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Evergreen Meals On Wheels Program To Hold Benefit On Sept. 28

Sep 18, 2024 (0)

The Evergreen has been providing Meals on Wheels to the O'Neill and Inman areas for a year now. The first meals went out on Sept. 5, 2023, and as of July 31, 2024, a total of 13,000 meals have been served. When the program started, The Evergreen knew there was a need in the community, but they did not realize how great that need was. Over the past year they have served over 100 clients. Some clients receive Meals on Wheels for a short time to help them recover from a hospitalization, or just for the winter months so they do not have to risk injury leaving the house. Other clients who started out receiving Meals on Wheels a few days a week "just to try it" are still receiving meals daily a year later.

All of this would not be possible without many wonderful volunteers. The Evergreen Meals on Wheels program has around 150 volunteers that deliver meals to clients. The volunteers are sometimes the only human contact an elderly client may receive in a day. The Evergreen Meals on Wheels program is truly grateful for all their dedicated volunteers.

The Evergreen Meals on Wheels program provides home delivered, to-go, and dine in meal options. They do request a 24-hour advanced notice for meals so they can ensure they have enough food prepared. The suggested contribution amount for individuals over the age of 60 is $6.50 and the price for anyone under the age of 60 is $8.50. They are looking to expand their services to provide social activities for those over the age of 60. Suggestions for ways to expand these services are encouraged.

The Evergreen Meals on Wheels program has received a tremendous amount of support from the community over the last year including a generous donation from the Rotary Club, which will cover the cost of the meal containers for another year. They held a Soup Supper in the fall, last year, and a Hot Dog Fund raiser during Summerfest. Money from meal recipients and funding from the Northeast Nebraska Area Agency on Aging has covered much, but not all, of the expenses.

The Evergreen Meals on Wheels program is pleased to announce that they will be holding a Murder Mystery Dinner on Saturday, Sept. 28. Doors open at 5 p.m., dinner is at 6 p.m., and the Mystery Theater is from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tickets are $50 per person or $500 for a table of 8, which will get you VIP seating and one complimentary drink. Tickets can be purchased at The Chamber of Commerce Office in O'Neill, at the Evergreen, or by calling the Meals on Wheels program at (402)340-5426.

The Murder Mystery Dinner theme will be "I Love the 80's to Death". It will be a Rockin' Radical Night of Mystery! So, peg your jeans, slouch your socks, flash some neon, put on way too much eyeliner and get that hair up! Dress in your best 80's attire and join us to solve this crime in style. All of the big names are here for a big concert and tensions run rampant as backstage secrets spill out into the spotlight with like, totally tragic results. This isn't an episode of Miami Vice! This is like ... murder ... and time after time ... You will solve the case. Please be sure to join in the fun and support a great program that is greatly needed in our community.


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