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Kerkman Named Rodeo Association Queen

Jun 19, 2024 (0)

Courtesy KBRX Radio

The Nebraska High School Rodeo Association crowned their new Queen on the final day of the 2024 Championships in Burwell Saturday, June 15, 2024. The new Queen is Felycia Kerkman of Atkinson. The First Runner-Up was Claudia Rhodes from Big Springs, NE.

Felycia had an amazing run in the competition winning six of the nine categories.  Kerkman won Appearance, Speech, Horsemanship, Modeling, Personality and Congeniality. The other categories were Interview, Test, and Impromptu Question.

Felycia will compete in the Queen Contest at the National High School Rodeo Finals in Rock Springs, Wyoming. Her competition will begin July 10, 2024 with the Crowning Ceremony on Saturday, July 20, 2024. This competition is the largest rodeo Queen contest in America. Felycia is the daughter of Korey & Andrea Kerkman.


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