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Holt County Board of Supervisors Proceedings (4-28-2022)

Apr 28, 2022 (0)

April 18, 2022

O'Neill, Nebraska

The Holt County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with all members present. County Assessor Tim Wallinger, County Treasurer Shelly Ross and County Clerk Cathy Pavel were also in attendance. This meeting publicized pursuant to Section 84-1411 R.R.S. 1943. Notice of meeting given in advance thereof by publication in paper as shown by Affidavit of Publication on April 7, 2022, in the Holt County Independent.  

Chairman Frahm convened the meeting at 9:31 A.M. with the flag salute.

Motion by Butterfield, 2nd by Breiner, to approve the minutes of the March 31, 2022, meeting as printed. Voting Aye: Treptow, Keyes, Butterfield, Breiner, Paxton, Tielke and Frahm. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Butterfield, 2nd by Paxton, to approve the tax list corrections #22-011 as submitted by the Assessor. Voting Aye: Keyes, Butterfield, Breiner, Paxton, Tielke, Treptow and Frahm. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Chairman Frahm adjourned the meeting at 9:38 A.M.

Doug Frahm, Chairman

Cathy Pavel, Clerk

April 18, 2022

O'Neill, Nebraska

The Holt County Board of Supervisors met in regular session as per adjournment with all members present. This meeting publicized to Section 84-1411 R.R.S. 1943. Notice of meeting given in advance thereof by publication in paper as shown by Affidavit of Publication on April 7, 2022, in the Holt County Independent.  

Chairman Tielke convened the meeting at 9:45 A.M. and informed the public of the location of the Open Meeting Poster.

Motion by Frahm, 2nd by Paxton, to approve the minutes of the March 31, 2022, meeting as printed. Voting Aye: Treptow, Keyes, Butterfield, Breiner, Paxton, Frahm and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

The Treasurer's Report was presented and placed on file.

The Board reviewed claims on file.

Correspondence was reviewed.

Natalie Butterfield with the Fenian Women's Auxiliary updated the Board on the dedication of the General John O'Neill statue on June 4th, 2022, at 1:00 P.M.

Weed Superintendent Bill Babutzke submitted his Quarterly Report.  

At 10:16 A.M., Motion by Paxton, 2nd by Keyes, to convene in Executive Session to discuss pending negotiations and pending litigation. Voting Aye: Keyes, Butterfield, Breiner, Paxton, Frahm, Treptow and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

The Board members, County Attorney and County Clerk were present in closed session.  

At 10:41 A.M., Motion by Frahm, 2nd by Paxton, to adjourn from Executive Session and convene in open session. Voting Aye: Butterfield, Breiner, Paxton, Frahm, Treptow, Keyes and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Chairman Tielke stated the only items discussed was pending negotiations and pending litigation and no action resulted.

Motion by Frahm, 2nd by Paxton, to approve the zoning application on file for Richard J. Soukup, RES Land Development on a tract in SW ¼ SE ¼ 1-25-12. Voting Aye: Breiner, Paxton, Frahm, Treptow, Keyes, Butterfield and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

The Finance Committee reported that the County Officials had remitted their monthly fees to the County Treasurer as required.

The Board reviewed the contract for service with Marvin Planning Consultants to update the Holt County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Regulations.

Motion by Frahm, 2nd by Butterfield, to approve the contract for service with Holt County and Marvin Planning Consultants to update the Holt County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Regulations. Voting Aye: Paxton, Frahm, Treptow, Keyes, Butterfield, Breiner and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Keyes, 2nd by Paxton, to approve the Construction Engineering Supplemental Agreement No. 1 Naper South Project No. ER-2115(6) between Holt County and Speece Lewis Engineers. Voting Aye: Paxton, Frahm, Treptow, Keyes, Butterfield, Breiner and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried. Complete Agreement #2022-7 will be printed in the official minutes. 


Motion by Paxton, 2nd by Breiner, to approve the construction of Federal Aid Project No. ER-2300(2) O'Neill Northeast bid letting April 7, 2022. The State received bids for this project, 2 bids were received for the construction of the proposed work.  The low bid was awarded to North Construction LLC, O'Neill, NE for $1,540,632.00. Voting Aye: Frahm, Treptow, Keyes, Butterfield, Breiner, Paxton and Tielke.  Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.  Complete Resolution will be printed in the official minutes.

Motion by Butterfield, 2nd by Frahm, to consign surplus auction materials with Pavel Auction Services online auction. Voting Aye: Treptow, Keyes, Butterfield, Breiner, Paxton, Frahm and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Keyes, 2nd by Treptow, to approve the updated Holt County Policy on Roads and Bridges effective May 1, 2022. Voting Aye: Keyes, Butterfield, Breiner, Paxton, Frahm, Treptow and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Road Superintendent Gary Connot presented the Road Department Activity Report.

Jordan Mrkvicka with Murphy Tractor & Equipment, Grand Island, NE, presented the state bid proposal to the Board on a new John Deere 772 GP motor grader.

Motion by Keyes, 2nd by Breiner, to approve the state bid purchase with Murphy Tractor & Equipment on a 2022 John Deere 772 GP motor grader with 6WD for $396,953.00 with service plan for approximate delivery of February 2023. Voting Aye: Butterfield, Breiner, Paxton, Frahm, Treptow, Keyes and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Frahm, 2nd by Paxton, to approve the following claims minus claim #22040110 to Mary Breiner for $1,937.50 & claim #22040038 to J&S Outdoors for $340.00. Voting Aye: Breiner, Paxton, Frahm, Treptow, Keyes, Butterfield and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Frahm, 2nd by Butterfield, to approve claim #22040038 to J&S Outdoors for $340.00. Voting Aye: Paxton, Frahm, Keyes, Butterfield, Breiner and Tielke. Voting Nay: None. Abstain: Treptow. Motion carried.

Motion by Frahm, 2nd by Butterfield, to approve claim #22040110 to Mary Breiner for $1,937.50. Voting Aye: Frahm, Treptow, Keyes, Butterfield, Paxton and Tielke. Voting Nay: None.  Abstain: Breiner. Motion carried.

General Fund Claim Total:  $260,679.60: Alder Plumbing, LLC, Rep, $270.70; Alertmedia, Inc., Serv, $6,977.00; American Express, Off Supp/Equipment, $176.68; Anderson Ford of Lincoln, 2022 Ford F150, $9,247.00; Anson Insurance Services, Inc., Ins, $63,848.00; Applied Connective Technologies, Serv, $1,846.60; Atkinson Graphic, Print/Pub, $22.70; Babutzke, William, Mileage, $221.19; Black Hills Energy, Serv, $809.87; Bomgaars, Supp, $175.16; Brent Kelly Law Firm, Phone/Utilities, $595.69; Bruner Frank Shcumacher Husak, LLC, Atty Fees, $323.00; Bullseye Fire Sprinkler, Inc., Main/Rep, $400.00; Carhart Lumber Co., Supp, $2.08; Century Link-Probation Office, Serv, $223.82; Century Link-Sheriff & Courthouse, Serv, $810.76; City of O'Neill, Serv, $741.56; Clearfly Communications, Serv, $309.63; Clerk of District Court, Postage Reimburse, $179.00; Connot Tire Service, Rep, $1,504.50; Crosby, Kerry, Court Costs, $1,024.00; Eakes, Off Equip, $427.05; Election Systems & Software, Print/Pub, $4,699.67; Fire Protection Services, LLC, Main/Rep, $135.00; Forker, Don, Training, $72.00; Fox's Food Plaza, Fuel, $122.93; Fusion Cloud Services, LLC, Serv, $235.28; Galyen, Boettcher & Baier PC, LLO, Atty Fees, $170.00; Gokie Oil Co., Fuel, $94.80; Gotschall & Sholes, Atty Fees, $700.00; Great America Leasing Co., Off Equip Lease, $1,408.79; Great Plains Communications, Inc., Serv, $201.39; Holt County Independent, Print/Pub/Sub, $1,117.68; Holt County Court, Court Costs, $151.00; Holt County District Court, Court Costs, $108.00; Holt County Tire, Rep, $45.50; Holt County Treasurer, Misc, $20.00; J & S Outdoors, Supp, $340.00; Jack's Uniforms & Equipment, Supp, $666.73; JCT Computers, Rep, $185.00; KBRX Radio Station, Advertising, $151.50; Logmein USA, Inc., Data Process, $1,392.00; Marvin Planning Consultants, Inc., Serv, $1,570.00; Matchett, Ben, Travel, $24.00; Meritain Health, Ins, $125,000.00; Microfilm Imaging Systems, Inc., Off Equip Lease, $287.00; Microsoft, Data Process, $132.00; Mips, Inc., Data Process/Off Supp, $2,367.72; Nebraska Public Power District, Serv, $3,172.31; Nebraska State Patrol, Misc, $430.50; Nebraska Tech & Telecommunications, Inc., Serv, $430.41; Nebraska.Gov, Sub, $124.00; Netcom, Inc., Rep, $265.00; O'Neill Car Wash, Serv, $51.55; O'Neill Family Pharmacy, Medical, $98.34; O'Neill Pest Control, Contract Labor, $75.00; O'Neill Printing Co., Off Supp/Equipment, $20.98; O'Neill Shopper, Print/Pub, $40.77; Office Products Center, Data Process/Rep, $306.29; Ogden's Ace Hardware, Data Process/Supp, $103.72; One Office Solution-Brent Kelly Law, Off Supp, $44.26; One Office Solution-District Court, Off Supp, $17.79; One Office Solution-Jail, Off Supp, $30.72; One Office Solution-Probation, Off Supp, $157.23

Road Fund Claim Total:  $356,538.39: Agland Electric Motor Service, Parts, $21.66; AKRS Equipment, Parts, $1,152.22; Appeara, Supp, $303.54; Applied Connective Technologies, Serv, $12.95; AT&T, Serv, $66.82; Atkinson Township, Mail Route, $21,875.00; Avera St. Anthony's Hospital, Medical, $342.00; Axles & Gears, Inc., Parts, $2,208.00; B's Enterprises, Inc., Blades/Culverts/Signs, $60,194.34; Beaver Bearing Co., Parts, $357.43; Black Hills Energy, Serv, $1,623.41; Bomgaars, Parts/Supp, $1,125.76; Breiner Welding & Fabrication, Parts/Rep/Supp, $1,903.36; Breiner, Mary, Clay, $1,937.50; Carhart Lumber Co., Flares/Flags/Barricades, $36.33; Carroll Olson Enterprises, Parts/Supp, $207.59; Caterpillar Financial Services, Equip, $100,270.64; Century Link-2377 Road, Serv, $62.11; Century Link-2831 Road, Serv, $62.46; Century Link-3888 Road, Serv, $155.40; Century Link-5440 Road, Serv, $62.43; Chambers Shopper, Adv, $85.00; Chemsearch, Supp, $414.00; City of Atkinson, Serv, $63.94; City of O'Neill - Bldg Project, Permit Fee, $100.00; Cole Sand & Gravel, Sand, $5,296.50; Connot Tire Service, Parts/Rep, $693.62; Nebraska Association of County Officials, NACO Reg, $30.00; Elkhorn Rural Public Power District, Serv, $108.19; Emme Sand & Gravel, Gravel, $29,757.80; Ewing Family Foods, Supp, $3.57; Ewing Feed & Supply, Supp, $19.95; Farmers Pride, Fuel/Grease/Oil, $10,744.31; First Stop, Fuel, $233.67; Fusion Cloud Services, LLC, Serv, $61.54; Galyen Energy Supply, Fuel, $10,647.53; Gdanitz, Ethan, Reimburse, $36.25; Great America Leasing Co., Off Equip Lease, $184.15; Great Plains Communications, Inc., Serv, $52.71; Great Western Gas Co., Heating Fuel, $584.42; Green's Service, Fuel, $4,118.64; Harvey, John, Reimburse, $22.45; Heartland Fire Protection, Misc, $1,918.00; Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC, Supp, $3,086.04; Holt County Independent, Adv, $166.51; Holz Lumber & Hardware, Parts, $337.85; J&J Sanitation - 3051-1421, Serv, $205.76; J&J Sanitation - 3051-1859, Serv, $127.63; Jason Schindler Flying, Inc., Supp, $397.95; K & M Telephone Co., Serv, $35.50; Kimball Midwest, Serv, $76.74; Mitchell Equipment, Inc., Parts, $214.79; Motor Fuels Division, 1st Qtr Fuel Tax, $4,170.00; Municipal Power, Serv, $827.50; Murphy Tractor & Equipment Co., Parts/Rep, $1,740.17; Nebraska Public Power District, Serv, $397.79; Netcom, Inc., Rep, $302.00; NMC - Parts, Parts/Rep/Supp, $4,142.67; North Central Automation, Building, $20,630.00; North Central Public Power, Serv, $90.61; North Construction, LLC, Gravel, $16,259.93; Northeast Glass, Parts, $610.00; Northeast Nebraska Telephone Co., Serv, $45.29; O'Neill Auto Supply, Inc., Parts, $1,624.79; O'Neill Shopper, Adv/Print/Pub, $391.20; O'Reilly Auto Parts, Parts, $43.68; Ogden's Ace Hardware, Supp, $132.79; Overhead Door Company of Norfolk, Rep, $901.20; Pacheco, Juan, Reimburse, $36.25; Prairie Hills Ford, Parts, $51.43; Ranchland Auto Parts, Parts/Supp, $1,844.41; Reiman's Body Shop, Parts/Rep, $432.46; Reiser Insurance Group, LLC, Surety Bond, $50.00; Rose Equipment, Inc., Asphalt, $16,843.88; Sanderson, Alan, Reimburse, $22.82; Shamrock Diesel Repair, Parts, $37.88; Southside Mini Mart, Fuel, $343.68; Speece Lewis Engineers, Engineering Fees, $595.00; Super B Automotive, Rep, $15.00; The Wrangler, Adv, $30.00; Torpin's Rodeo Market, Supp, $56.25; Triple R Tire, LLC, Parts, $48.50; Truck Center Co., Parts/Rep, $17,144.19; US Bank, Fuel/Parts/Postage, $621.26; Verizon Connect, Serv, $728.55; Verizon Wireless, Serv, $202.78; Village of Chambers, Serv, $80.50; Welsh Welding & Repair, Rep, $13.00; Westend Mini Mart, Fuel, $474.57; White's Service, Fuel, $496.91; Wm. Krotter Co - Home & Appliance, Parts, $49.99; Wm. Krotter Co - Parts & Repairs, Parts, $43.50; WPCI, Serv, $160.00

Road-Bridge Buyback Program Fund Claim Total: $147,717.00: Norfolk Contracting Inc, Bridge, $147,717.00

Visitor's Promotion Fund Claim Total:  $20,136.15: Bargain Buy Way, Adv, $500.00; Ewing Young Members Club, Summer Funfest, $5,000.00; Fenian Women's Auxiliary, General John O'Neill Dedication, $700.00; Havranek, Lauri, Reimburse, $87.46; Nebraskaland Magazine, Adv, $1,125.00; Norfolk Daily News, Destinations Publication, $325.00; O'Neill Chamber of Commerce, Contract Labor, $10,853.69; Sowders, Voice of The Sandhills, $245.00; Summerfest Car Show, Summerfest, $500.00; Ultraverse Supplements, LLC, Sponsorship Cowboy 200 Race, $800.00

Visitor's Improvement Fund Claim Total: $15,000.00: Ewing Young Members Club, Ewing Summer Funfest, $10,000.00; Fenian Women's Auxiliary, General John O'Neill Dedication, $5,000.00

Law Enforcement Contract Fund Claim Total: $29,442.56: Anderson Ford of Lincoln, 2022 Ford F150, $28,500.00; US Bank, Training, $942.56

Chairman Tielke adjourned the meeting at 12:02 P.M. until April 28, 2022, at 9:45 A.M.

William J. Tielke, Chairman

 Cathy Pavel, Clerk

Published April 28, 2022             17



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Holt County Board of Supervisors Proceedings (4-28-2022)

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