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Cowboy 200 Race To Pass Through Friday

Sep 11, 2024 (0)

The Cowboy 200 Race will again  put extreme endurance racers passing through O'Neill sometime Friday evening. The old depot (Holt Economic Development Office will be serving as one of the aide stations on the journey for the runners which starts in Norfolk at 6 a.m. in Norfolk. There is a 100 mile version of the course which starts in Atkinson on Saturday at 8:30 a..m on Saturday, Sept. 14

The Cowboy 200 is a point-to-point 200-mile footrace along the beautiful Cowboy Trail in Nebraska. This is a rails-to-trails course and will be run on a non-technical, 100% runnable, crushed limestone path inaccessible to motor vehicles. There will be short paved sections when running through towns along the route.


• 200+ miles with ZERO repetition.

• 100-mile option.

• Cash prize for 1st place male AND female in the 200-mile solo run. $1500 prize (each gender) + an additional $500 for new course records!

• Awesome swag!

• Ten manned aid stations, most with hot food. Nine additional unmanned aid stations with water and Proxima C Endurance Fuel. Three sleep stations.

• The course will start in Norfolk and head west along the Cowboy Trail to Valentine.

•1/3 the price of other zero repetition 200-milers.

• A percentage of race entry goes back to the Cowboy Trail for maintenance, repair, and improvements.

• Finish line/post-run celebration at Bolo Beer Co. in Valentine, NE – free beer for runners!

• Live GPS tracking by Legends Tracking USA

• NEW FOR 2024 – Live finish line feed!


200-mile solo cutoff – 84 hours (25:12/mile average)

100-mile solo cutoff – 32 hours (19:12/mile average)

Additional aid station-specific cutoffs will be posted in the runner's manual


Runners will travel from Norfolk to Valentine on the Cowboy Trail, an old “rail-trail” consisting of crushed limestone trails (off-limits to automobiles). During their epic 200-mile adventure, runners will be immersed in nature and experience the beauty and solitude of the Nebraska back-country.

Along this amazing journey, runners will see many ancient relics from the old railroad and pass through many quaint, history-filled towns' still utilizing buildings and artifacts from the old railroad – including a water-powered gristmill and numerous old railroad depots scattered along the route.

Some of the most famous and awe-inspiring structures along the Cowboy Trail are the former railway bridges in which runners will cross. In total there are over 200 bridges along the route with the largest being ¼ mile long and 148 feet high! This truly is a beautiful trek through America's heartland.


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Cowboy Trail


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