March 04, Village of Inman Board Meeting Minutes The meeting was called to order by Nicole Campbell, Village Board Chairperson at 7:30 pm. Those in attendance were Nicole Campbell, Chairperson, Kyle Campbell, Randy Keil, Sherryl Sawyer, Deb Morsbach, Treasurer and Gwenda Decker-Sterns, Clerk. Also, in attendance were Gary Connot, Street Superintendent and Mile Strope. The public notice for the meeting posted on the door of the Community Center was pointed out as was the Open Meeting Act poster hanging on the Northwest wall of the Community Center. Gary Connot was present for the 1 and 6 Road hearing which was open for public comment. There are no planned paving projects at this time. The Village will complete regular maintenance. Randy Keil made a motion to accept the 1 and 6 road plan and adopt resolution #342024. The motion was seconded by Kyle Campbell. None opposed. Motion carried. The Board reviewed the February meeting minutes. A motion was made by Kyle Campbell to accept the minutes as written. Sherryl Sawyer seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. The Board was presented with a verbal proposal for the repairs of the West outside wall of the library by Mike Strope. Mike presented 3 options for repairing the building, removing the current bricks, cleaning and reinstalling them, removing the current bricks and replacing them with metal sheeting and removing the bricks and replacing them with stucco. Mike also shared with the Board there may possibly be grant monies available for part of the project. He did not have the contact information for the grant with him and will contact Kyle Campbell with the information later in the week. The Board discussed the options and requested Mike bring to the next Board meeting bids for the repairs using metal sheeting and stucco. Mike was informed the next meeting will be held at the Community Center on April 1, at 7:30 pm. Gwenda Decker-Sterns, Clerk reported to the Board regarding the letter sent to Vicki Doty, Area CORE Representative. A request had been made for Vicki to turn in her mileage along with a printout of her route to and from the CORE meeting by using a computer mapping showing the route, miles driven, and rate charged. Vicki had also been asked to report back to the Board on at least a quarterly basis on the opportunities to area residents through the CORE program. Contact information was shared with her so she could contact Gwen with any questions. Received back from Vicki was a handwritten note regarding the miles traveled to and from her destination and a charge of $.75 per mile. Another letter will be sent with examples of the information required, including a sample copy of the map needed and what the Federal mileage reimbursement rate is currently. Deb Morsbach reported to the Board the status of the new Community Center Rental Agreement. She has the agreement revamped and has it in both English and Spanish. She was not able to bring it to the meeting this evening for approval due to availability of a printer compatible with her USB stick. She will print it and bring it to the next meeting. Gwen Decker-Sterns reported on the purchase of the 3-in-1 printer. The printer has not been purchased due to internet issues at the Community Center. Now that the issues have been resolved the printer will be purchased by the next Board meeting. Deb Morsbach had been approached by the members of Bargain Byway asking to have the Inman Community Center open again this year during Bargain Byway. Deb reported to the Board she has not been able to secure volunteers to assist with the project and therefore has decided not to have the Community Center open. The need for the Treasurer to attend continuing education has been clarified by the State Auditor's office and shared with the Board. Margaret Hartsock submitted to the Board a building permit to place a mobile home on her property at the Northwest corner of 1st Street and Oak Street. She requested the Village have a sewer hookup put in place from the Village sewer line to her property line. Kyle will contact area plumbers regarding submitting a bid for the project. A notice for bids will be placed in the area newspaper. A letter will be sent to Margaret to inform her she will be responsible for the project from the “Y” on the Village main and the sewer line on her property. A motion was made by Sherryl Sawyer to approve the building permit. Deb Morsbach seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. During the reorganization of the Board during the last meeting, the Board omitted continuing the use of Dana Cole, Inc. as the Village of Inman Accountant. A motion was made by Kyle Campbell to continue using Dana Cole, Inc as the Village accountant. The motion was seconded by Deb Morsbach. None opposed. Motion carried. Kyle Campbell presented to the Board the options of two types of gravel to be used on the streets of Inman. He presented the option of coarse gravel and road gravel, the amount needed and the cost of both types. The Board discussed the pros and cons of the options. A motion was made to purchase coarse gravel by Deb Morsbach. The motion was seconded by Randy Keil. None opposed. Motion carried. Deb Morsbach presented to the Board fund balances. A motion was made by Randy Keil to transfer $10,000 from the general fund to the streets fund to allow for the purchase of the gravel for the Village streets. The motion was seconded by Deb Morsbach. None opposed. Motion carried. The Board discussed the availability of a sewer map. A motion was made to table the issue until next month to allow Board members to research availability. The motion to table the issue was made by Kyle Campbell and seconded by Rany Keil. None opposed. Motion carried. Deb Morsbach reported on sewer account status for the residents of Inman. There are accounts 30, 60 and 90 days past due. The Board discussed various options. A motion was made by Randy Keil to send notices to the customers at 30 and 60 days past due and at 90 days the account will be turned over to the Village attorney. The motion was seconded by Deb Morsbach. None opposed. Motion carried. Kyle Campbell suggested the Board purchase some new park/playground equipment to add to and replace some of the current equipment. Kyle shared pictures of a swing set/playset and seesaw and the cost of the equipment. The Board discussed the need to replace the current seesaws. A motion was made by Randy Keil to purchase the new equipment. Deb Morsbach seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. Gwenda Decker-Sterns shared with the Board the results of the Audit Waiver have been received and recommendations were made in the way claims are listed for approval and the development of a debit card policy if there is to continue to be a debit card. Gwenda Decker-Sterns requested from the Board the issuance of a check for the payment of her motel room when she attends the Clerk's Conference March 17th through the 22nd due to the Board making the decision at the last Board meeting to no longer have a debit card. The Board agreed she should take a check with her for the motel expense. Kyle Campbell reported on the Flood Administrator's Conference he attended February 21st and 22nd in Broken Bow, NE. Kyle shared he has started working with area specialists regarding the water flow into the Village when there is significant snowmelt or rainfall. Deb Morsbach submitted her 30-day resignation to the Board. Kyle Campbell made a motion to accept the resignation. Randy Keil seconded the motion. Sherryl Sawyer opposed. Other Board members approved the motion. Motion carried. With the acceptance of Deb Morsbach's resignation Gwenda DeckerSterns, Village Clerk, will be taking over the Treasurer duties with Deb's guidance. An ad will be placed in the newspaper for a replacement. The Income and Expenses for the month of February were reviewed by the Board. Sherryl Sawyer made a motion to approve the income and expenses as presented. Randy Keil seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. The Board members will be thinking of ways to raise monies to offset the expense of making repairs to the library. A motion was made by Randy Keil to adjourn the meeting. Sherryl Sawyer seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:33 pm. Next Village of Inman Board meeting will be held April 01, 2024 at 7:30 pm at the Village of Inman Community Center. Published March 14, 2024 11 ZNEZ (0) COMMENTSWelcome to the discussion.
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