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Nebraska National Guard Statue Dedicated At Atkinson Post 86

Jul 24, 2024 (0)

STATUE REDEDICATION - American Legion rededicated this solider statue to commemorate the fallen heroes SPC William L. Bailey III and SGT Jacob S. Schmuecker. Pictured on the left is Ken Stenka, Holt County Veteran Service Officer and Atkinson Mayor Joshua Erickson.

On Sunday at 1 p.m. the Atkinson American Legion rededicated the solider statue to two members of the O'Neill National Guard unit that was deployed in 2006. The statue was on display until this year when the O'Neill Guard building was sold to the O'Neill Public School.

On September 5, 2006, the 755th Chemical Company's flag deployed as part of the Global War on Terrorism. In December 2006, 1LT Vincent T. Dvorak and 1SG Brian E. Zucchelli, led the 755th Security Force (SECFOR) Company into Northern Iraq, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, to provide convoy security for logistical convoy operations near Balad, Iraq. Halfway through deployment, CPT David P. Benak assumed command from CPT Vincent T. Dvorak, due to medical issues.

In December 2007, CPT David P. Benak brought the 755th SECFOR home. The 755th Chemical Company was subsequently deactivated due to a change in the mission. They then reorganized into the new CBRNE enhanced Response Force Package (CERFP). The O'Neill unit became a Detachment of the 754th Chemical Company from Omaha, Nebraska.

During the deployment, a statue was donated to the unit through community donations, family members of those deployed, the Nebraska Troop Support Fund and the unit Family Readiness Group (FRG). In January 2009, funds were generated by the State Facilities Maintenance Office in order to build a base on which to place the statue. On July 10, 2009, the statue was completed.

On the first day of August 2009, the Det. 1, 754th Chemical Company, O'Neill, Nebraska, dedicated this statue on behalf of those soldiers who deployed with the 755th SECFOR; as well as in honor of the two fallen Warriors, SPC William L. Bailey III and SGT Jacob S. Schmuecker, who respectfully gave their lives for the very Great Nation we live in.

This day, July 21, 2024 we rededicate this statue in front of American Legion Post 86 to continue our tribute to these heroes.


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