Minutes for 2-15-2023 Called to order at 7:30 pm Board members present were Nicole Campbell, Kyle Campbell, and Sherryl Sawyer. 1 & 6 Year Street Improvement Plan: Kyle Campbell made a motion, seconded by Sherryl Sawyer to approve the 1 & 6 Year Street Improvement Plan. Aye: Kyle Cambell and Sherryl Sawyer. Nay: None. Motion carried. Attorney: Ashley Boetcher: Tabled until March. Sewer: Emergency Call: $34.00 per month for the phone line, and installation will be $1322. Sherryl Sawyer made a motion, seconded by Kyle Campbell to move forward with this issue. Aye: Sherryl Sawyer and Kyle Campbell. Nay: None. Motion carried. Roads: A discussion was held concerning the need for new snow tires for the town maintainer. Kyle Campbell made a motion, seconded by Sherryl Sawyer to purchase the tires from the county, used, 6 for $300.00. Aye: Kyle Campbell and Sherryl Sawyer. Nay: None. Motion carried. Kyle Campbell made a motion, seconded by Sheryl Sawyer to go into executive session at 7:50 pm to discuss the appointment of 2 new board members. Aye: Kyle Campbell and Sherryl Sawyer Nay: None. Motion carried. Kyle Campbell made a motion, seconded by Sherryl Sawyer, to exit the executive session at 7:59 pm. Aye: Kyle Campbell and Sherryl Sawyer. Nay: None. Motion carried. In a unanimous decision, the board appointed Deb Morsbach to fill the vacant board position, with Randy Keil appointed to Parks & Rec and Deb Morsbach to the treasurer's position. They will officially take their oath of office at the March 6, 2023 board meeting. Treasurer's report: Sherryl Sawyer made a motion, seconded by Kyle Campbell to approve the treasurer's report as presented. Aye: Kyle Campbell and Sherryl Sawyer. Nay: None. Motion carried. Review Bills: Kyle Campbell made a motion, seconded by Sherryl Sawyer to approve the bills as presented. Aye: Kyle Campbell and Sherryl Sawyer. Nay: None. Motion carried. Adjourn: Sherryl Sawyer made a motion, seconded by Kyle Campbell to adjourn at 8:05 pm. Aye: Sherryl Sawyer and Kyle Campbell. Nay: None. Motion carried. BrendaLou Harrison Village Clerk Minutes for February 21, 2023 Special Meeting The meeting called to order at 6:00 pm This special meeting was called to discuss a beer garden for Harte's Pub (Owner is Kent Harte), located at 175 Main Street, Inman Neb. The beer garden will be opened over St. Pat's weekend: March 17-19th, 2023. Kyle Campbell made a motion, seconded by Sherryl Sawyer to approve the beer garden. Aye: Kyle Campbell and Sherryl Sawyer. Nay: None. Motion carried. Adjourned at 6:15 pm BrendaLou Harrison Village Clerk Published March 9, 2023 10 ZNEZ
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