The City thanks its citizens for their patience and understanding during the explosion and fire at the Parish Center. At this time Adams Street from 2nd Street to 4th Street and 3rd Street from John to Adams is closed to through traffic until further notice. John Prouty Construction and Randy North Construction are both on site for clean up of the area. The City would also like to thank the O'Neill Fire Department and the Departments from surrounding towns that came to help with mutual aid as well as all law enforcement officials involved. Thanks to KBRX for keeping everyone timely informed of the situation. Teal's Westside Diner, 402 Beef, Casey's and everyone who donated items or time are much appreciated for stepping up and providing meals and assistance for all first responders. As always our strong community came together in a time of need. O'Neill is a great place! Scott Menish Mayor City of O'Neill (0) COMMENTSWelcome to the discussion.
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