Roseann Ninas

Atkinson — Roseann Ninas, 77, of Atkinson, died Monday, Ja...

Florence A.


Mar 21, 2023 (0)

California — Shirley Jean Farrier, 88, of California, died Monday, Feb. 20, 2023 in California.

As Shirley requested, no funeral or memorial will be held.

Burial will be in Chambers next to her loving husband.

Memorials may be made to the family for future designation.

Shirley was Melvin and Eleanor's first daughter.  She was born and raised in O'Neill with sisters LaVonne and Melva.  

She met her husband Dean while in high school and they were married 66 years until Dean's passing.

Shirley is survived by three daughters and their families Jacqueline Ivins, Susan Gibbons and Julie Rosenberg; as well as two sisters LaVonne Lewis of O'Neill and Melva Thomas of Vancouver, WA.

She was preceded in death by her parents Melvin and Eleanor Rieck and her husband Dean Farrier, son of Ernest and Wayve Farrier of Chambers.


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Florence A. Salyers

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