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Lady Cards Win At Bloomfield Triangular

Sep 4, 2024 (0)

The St. Mary's Volleyball squad opened their season in a triangular in Bloomfield on Thursday, Aug. 29.

The girls won against Wausa 2-0 and Bloomfield 2-0.

In the match against the Wasau Vikings the girl defeated them in sets of 25-18 and 25-13.

Leading the girls was Annabelle Barlow with two kills,one ace serve, one block and six digs; Pyper Ickes two kills, one block and one dig; Gracie Williamson one kill,one ace serve and one block; Adyson Peterson one kill, one block and two digs; Samantha Asche one kill, three blocks and one dig; and Anna Otte one kill, one ace serve and two blocks.

In the match against Bloomfield the Cards won 25-15 and 25-17.

Leading in the match were Williamson with five kills, one ace serve, two blocks and two digs; Barlow three kills, four ace serves and two digs; Ickes two kills, two blocks and two digs; Otte two kills, one ace serve and one block; Asche one kill, two blocks and one dig; and Peterson one kill and two digs.


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