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Students Learn About Beef Production

Aug 28, 2024 (0)

STEERS FOR STUDENTS - Front row (l-r): Gracie Kaup, Reagan Stracke, Addie Ketteler, Elly Steinhauser, Morgan Menke, MaKayla Menke, Rylee Fuelberth and Ms. Katie Nolles. Back row (l-r): Kara from UNL, Bo Garcia from UNL, Owen Littau, Hunter Tubbs, Blake Wallinger, Austin Fuelberth, Dawson Heiser, Zane Doke and Kayde Ramm.
On Wednesday, August 21st the Stuart Animal Science students traveled to Husker Meats in Ainsworth to participate in the Steers for Students program. The program, managed by the Sandhills Cattle Association (SCA), allows ranchers to donate beef from one of their animals to the local school lunch program. Darrian and Wendy Fuelberth graciously donated a steer to the Stuart school lunch program. The SCA then connects students with the producers and provides education about harvesting beef.
Students from Stuart, Stapleton, Thedford, and Valentine convened at Husker Meats to learn about the harvesting, processing, and evaluating of beef. Jim Pinney, owner of Husker Meats, gave a tour of his facility before showing students the steps to fabricating a beef carcass. Bo Garcia, UNL assistant professor and meat judging coach, along with his graduate student, instructed students on meat evaluation. Additionally, students learned about the factors affecting yield grade and quality grade.
Participants were treated to lunch before departing for school. All students expressed their appreciation for learning about a new sector of the agriculture industry, and are excited to have local beef served for lunch.


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