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Planned Outage Parts Of Boyd, Holt & Knox

Sep 11, 2024 (0)

Columbus, Neb. –The final outage in a series of planned outages is scheduled for electric customers in Boyd County, as well as parts of Holt and Knox County, Sunday, Sept. 15 from 1 to 6 p.m. to finish work on a transformer replacement at the substation serving the area.

The outage will impact Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) customers in the communities of Butte, Bristow, and Lynch, as well as the village of Spencer and Niobrara Valley Electric Membership Corporation customers in rural Boyd County, northwestern Knox County, and northern Holt County. These customers have been served off of a mobile substation during the summer months, while crews installed a new transformer at the permanent substation. During the upcoming outage, crews will be restoring the system back to normal operation.

In addition, crews from both NPPD and Niobrara Valley E.M.C. will be making repairs to poles and crossarms, as well as installing breakers, which can only happen by taking an outage.

“I want to thank everyone in the affected areas for your patience and understanding during these outages,” noted NPPD Account Manager Brittney Koenig. “The transformer replaced at the substation and the repairs to structures will help ensure the area continues to receive reliable electric service. Crews will complete the work as safely and efficiently as possible, and customers will be restored once the repairs are completed.”

Some customers on the western side of the outage area may have their power restored first, after work on the substation is completed. Electric customers in the eastern area may be restored later than western customers because the additional repairs are taking place in this area and will likely take a little more time to complete than the substation work.

“This is necessary to make sure the system can operate properly heading into the winter months. We did our best to wait for irrigation load to drop in the area before taking this outage, and this will allow us to get some needed work accomplished. I'm thankful for everyone's patience while we get this work completed,” added Niobrara Valley E.M.C. General Manager Matt Fritz.


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