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Village of Inman Proceedings (09-19-2024)

Sep 17, 2024 (0)

Village of Inman meeting minutes for September 9th 2024. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 by Chairman Nicole Campbell. Open meeting minute poster was pointed out. Roll Call Nicole Campbell Kyle Campbell Randy Keil, absent Sherryl Saywer. Kyle Campbell made a motion to approve minutes from the Aug 5th meeting seconded by Randy Keil. All in Favor non oppose. Kyle Campbell made a motion to approve bills/treasurer report. Randy Keil seconded all in favor non opposed. The Village board of Trustees hired a new Village Clerk Paige Williams. A motion was made by Kyle Campbell seconded by Randy Keil to add in duct work to the new furnace installation. All in favor non opposed. Kyle Campbell made a motion to continue with NEMA seconded by Nicole Campbell. A motion was made by Kyle Campbell and seconded by Nicole Campbell new up the sewer prices starting Jan 1st 2025. All in favor non opposed. There was an application for a kennel license and the board of trustees has denied due to Village Ordinances. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm 

Published September 19, 2024        38




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Village of Inman Proceedings (09-19-2024)

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