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O'Neill Public Schools Proceedings (04-04-2024)

Apr 4, 2024 (0)

Board of Education 

Special Board Meeting

March 27, 2024

Board Members

Amy Jo Rowse - President

Coby Welke - Vice President

Michael Hammerlun - Vice 


Barton Becker - Member

Monica Huber - Member

Aaron Troester - Member

Board Secretary

Kathleen Marvin


Michael Rotherham - 


William Wragge - HS Principal

Jim York - Elementary Principal

Jill Brodersen - Assistant Principal

Nathan Larsen - Activities Director

DeAnna Clifton - SPED Dir.

Board Treasurer

Carol Hammerlun


Attendance Taken at 7:35 PM. 

Barton Becker: Present; Michael Hammerlun: Present; Monica Huber: Present; Amy Rowse: Present; Aaron Troester: Present; Coby Welke: Present   

Posted Locations: 

Holt County Independent (print & website)

• KBRX Radio

• O'Neill Post Office

• O'Neill Public Schools Administrative Office

• O'Neill Jr-Sr High School

• O'Neill Elementary School

O'Neill Public Schools Website

Posted: Thursday, March 14, 2024

Call to Order

The special board meeting of the O'Neill Public School Board of Education was called to order by President Amy Jo Rowse at 7:35 pm, on Monday, March 25, 2024 at the Administrative Offices at 635 N 4th Street, O'Neill, Nebraska. 

Roll Call

Administrators Jill Brodersen, DeAnna Clifton, Nathan Larsen, Mike Rotherham, Will Wragge, and Jim York were present. 

Excused/Unexcused Board Members

• Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Approve Meeting Agenda

A motion to approve the meeting agenda, passed with a motion by Michael Hammerlun and a second by Coby Welke.

Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea 

Yea: 6, Nay: 0

Reception of Visitors

Visitors were welcomed and informed that this meeting was in compliance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act which is posted on the south wall of the board room.

Oral and Written Communications

Communications received, either written or oral, were reviewed.  


• Real Estate Opportunity

A motion to go into closed session to discuss a real estate opportunity for the protection of the public interest passed with a motion by Barton Becker and a second by Aaron Troester.

Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Nay, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea 

Yea: 5, Nay: 1

Entered closed session at 7:38 pm.

Exited closed session at 7:56 pm.

No action was taken.

Administrator's Salaries

A motion to go into closed session to discuss administrator salaries to prevent needless injury to the reputation of an individual passed with a motion by Barton Becker and a second by Monica Huber.

Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea 

Yea: 6, Nay: 0

Entered closed session at 7:58 pm.

Exited closed session at 8:07 pm.

A motion to increase the administrator's salaries by 5% passed with a motion by Michael Hammerlun and a second by Coby Welke.

Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea 

Yea: 6, Nay: 0

Non-Teaching Staff Salaries

A motion to go into closed session to discuss non-teaching staff salaries to include speech pathologists, the school psychologist, and the technology coordinator to prevent needless injury to the reputation of an individual passed with a motion by Michael Hammerlun and a second by Monica Huber.

Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea 

Yea: 6, Nay: 0

Entered closed session at 8:10 pm.

Exited closed session at 8:24 pm.

A motion to increase the non-teaching staff salaries by 5% passed with a motion by Coby Welke and a second by Aaron Troester.

Barton Becker: Yea, Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea 

Yea: 6, Nay: 0


A motion to adjourn at 8:27 pm passed with a motion by Michael Hammerlun and a second by Barton Becker.

Michael Hammerlun: Yea, Monica Huber: Yea, Amy Rowse: Yea, Aaron Troester: Yea, Coby Welke: Yea, Barton Becker: Yea 

Yea: 6, Nay: 0

Kathleen Marvin

School Board Secretary 

Holt Co. Dist. #7 

Published April 4, 2024                  14



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