed. The question asked was if the bid should be considered for any of the furnace bids received. The clerk will reach out to Shad for an explanation. This was tabled until clarification is received along with additional bids. Kyle updated the Board on the status of the recent addition of two new sewer hookups in the community, stating the hookups have been completed by the plumber. Kyle gave an update on the tree removal bid. The original bid for removing trees from the right of way had been accepted during the last meeting and the contractor asked to revisit the bid due to the location of one of the trees. There has not been a new bid received for this as yet. Shelby Ragen updated the Board on the progress being made on the grant application and timelines for completion of the grant to develop a green space where the library is currently. She also updated the Board on the property adjoining the library property. A motion was made by Randy for the Village to purchase the property. The motion was seconded by Kyle. None opposed. Motion carried. Jason Hamilton also updated the Board on the progress he has made on his proposal for green space development. Resolution #7012024 was presented to the Board to establish the incorporation date for the Village of Inman. The Resolution was reviewed, a motion to accept the resolution was made by Nicole. Randy seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. A Resolution was presented to allow bills to be paid in case of emergency when there is not a quorum. The Board reviewed the Resolution and refused the need for the resolution. The Board was made aware of upcoming training opportunities for Kyle, Flood Administrator and Gwen acting Treasurer. Randy made a motion to approve attendance at the training. Kyle seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. The Board discussed the need for a debit or credit card. Kyle made a motion for a debit card to be obtained. Nicole seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. The Village has one liquor license. An annual notice of renewal was posted in three places. The Board discussed possible changes in trash collection, the cost of collection and vendor choices in the area. Ehric

Strope asked for a building permit and for a sewer service to be installed to his property in the Village. He will complete the building permit and submit it at the next board meeting on August 5, 2024. A motion was made by Randy to enter into Executive Session. The motion was seconded by Kyle. None opposed. Motion carried. The Board entered Executive Session at 9 pm. Nicole reported to the Board she had been contacted by the Village attorney regarding the recent settlement. The Executive Session closed at 9:03 pm. A motion was made by Randy to not accept the terms requested by Gerald D. Ferris to settle the charges he billed the Village for work he did during the 2019 flood. The motion was seconded by Kyle. None opposed. Motion carried. June 2024 Bills, ACH K & M Telephone 85.52, telephone and internet service, ACH NPPD 620.63 electric service, One Call concepts 3.58 line locating, Holt County Independent 99.01 and 324.00 publishing and sewer cards, Bomgaars 67.96 plumbing supplies, CHC Montana 100.00 Hall deposit refund, Board member payment 221.64, employee payroll, Adam Keil, Maintenance, $346.31, Gwen Decker-Sterns, $507.92, Clerk/Treasurer, One Source Office Supplies 28.78, Galyen, Boettcher, and Baier 285.00 retainer, legal fees. The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 pm. The next meeting of the Village of Inman Board of Trustees will be August 5, 2024, at 7:30 pm at the Inman Community Hall.

Published July 11, 2024               28



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Village of Inman Proceedings (07-11-2024)

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