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HCAS Close To Shoe Collection Goal

Dec 31, 2024 (0)

The Holt County Animal Shelter is still doing their shoe collection!  Here is an update from Valerie on where they are at with it:

"We are at 74 bags with 25 pairs in each bag! We need approximately 400 more by January 10th to meet our goal!"

The collection date has been extended from December 31st to January 10th.  The Chamber Office is challenging all of you to help them reach their goal!  Let's fill the front of the office with shoes!! 

Shoes can be dropped off at the Animal Shelter at 500 S Logan St.

The shoes are NOT for the dogs to chew on! They will actually go to third world countries for people in need. If the animal shelter can reach their goal, they will receive a $1000 grant! Let's pull together and help them get their grant! 


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Animal Shelter

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