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Village of Inman Proceedings (5-26-2022)

May 25, 2022 (0)

A regular meeting of the Mayor and the City Council of O'Neill was held at the City Hall in said City on the 2nd day of May, 2022 at 6:30 P.M.

Present: Mayor Scott Menish, City Attorney Boyd Strope, City Clerk/Treasurer Sarah Sidak, Council President Don Baker and Council members; Kayla Burdick, Susie Kramer, Tim Schneider, Terri Krysl, Quana Kelly, Tim Gleason and Beth Walsh.

Notice of this meeting was given in advance thereof according to Section 84-1408 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska. Notice of the meeting was given to the Mayor and all members of the Council and a copy of the acknowledgement of receipt of notice and the agenda is attached to the minutes. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance  notice. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Menish. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Mayor Menish informed the public of the location of the Open Meetings Act poster.

Moved by Krysl, second by Schneider to waive the reading of the minutes of the April 4th meeting and approve them as if read. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Representatives with NPPD spoke with the Council about a solar power program for the City. No action was taken by the Council.

NPPD did a retail briefing with the Council.

Moved by Walsh, second by Kelly to approve the City to work with CNEDD in applying for disaster funds through CDBG-DR Infrastructure Match Program and authorize the Mayor to sign appropriate documents relating to this program. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Burdick, second by Kramer to approve John Bauer for the Fire and Ambulance Department. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

There were no hay bids received. The City will advertise again for sealed hay bids to be opened at the next Council meeting on June 6, 2022.

Moved by Walsh, second by Baker to open the Mark Meyer Conditional Use Request for a bed and breakfast at 219 N 2nd Street. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Council member Kelly informed the board that the Planning Commission had conducted a public hearing and approved the Conditional Use request.

No other public comment was made.

Moved by Baker, second by Kelly to close the public hearing. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Kelly, second by Walsh to approve the Mark Meyer Conditional Use Request for a bed and breakfast at 219 N 2nd Street as submitted. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Walsh, second by Gleason to approve the Treasurer's Report. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Baker, second by Gleason to approve the bill submitted at this meeting by Scott Menish. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Krysl, second by Walsh to approve the bill submitted at this meeting by O'Neill Lumber. Roll call vote as follows: Aye; Krysl, Kelly, Kramer, Burdick, Baker, Gleason and Walsh. Nay: None. Abstain: Schneider. Motion carried.

Moved by Baker, second by Kramer to approve the remaining bills. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.


Payroll, salary 133,769.63 FED & FICA, tax 29,499.47

American Family, ins 1,306.40 Black Hills Energy, util 2,112.59

BlueCrossBlueShield, ins 47,187.35

Bomgaars, su, 338.96

Colonial life, ins 763.38 Guardian, ins1, 1,733.06

John Hancock, pension 7,200.32 NE Dept. of Revenue, tax 4,319.61

NPPD, util 15,150.66 NT&T, phone 935.15

Pinnacle Bank, su 418.88 Quadient Finance, su 957.27

Unum, ins 223.94 Verizon, phone 803.39

Wex Bank, fuel 10,315.02 GENERAL FUND

Above the Garage, ser 219.86 Alder Plumbing, ser 176.09

Amazon, su 135.84

Appeara, su 314.71

Bartak Glass, ser 259.00 Bullseye Fire, ser 570.00

Century Link, phone 57.11 Contingent Fund, su 249.55

Cummins Sales, ser 817.47 Dearborn Life, ins 96.32

Emme Sand & Gravel, su 174.77 Fire Protection, ser 150.00

Grainger, su 97.60 GreatAmerica Finance, ser 218.25

Hollman Media, ser 19.95 Holt Co Independent, ad 172.99

Island Supply Welding, su 108.45 K&K Welding, ser 86.00

KBRX, ad 15.00 LB840 Fund, pmt 25,902.24

McNally Law, fees 1,005.00 Scott Menish, ser 100.00

Odeys, su 7,202.50 Ogdens Ace, su 55.96

O'Neill Pest, ser 100.00 One Office, su 56.52

Reiser Ins, ins 927.50 Dori Rich, clean 885.00

Jeff Schmeichel, re 86.72 Siteone Landscape, su 6,227.35

Torpin's, su 21.36 POLICE FUND

Century Link, phone 64.68 Jackolyn Collier, clean, su 160.00

Consolidated Mgmt., fee 232.37 Contingent Fund, su 490.56

Detectachem, su 92.32 Holt County Court, ser 17.00

Maria Brown Morales, ser 15.00 Netcom, su 231.00

O'Neill Car Wash, ser 50.35 O'Neill Shopper, ad 60.00

One Office, su 77.14 Maria Ortiz, ser 30.00

Public Safety, su 114.96 Quill, su 511.03

Town & Country, su 51.00 STREET FUND

A&R Construction, pmt 569,197.87

Appeara, su 219.63

Carhart Lumber, su 33.99 Emme Sand & Gravel, su 3,128.77

Olsson, fees 6,584.29 O'Neill Auto, su 42.89

Ranchland Auto, su 15.79 Team Laboratory, su 332.34


Badger Meter, su 150.00 Colonial Research, su 4,909.40

Farmer's Pride, su 209.11 Fedex, ser 75.24

Grainger, su 419.53 Hawkins, su 7,879.50

Ingersoll Rand Co, su 379.80 Livingston Micro, su 1,987.56

Mitchell Equip, pmt 37,900.00 Olsson, fees 2,127.00

One Call Concepts, fees 38.47 Tax Commissioner, tax 3,894.96

Torpin's, su 6.83 WATER FUND

Badger Meter, su 227.60 City Utility Deposit, re 1,578.42

Core & Main LP, su 73.96 Contingent Fund, su 269.11

Farmer's Pride, su 209.10 Fedex, ser 193.45

Jacob George, re 1,450.00 Hawkins, su 1,037.20

Lincoln Winwater Works, su 556.40

Mitchell Equip, pmt 37,900.00

NEDEE, pmt 58,703.88 NE Public Health, tests 96.00

NE Support, pmt 363.68 Niobrara Valley, util *

Olsson, fees 9,049.93 One Call Concepts, fees 38.47

Ramada, rooms 960.00 RSR Electrical, pmt 61,410.73

Tax Commissioner, tax 623.05 Torpin's, su 6.82

USA Blue Book, su 69.10 SOLID WASTE FUND

Accounts Management, pmt 755.18

Butler Co. Landfill, fee 34,969.65

Connot Tire, ser 1,426.75 Curtis Gotschall, re 180.00

K&K Welding, su 671.84 Matheson Tri-Gas, su 36.40

Niobrara Valley, util * NMC, su 441.75

Ogden's Ace, su 107.82 Olsson, fees 1,201.50

Ranchland Auto, su 45.60 Reiser Ins, ins 101.00

Dori Rich, clean 300.00 LB840 FUND


BOKF, pmt 5,976.25



Greg Walters announced to the Board that Lee Richardson would be retiring from the City as of May 13, 2022.

Moved by Schneider, second by Kramer to adjourn. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. 

The meeting adjourned at 7:37 P.M.






Published May 12, 2022                   19



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Village of Inman Proceedings (5-26-2022)

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