Inman Board of Trustee meeting minutes for the meeting held April 8th, 2024, at 7:30 pm at the Inman Community Hall, Inman, Ne. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Chairperson, Nicole Campbell. In attendance was Kyle Campbell, Randy Keil, Nicole Campbell and Gwenda Decker-Sterns, Clerk. Sherryl Sawyer was absent. Also, in attendance was Mike Strope. The public notice for the meeting posted on the door of the community hall was pointed out as was the Open Meeting Act poster hanging on the Northwest wall of the Community Hall. The minutes of the March 4th, 2024 were reviewed and a motion was made by Kyle Campbell to accept the minutes as written. Randy Keil seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. Mike Strope presented a written bid for $14,198.75 for the repairs to the West outside wall of the Village library. Mike also stated the cost could be more or less depending on what is discovered when the wall is taken down. Mike offered to complete a bid using metal as the outside covering. Mike agreed they would like another bid so price can be compared. Kyle Campbell made a motion to table this until Mike could prepare another bid for comparison. Nicole Campbell seconded. None opposed. Motion carried. It was decided a town meeting would be held to inform the community of the repairs needed for the library and to gather input. The meeting will be held Monday, April 22nd, 2024 at 7 pm at the Inman Community Hall. Kyle Campbell reported on the progress of the sewer project. Kyle has received one verbal bid and has asked the plumber for a written bid. One sewer map has been located and the Board would like to continue to research this. An update on the flood work progress was given by Kyle Campbell. The rework of the Community Hall Rental Agreement will continue. Gwenda Decker-Sterns reported she had received the resignation of the CORE Representative. A replacement will be sought. The Board went into closed session at 8:06 pm. Closed session adjourned at 8:18 pm. The regular meeting reconvened at 8:18 pm. A motion was made by Kyle Campbell to have the Board attorney make an offer in connection with the current legal matter. The motion was seconded by Nicole Campbell. None opposed. Motion carried. Gwenda Decker-Sterns gave an update on the resent Clerk's Conference. Nicole gave an update on the response to the ad for a Board member. Gwenda Decker-Sterns gave an update regarding delinquent sewer bills. Randy gave an update on furnace repairs verses the purchase of a new furnace. Kyle Campbell brought to the attention of the Board he had received the resignation of Dave Morsbach. Nicole made a motion to accept the resignation and Kyle Campbell seconded the motion, None opposed. Motion Carried. The income and expenses and the bills were reviewed by the Board. Randy made a motion to accept the Income and Expense Report and the bills as presented. NPPD electric services, $930.59, K & M Telephone, telephone and internet services, $85.65, Waste Connection, trash disposal, $1119.02, Emme Sand and Gravel, gravel and crushed brick for the streets, $892.35, Holt County Independent, publishing, $126.85, Galyen, Boettcher, Bair, legal services $180.00, One Call Concept, Nebraska 811, $6.18, Board payroll $277.05, other payroll $531.64, Gwenda's mileage and meals while attending the Clerk's Conference $280.59, Gwenda Decker-Sterns, purchase of new printer and office supplies, $600.80. Kyle seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:48 pm. The next regular Village Board meeting is scheduled for May 6th, 2024 at 7:30 pm at the Inman Village Community Hall. Published April 18, 2024 16 ZNEZ (0) COMMENTSWelcome to the discussion.
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