The annual O'Neill Irish ToberFest BBQ & Brew will be held again this year on Saturday, Sept. 23 with the festivities taking place at the O'Neill Knights of Columbus Hall. Teams will be charged a fee of $75 payable to the O'Neill Chamber of Commerce. Payment must be submitted before Sept. 16 at 5 p.m. to participate. Only three man teams per grill are allowed. Contestants must be 14 years of age or accompanied by an adult. Any guest in the beer garden after 11 a.m., that did not pay the contest fee, must pay the entry fee of $15 or leave. Prizes are:$500 for first place,$300 for second place, $200 for third place, $150 for fourth and $75 for fifth. There is also Peoples Choice Prizes with $500 going to first, $300 for second, $200 for third, $150 for fourth and $75 for fifth. The contestants are not allowed to sell any form of product. The ribs will be provided by the Chamber of Commerce, Contestants will be able to pickup the ribs on Friday, Sept. 22 from 4-7 p.m. at the KC Hall, for those that want to parboil or marinate. All cooking must be done on site. The constants must bring their own grill, sauces,utensils, pans, lawn chairs. Each team is allowed one tent to work under. Each grill must be in the garden area by 11 a.m. to qualify. Setup time will be from 7-11 a.m. on Saturday. Judging will begin at 4 p.m. Samples must be done by 3:45 p.m. or be disqualified. Only one bone will be given to the customer, they may come back for more. All alcohol must be purchased from the KC Hall. This year the Rib Fest will also host the 14th Annual Bean Bag Tournament. Registration for this event will be from 10-11 a.m. with play to begin at 11 a.m. This event is for ages 19 and up and registration is $30 per team with cash prizes going to the top three teams. The ribs will be ready for the public to sample at 4 p.m. The cost is $15 for adults and $5 for 10 and under. This includes all you can eat ribs and a bottle of water. There are no to-go orders. The Homebrew Contest is taking place as well. Entries are welcome and adult patrons are invited to come sample local brews. Last year the event attracted 300 spectators and 30 teams of rib cookers.
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Tags | Barbecue Celebration Toberfest |