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O'Neill Bands To Play At Air Show

Jul 10, 2024 (0)

On July 20th, the O'Neill High school Band will be performing at the 2024 Nebraska Fly In And Air Show. Junior High, High School, and Alumni Band members are asked to represent the Band at this historic occasion. If needed, the Music Room will be open at 10 a.m., the band members will meet at 10:30 at the O'Neill Airport. The mass band will then play Danger Zone, as well as the Star Spangled Banner as the American flag comes into the airport via a parachutist around 11 a.m. Band members are asked to wear a band shirt or school related shirt and shorts for this performance. 

“This will be the first time our band has played at the airport. It's truly exciting to be a part of such a great day in O'Neill. We're hoping for a large band that includes Junior High, High School and even Alumni Band members. I can't wait!” commented band director Chad Dean.  


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