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Village of Inman Proceedings (06-13-2024)

Jun 11, 2024 (0)

Meeting minutes for the June 3, 2024 regular monthly Village of Inman Board of Trustees.  The meeting was called to order by Nicole Campbell, Chairperson at 7:30pm.  Roll call was taken. Board members present were Kyle Campbell, Randy Keil, Sherryl Sawyer and Nicole Campbell. Clerk Gwenda Decker-Sterns was present. In the audience were Kalvin Farhenholz, Shelby Regan, Holt County Economic Development and Brittany Koenig, NPPD. Becky Koenig was added to the agenda due to an omission by the Clerk. With the addition of Brittany the Agenda was accepted. The Consent Agenda compiled of the May 6th, 2024 meeting minutes, monthly bills and the treasurers report were accepted with a motion made by Kyle Campbell to approve the Consent Agenda with a correction being made in the  minutes to reflect the bid received regarding the replacement of the HVAC system in the Community Hall being $8256.00 instead of 48256.00 due to a typing error. The Motion was seconded by Randy Keil. None opposed. Motion carried.  Kalvin Fahrenholz presented his two bids for HVAC systems for the Community Hall and entertained questions from Board members. Kalvin explained there would also need to be bids gathered from electricians to complete the electrical portion of the HVAC replacement. This issue was tabled until bids can be received from electricians. Shelby Regan, Holt County Economic Development shared with the Board the opportunity to apply for a grant to assist with the cost of the library building demolition, remediation of contaminates, and the placement of green space, small park with seating area and pleasing foliage in the area. If interested the application for the grant is due July 22, 2024. Kyle Campbell made a motion for the Board to approve the Village of Inman entering into the application process for the Rural Community Recovery Program. The motion was seconded by Nicole Campbell. None opposed. Motion carried. As part of the process of creating a green space where the library is currently located the Board discussed the possibility of acquiring two adjacent properties. Brittany Koenig gave an update on NPPD rates, dependability and how a community becomes and “Energy Partner” with NPPD. Brittany also encouraged the Board when talking with the electricians regarding bids for upcoming projects to ask the electrician to check out what incentives are available from NPPD. The Board discussed the sewer connections for two properties in the Village of Inman. A bid has been received from a licensed plumber to complete the installation of sewer service for $906.00 per location. Sherryl Sawyer made a motion to accept the bid. Kyle Campbell seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. The Board discussed the removal of 6 trees in the Village. A bid has been received. There will be further discussion with the bid presenter regarding the timeline for removal. This matter is tabled until July. A bid was received for the mowing and baling of the South Park. The bidder will cut, mow and bale the park for half of the bales and will purchase the other half from the Village of Inman at market price. A motion was made by Nicole Campbell to accept the bid as written. Randy seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. Gwen Decker-Sterns, Village Clerk shared the new sewer billing card which will be ordered and pointed out the changes on the card. The Clerk reported on the delinquent sewer bills. The Village Board went into Executive Session at 8:30pm. Nicole Campbell reported she had been contacted by the Village attorney regarding the recent settlement. Executive Session closed at 8:43pm. A motion was made by Sherryl Sawyer to accept the new proposal made by Gerald D. Ferris to settle the charges he billed for work he did for the Village during the 2019 flood. The motion was seconded by Nicole Campbell. None opposed. Motion carried. Gwenda Decker-Sterns, Village of Inman Clerk requested a raise due to the number of hours required to complete requests of the Board. An amount of $550 per month was proposed by Nicole Campbell and accepted by Gwenda. Randy Keil made the motion to increase Gwenda's monthly payment. Sherryl Sawyer seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. May bills: NPPD, electricity, $778.64, NPPD, electricity, $759.29, K & M Telephone, internet and telephone service, $85.52, Eihler, Hall deposit, $100, Waste Connection, trash service, $1119.02, Bomgaars, street supplies, $111.10, Holt County Tire, Inc., $194.95, CORE Development membership, $95., NC RC & D membership, $50, Payroll, $960.72.  Treasurers Report:  Street $28,531.16, Sewer $22,155.97 and General $48,998.69.  

-s- Gwenda Decker-Sterns.

Published June 13, 2024               24



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Village of Inman Proceedings (06-13-2024)

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