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O'Neill Public Schools Proceedings (06-22-2023)

Jun 20, 2023 (0)

Board of Education 

Regular Board Meeting

June 12, 2023

Board Members

Amy Jo Rowse - President

Coby Welke - Vice President

Michael Hammerlun - Vice 


Barton Becker - Member

Monica Huber - Member

Aaron Troester - Member

Board Secretary

Kathleen Marvin


Michael Rotherham - 


William Wragge - HS Principal

Jim York - Elementary Principal

Jill Brodersen - Assistant Principal

Nick Hostert - Activities Director

DeAnna Clifton - SPED Dir.

Board Treasurer

Carol Hammerlun


Attendance Taken at 7:30 PM. 

Amy Rowse: Absent; Barton Becker: Present; Michael Hammerlun: Present; Monica Huber: Present; Aaron Troester: Present; Coby Welke: Present   

Posted Locations: 

Holt County Independent (print & website)

• KBRX Radio

• O'Neill Post Office

• O'Neill Public Schools Administrative Office

• O'Neill Jr-Sr High School

• O'Neill Elementary School

O'Neill Public Schools Website

Posted: Thursday, June 1, 2023

Call to Order

The regular board meeting of the O'Neill Public School Board of Education was called to order by Vice President Coby Welke at 7:30 pm, on Monday, June 12, 2023 at the Administrative Offices at 410 East Benton, O'Neill, Nebraska. 

Roll Call

Administrators Jill Brodersen, Mike Rotherham, Will Wragge, and Jim York were present. 

Excused/Unexcused Board Members

A motion to excuse Amy Jo Rowse, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Monica Huber.

Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Absent, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1

Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Recite Mission Statement

The Mission Statement was recited.

Approve Meeting Agenda

A motion to approve the meeting agenda, passed with a motion made by Barton Becker and seconded by Michael Hammerlun.

Amy Rowse: Absent, Monica Huber: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1

Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

A motion to approve the minutes of the May 15, 2023 regular meeting, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Monica Huber.

Amy Rowse: Absent, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1

Reception of Visitors

Visitors were welcomed and informed that this meeting was in compliance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act which is posted on the south wall of the boardroom.

Oral and Written Communications

Communications received, either written or oral, were reviewed.  

Presentation of Diploma

Principal Mr. Will Wragge presented Sarah Turpin her diploma after successfully completing the graduation requirements.  

Old Business

Football Concession Stand/Restroom Project

Mr. Rotherham updated the board on the status of the project. He has been in contact with the underground boring company as well as the plumber and hopefully will be able to get the line on the south side of the street in the near future. No action is necessary.

Building Maintenance Technician

Mr. Rotherham visited with a couple of applicants. No action is necessary.

Policy #5045 - Student Fees

A motion to approve Policy #5045 - Student Fees as amended with updated meal prices, passed with a motion made by Barton Becker and seconded by Aaron Troester.

Amy Rowse: Absent, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1

Policy Series 4000

A motion to adopt the Policy Series 4000s as presented, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Barton Becker.

Amy Rowse: Absent, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1

Policy Series 6000

A motion to adopt the Policy Series 6000s as presented, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Monica Huber.

Amy Rowse: Absent, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1

New Business

• Elementary Secure Entrance

A motion to proceed with Bartak to complete the secure entrance at the elementary school, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Barton Becker.

Amy Rowse: Absent, Monica Huber: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1

Authorize Superintendent to Apply for Federal Funds for the 2023-2024 school year

A motion to authorize Mr. Rotherham to apply for federal funds for the 2023-2024 school year, passed with a motion made by Barton Becker and seconded by Michael Hammerlun.

Amy Rowse: Absent, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1

Activity Assignments

Mr. Nick Hostert had mostly completed the activity assignments. Mr. Rotherham and the administrative team completed filling the remaining vacancies. The assignments were reviewed. No action is necessary.

Occupational Therapy Contract

A motion to enter into a contract with Natalie Camp for Occupational Therapy, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Monica Huber.

Amy Rowse: Absent, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1

Superintendent Evaluation

According to policy, the superintendent should be evaluated twice in the first year of employment. An oral evaluation took place during the first semester and the board will now complete the formal written evaluation for the second semester. No action is necessary.

Option Enrollment Report

The Option Enrollment report was reviewed. No action is necessary.

Administrative Reports

The administrative reports were presented.  

Bills and Claims and Payroll Report

A motion to approve the bills and claims, and accept the payroll report, passed with a motion made by Michael Hammerlun and seconded by Barton Becker.

Amy Rowse: Absent, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1


A motion to adjourn at 8:19 pm, passed with a motion made by Barton Becker and seconded by Michael Hammerlun.

Amy Rowse: Absent, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea

Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1

Kathleen Marvin 

School Board Secretary 

Holt Co. Dist. #7

General Fund

ACCO Brands USA LLC 2,169.00

Advanced Water Company, Inc.. 1,575.00

Alder Plumbing LLC 412.62

Alfred Media 63.00 6,715.18

Appeara 826.78

Avera St. Anthony's Hospital 1,968.15

Black Hills Energy 3,284.85

Blick Art Materials 1,006.77

Bomgaars 133.96

Boyle, Johanna 150.00

Brachle, Ashley 156.81

Bright Wheel 50.00

Brown, Steven 10.00

Bureau of Education & Research 489.00

Burival, Jeni 130.68

Buxton, Cody 313.62

Camp, Natalie 4,029.00

Carhart Lumber Co. 373.92

Carson Dellosa Education 182.21

Casey's General Store #6120 33.96

Casey's General Stores, Inc. 76.99

CenturyLink 100.43

Chambers Public School 1,017.09

CIT Bank, NA 577,342.90

City of O'Neill Recycling Center 25.15

City of O'Neill 3,963.52

Clearfly 442.73

Clouse, Jessica 209.08

Cooper, Maria 209.08

Cubby's, Inc. 2,188.55

Cuhel, Frank 418.16

Davis, Paula 78.41

Dean, Chad 51.25

DeKay, Lindsay 339.76

Dickau, Jacob 145.61

Discount School Supply 359.74

Dollar General-Regions 410526 41.50

Dykshorn, Melissa 182.95

Egan Supply Co 10,886.28

Engelhaupt, Monica 392.03

Eventbrite 75.00

Fire Protection Services, LLC 1,517.50

First Student, Inc 16,542.91

Fisher, Tonya 364.03

Flinn Scientific, Inc. 143.68

Frank, Shelly 182.95

Frontline Technologies Group LLC 2,618.29

Gruhn, Cindy 182.95

Guardian Security Service 3,600.07

Gueta-Lopez, Gabriela 145.61

Harte's Lawn Service 18,087.35

Heartland Counseling Services, Inc. 1,000.00

Heartland Fire Protection 2,418.95

Heinemann Publishing 1,113.00

Holt County Independent 355.93

HOOKandLOOP.COM 139.40

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Co 3,006.72

Hyatt Appliance Service 199.68

Hyvee 62.49

Irwin, Anna 10.00

J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc. 306.49

Jakubowski, Cindy 903.54

KBRX Radio 15.00

Kennedy, Valerie 365.89

Kim Foundation 350.00

Klasna, Lala 339.76

Klein, Carre 3,936.10

Kratz, Inc 3,069.50 95.97

Krysl, Lisa 78.41

Laible, Dustin 209.08

Lakeshore Learning Materials 1,615.67

Leaf Funding Inc 1,131.64

Learning Without Tears, Inc. 735.05

Little Disciples Child Development Center 1,600.00

Lunchtime Solutions, Inc.. 717.00

Maverik - Alliance #502 15.92

McManigal, Kylee 10.00

Midwest Automatic Fire Sprinkler Co 3,421.05

Midwest Technology Products 2,377.58

Miner, Cheryl 130.68

NASB-Nebr Assoc of School Boards 175.00

Neko's Pub 222.23

Neu You Physical Therapy, PC, 1,854.50

NoRedInk Corp 2,142.00


NPPD 8,962.08

O'Neill Car Wash LLC 23.52

O'Neill Lanes 172.25

O'Neill Shopper 386.79

O'Neill Super Foods 343.87

Ogden Hardware 2,872.88

Ollendick, Kacey 52.27

One Office Solution 2,759.71

One Source, The Background Check Co.,Inc 99.00

OPS District #7 50.00

Oriental Trading, Inc 55.95

Parco Scientific Company 20.00

Parks, Katie 78.41

Pearson, Inc, NCS 109.75

Perfection Learning 130.97

Peterson, Kristi 339.76

Petro York 362 167.24

Pinkerman, Denise 313.62

Pitney Bowes Bank Inc 1,047.84

Pitsco Education, LLC 207.68

Popplers Music, Inc 108.70

Postmaster 178.00

Procare Software 79.00

Ranchland Auto Parts 5.03

Really Good Stuff, LLC 137.97

S&S Worldwide 383.50

SAVVAS Learning Company, LLC 764.82

Schaecher Electric LLC 120.00

Schluns, Amanda 52.27

Scholastic Inc 101.20

School Datebooks, Inc 775.01

School Health Corporation 210.02

School Library Journal 136.99

School Speciality LLC 1,362.67

Schwim, Samantha 1,218.30

SF Gasamat #011 49.86

Sholes, Molly 145.61

Spangler, Cindy 169.88

Stepp, Melanie 507.77

Steppco Refrigeration 1,386.02

Striv AV, LLC 364.21

Subway 374.50

Summers, Darren 156.81

Sunshine Books International Limited 303.87

Super Duper Publications 56.95

Swiftreach Networks, LLC 2,647.29

Target 2,241.65

Teachers Pay Teachers 116.95

Three River 480.59 193.15

Torpin's Rodeo Market 2,046.34

Trafera, LLC 3,272.00

VanEvery, Greg 339.76

Viaero Wireless 157.36

Vivacity Tech PBC 650.00 4,399.08

Welke, Amanda 114.99

West Holt Public Schools 567.00

Wilson, Sarah 339.76

Wiseman, Tricia 313.62

Wright, Hannah 627.24

Young, Heather 222.15

Young, Sara 287.49

Zlomke, Kendra 574.97

Fund Total 747,389.23

Nutrition Fund

Braun, Michaela 9.90

Gillham, Carolyn 31.80

Heiser, Mikaela 3.20

Hostert, Gary 4.30

Kotrous, Kiefer 30.85

Lunchtime Solutions, Inc.. 35,939.89

Mann, Ann 17.25

Midwest Restaurant Supply LLC 3,474.00

Pitney Bowes Bank Inc 370.20

Scott, Nicole 150.00

Fund Total 40,031.39

Checking Acount Total 787,420.62

Building Fund

CIT Bank, NA 643,731.82

Fund Total 643,731.82

Checking Account Total 643,731.82

Published June 22, 2023                25



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