
Engagement Announcement

Dick and Sally Wallace of O’Neill are pleased to ann...

Ladies Night Out Dec. 2 Mens Poker Run Dec 5th In O'Neill

Ladies Night Out will be Friday, Dec. 2. All ladies are invited to visit all the participating businesses. Food, drinks, fun and many opportunities to shop for that special gift or for that special person.

The evening will start out at the O'Neill Chamber of Commerce between 4-6 p.m. Participants can pick up an agenda.

Participating businesses include: Alco, Blarney Stone, Bomgaars, Dairy Queen, Fox's Food Plaza & Taco Johns, Home Sweet Home. Tia Zia, Sunrise Floral & Gift, McIntosh Jewelry, Eagles Club Bazaar, Hair Junction, Shamrock Nursery and Clothing Company

Participants need to stop at all businesses and get their card marked. At the end of the evening one lucky person will be chosen to win $150 in Shamrock Bucks.

Men's Poker run and dart throw will be held Monday, Dec. 5 at various participating businesses. Those participating are: Alco, Blarney Stone, Bomgaars, Dairy Queen, Fox's Food Plaza & Taco Johns, Tia Zia, McIntosh and Shamrock Nursery.  

Food, drinks, fun and chance to shop for your women in your life. Participating businesses will have snacks, drinks and one night specials.

Attendees will receive a playing card from each participating business for the poker run. The winner will be determined at the end of the evening at The Blarney Stone and will receive $150 in Shamrock Bucks. The dart throw winner will receive  $50 in Shamrock Bucks.

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