Every young person deserves to have someone to turn to. The mission of the TeamMates Mentoring Program is to impact the world by inspiring youth to reach their full potential. Madalynn Hohbein, a mentee with Holt County TeamMates and graduate of O'Neill Public High School, has been named a recipient of The Jodell Jones Memorial Scholarship. During the 2017-18 school year, TeamMates served close to 9,400 youth in more than 160 communities across Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming and Iowa. Mentors meet with their mentees one-on-one in school, once a week, during the academic year. Hohbein has been active in Holt County TeamMates for two years. Her mentor was Alissa Doerr. She plans to continue her education at Wayne State College. Mentees can be nominated one of three ways. They can be nominated by a parent, school staff member or self-nomination. Mentors are not tutors or counselors, nor are they there to “fix” anything — they're there to be friends. Mentors are matched with mentees based on interests and life experiences. “The TeamMates Mentoring Program would love an opportunity to share the mission of the program with the community. With your help, we can be one step closer to serving 12,000 youth by 2020 and be considered part of the ‘Gold Standard' of school-based mentoring programs,” said Holt County TeamMates Coordinator Cheleigh Sholes. For more information, contact Cheleigh Sholes at HoltCoTeamMates@gmail.com or (402) 340-1991.
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