April 7, 2022 John Hammerlun opens the meeting at 6:00 P.M. Present: Dan Drueke, Tom Welsh, Kevin DeKay, Dan Pribil, John Hammerlun, Dustin Breiner Supervisor and Bill Babutzke Weed Superintendent. Minutes Approved: Kevin DeKay made a motion to approve the minutes and Dan Pribil seconded. All approved. Claims Approved: Dustin Breiner made a motion to approve the claims and Tom Welsh seconded. All approved. Old Business: N/A New Business: Shredding is coming to an end. The machine has 484 hours with 16 left to use. Bill Babutzke has been working at Redbird. Bill has cut cedars, cleaned up trees around bridge and will continue further brush cutting south. On April 15th Bill will complete his hours at the Road Department. Discussion continues to either paint or side the shop. The discussion was tabled until further information can be gathered. Byron Wilson will come back to work for the Weed Department this summer. Information on the following list of twelve noxious weeds found in Nebraska can be located at the neweed.org website with sufficient information on each noxious weed. Canada Thistle, Musk Thistle, Plumeless Thistle, Purple Loosestrife, Spotted Knapweed, Diffuse Knapweed, Saltcedar, Phragmites, Giant Knotweed, Japanese Knotweed, Sericea Lespedeza, Leafy Spurge. In the following weeks a list of Invasive Plants Watch List for 2022 will be given. For Terrestrial Plant Species north of the Elkhorn River (Category 1), species are, Giant Reed, Flowering Rush, and Oriental Bittersweet Next Meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday May 12th, 2022. Dan Pribil made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Dan Drueke seconded. All approved. Meeting adjourned at 6:47 p.m. Jennifer Koenig Published April 28, 2022 17 ZNEZ (0) COMMENTSWelcome to the discussion.
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