A regular meeting of the Mayor and the City Council of O'Neill was held at the City Hall in said City on the 11th day of September, 2023 following the budget hearing and the final tax request hearing. Present: Mayor Scott Menish, City Clerk/Treasurer Sarah Sidak, City Attorney Boyd Strope, Council President Tim Schneider and Council members; Kayla Burdick, Michelle Liewer, Paul Asche, Quana Wheeler, Beth Walsh and Tim Gleason. Absent: Susie Kramer. Notice of this meeting was given in advance thereof according to Section 84-1408 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska. Notice of the meeting was given to the Mayor and all members of the Council and a copy of the acknowledgement of receipt of notice and the agenda is attached to the minutes. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Scott Menish. Mayor Menish informed the public of the location of the Open Meetings Act poster. Moved by Schneider, second by Burdick to waive the readings of the minutes of the August 7th and 28th meetings and approve them as if read. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. After discussion about the possibility of removing the stop signs on 1st Street at the intersection of 1st Street and Windsor Street the Council decided to leave the stop signs in place. Moved by Schneider, second by Asche to approve the new and updated Emergency Plan and shelters that was presented by Terri Krysl, O'Neill Emergency Manager. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Wheeler, second by Walsh to open the public hearing for the Terah Wiekamp Conditional Use Request for an Air Bed and Breakfast at 214 E Fremont Street. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Council member Kelly informed the Council that the Planning Commission had conducted a public hearing and approved the Conditional Use Request. Mr. Calkins, a neighbor to the property, spoke in opposition to the Conditional Use Request. Moved by Schneider, second by Walsh to close the public hearing. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Schneider, second by Asche to approve the Terah Wiekamp Conditional Use Request for an Air Bed and Breakfast at 214 E Fremont Street as submitted. Roll call vote as follows: Aye; Schneider, Asche, Liewer and Walsh. Nay: Wheeler, Burdick, and Gleason. Absent: Kramer. Motion carried. Moved by Walsh, second by Gleason to open the public hearing for the City's receipt by gift of the following described real estate: O'Neill VI; O.T. Block 33, Lots 1-2-3; N 3' Lot 24; 307 S. 4th. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. No public comment was made. Moved by Schneider, second by Wheeler to close the public hearing. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. City Attorney Strope read Ordinance No. 1416 by title and number. ORDINANCE NO. 1416 OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, ACCEPTING CONVEYANCE OF REAL ESTATE; REPEALING PRIOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, that: Sec. 1. The O'NEILL SENIOR CITIZENS' CENTER CORPORATION, A Nebraska Non-Profit Corporation, also known as O'NEILL SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER, INC., no longer operates the O'Neill Senior Center at 307 South 4th Street on the following described real estate: Lots One (1), Two (2), and Three (3), and the North Three Feet (N3') of Lot Twenty-Four (24), in Block Thirty-Three (33), of the Original Town of O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, and desires to convey said real estate to the City of O'Neill for One Dollar ($1.00) consideration. Sec. 2. After publication of Notice of Public Hearing, the O'Neill City Council held a public hearing regarding said conveyance. Sec. 3. It is determined to be in the best interest of the City of O'Neill to accept ownership of said real estate. Sec. 4. The appropriate City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver necessary documents and take necessary actions to receive conveyance of the real estate. Sec. 5. That all prior ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed. Sec. 6. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this _____ day of ____________, 2023. SCOTT MENISH, MAYOR ATTEST: (SEAL) SARAH SIDAK, CITY CLERK/TREASURER Moved by Schneider, second by Wheeler to introduce Ordinance No. 1416 and waive the three readings. Roll call vote as follows: Aye; Asche, Wheeler, Schneider, Liewer and Gleason. Nay: Burdick and Walsh. Absent: Kramer. Motion failed. Moved by Liewer, second by Walsh to open the public hearing for the City's conveyance of the following described real estate: O'Neill VI, Country Clover Estates Subdivision, Block A, Lot 4 & 5; O'Neill VI, Country Clover Estates Subdivision, Block B, Lot 1-2, to the O'Neill Development Corporation, a public agency. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. No public comment was made. Moved by Gleason, second by Liewer to close the public hearing. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. City Attorney Strope read Ordinance No. 1417 by title and number. ORDINANCE NO. 1417 OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF REAL ESTATE; REPEALING PRIOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, that: Sec. 1. The City of O'Neill is owner of the following described real estate: Lot Four (4) and Five (5), Block A, and Lots One (1) and Two (2), Block B, all in Country Clover Estates Subdivision, City of O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, and no longer nor in the future shall need the same. Sec. 2. The O'Neill Development Corporation, A Nebraska Non-Profit Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Development Corporation", will accept ownership of said real estate to work with contractors for development and construction of housing on the real estate. Sec. 3. The O'Neill Development Corporation is a public agency and Neb. Rev. Stat. §17-503(6)(b) provides a city of the second class, which the City of O'Neill is, may convey real estate to another public agency notwithstanding the procedures in sub sections 1 through 5 of said statute. Sec. 4. After publication of Notice of Public Hearing, the O'Neill City Council held a public hearing regarding said conveyance. Sec. 5. It is determined it is in the best interest of the City of O'Neill for housing development to convey said real estate to the Development Corporation. Sec. 6. The appropriate City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver a QuitClaim Deed conveying said real estate to the Development Corporation, together with other necessary documents. Sec. 7. That all prior ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed. Sec. 8. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of ___________, 2023. SCOTT MENISH, MAYOR ATTEST: (SEAL) SARAH SIDAK, CITY CLERK/TREASURER Moved by Burdick, second by Wheeler to introduce Ordinance No. 1417 and not waive the three readings. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Wheeler, second by Walsh to accept the annual LB840 program report submitted by the LB840 Advisory Committee. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Council member Asche introduced Resolution No. 23-09, which is on file with the City Clerk. RESOLUTION NO. 23-09 OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA RESOLUTION SETTING THE PROPERTY TAX REQUEST RESOLUTION NO. 23-09 WHEREAS, Nebraska Revised Statute 77-1632 and 77-1633 provides that the Governing Body of the City of O'Neill passes by a majority vote a resolution or ordinance setting the tax request; and WHEREAS, a special public hearing was held as required by law to hear and consider comments concerning the property tax request; NOW, THEREFORE, the Governing Body of the City of O'Neill resolves that: 1. The 2023-2024 property tax request be set at: General Fund: $723,160.00 Bond Fund: $196,950.00 2. The total assessed value of property differs from last year's total assessed value by 7.89 percent. 3. The tax rate which would levy the same amount of property taxes as last year, when multiplied by the new total assessed value of property would be 0.418978 per $100 of assessed value. 4. The City of O'Neill proposes to adopt a property tax request that will cause its tax rate to be 0.431345 per $100 of assessed value. 5. Based on the proposed property tax request and changes in other revenue, the total operating budget of the City of O'Neill will decrease last year's budget by -6.47 percent. 6. A copy of this resolution be certified and forwarded to the County Clerk on or before October 15, 2023. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 11TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2023. -ss- SCOTT MENISH, MAYOR ATTEST: (SEAL) -ss- SARAH SIDAK, CITY CLERK/TREASURER Second by Walsh to adopt Resolution No. 23-09. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Council member Gleason introduced Ordinance No. 1418, which is on file with the City Clerk. City Attorney Strope read Ordinance No. 1418 by title and number. ORDINANCE NO. 1418 OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, TO ADOPT THE BUDGET STATEMENT TO BE TERMED THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL; TO APPROPRIATE SUMS FOR NECESSARY EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES; TO EXCEED THE BUDGET LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 BY AN ADDITIONAL 1% AND TO PROVIDE FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, that: Sec. 1. That after complying with all procedures required by law, the budget presented and set forth in the budget statement is hereby approved as the Annual Appropriation Bill for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024. All sums contained in the budget statement are hereby appropriated for the necessary expenses and liabilities of the City of O'Neill. A copy of the budget document shall be forwarded as provided by law to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska, and to the County Clerk of Holt County, Nebraska, for use by the levying authority. Sec. 2. The City Council of the City of O'Neill approves exceeding the budget limit for the fiscal year 2023-2024 by an additional 1%. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 11th day of September, 2023. -ss- SCOTT MENISH, MAYOR ATTEST: (SEAL) -ss- SARAH SIDAK, CITY CLERK/TREASURER Moved by Gleason, second by Wheeler to introduce Ordinance No. 1418 and waive the three readings. Roll call vote as follows: Aye; Asche, Wheeler, Schneider, Liewer, Gleason and Walsh. Nay: Burdick. Absent: Kramer. Motion carried. Moved by Wheeler, second by Gleason to adopt Ordinance No. 1418. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Council member Asche introduced Ordinance No. 1419, which is on file with the City Clerk. City Attorney Strope read Ordinance No. 1419 by title and number. ORDINANCE NO. 1419 OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR STREET EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023; REPEALING PRIOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, that: Sec. 1. That the salaries for the following positions shall be set at the level indicated for the 2023-2024 fiscal year: Street Supervisor, per hour 31.29 Street Maintenance I, per hour 26.41 Street Maintenance II, per hour 25.10 Street Maintenance III, per hour 23.12 Street Seasonal, per hour 22.90 Sec. 2. That any other ordinance or section passed and approved prior to the passage, approval, and publication or posting of this ordinance and in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect after October 1, 2023 from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this _____ day of ____________, 2023. SCOTT MENISH, MAYOR ATTEST: (SEAL) SARAH SIDAK, CITY CLERK/TREASURER Moved by Walsh, second by Asche to introduce Ordinance No. 1419 and waive the three readings. Roll call vote as follows: Aye; Asche, Schneider, Liewer, Gleason and Walsh. Nay: Burdick. Abstain: Wheeler. Absent: Kramer. Motion failed. Council member Asche introduced Ordinance No. 1419, which is on file with the City Clerk. City Attorney Strope read Ordinance No. 1419 by title and number. ORDINANCE NO. 1419 OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR STREET EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023; REPEALING PRIOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, that: Sec. 1. That the salaries for the following positions shall be set at the level indicated for the 2023-2024 fiscal year: Street Supervisor, per hour 31.29 Street Maintenance I, per hour 26.41 Street Maintenance II, per hour 25.10 Street Maintenance III, per hour 23.12 Street Seasonal, per hour 22.90 Sec. 2. That any other ordinance or section passed and approved prior to the passage, approval, and publication or posting of this ordinance and in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect after October 1, 2023 from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 11th day of September, 2023. -ss- SCOTT MENISH, MAYOR ATTEST: (SEAL) -ss- SARAH SIDAK, CITY CLERK/TREASURER Moved by Asche, second by Schneider to introduce Ordinance No. 1419 and waive the three readings. Roll call vote as follows: Aye; Asche, Wheeler, Schneider, Liewer, Gleason and Walsh. Nay: Burdick. Absent: Kramer. Motion carried. Moved by Schneider, second by Walsh to adopt Ordinance No. 1419. Roll call vote as follows: Aye; Asche, Burdick, Schneider, Liewer, Gleason and Walsh. Nay: None Abstain: Wheeler. Absent: Kramer. Motion carried. Council member Wheeler introduced Ordinance No. 1420, which is on file with the City Clerk. City Attorney Strope read Ordinance No. 1420 by title and number. ORDINANCE NO. 1420 OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR CITY OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023; REPEALING PRIOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, that: Sec. 1. That the salaries for the following positions shall be set at the level indicated for the 2023-2024 fiscal year: Mayor, per month 600.00 Council member, per month 300.00 City Clerk/Treasurer, per hour 36.70 Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer, per hour 32.78 Account Clerk II, per hour 19.90 Account Clerk I, per hour 20.97 Ambulance Driver, per trip 39.90 Ambulance Drive – EMT, per trip 52.50 Ambulance Driver, per mile 1.58 Ambulance Driver – EMT, per mile 2.36 Billing Clerk, per hour 3.26 Library Director, per hour 28.00 Assistant Perm PT, per hour 13.38 Children's Librarian/Asst Director, per hour 15.90 Park/Cemetery Supervisor, per hour 28.74 Fire Chief, per month 500.00 Cemetery Laborer I, per hour 13.00 Cemetery Laborer II, per hour 13.75 Cemetery Laborer III, per hour 14.00 Cemetery Laborer IV, per hour 19.25 Ballfield Supervisor, per hour 15.00 Park Laborer I, per hour 13.00 Park Laborer II, per hour 13.25 Park Laborer III, per hour 14.00 In-charge, per hour 4.12 Pool Manager, per hour 16.25 Assistant Pool Manager, per hour 15.25 Lifeguard I, per hour 12.50 Lifeguard II, per hour 12.75 Lifeguard III, per hour 13.00 Lifeguard IV, per hour 13.25 Lifeguard VI, per hour 14.25 Cashier, per hour 12.00 Lifeguard (substitute), per hour 12.25 Water/Sewer Supervisor, per hour 28.71 Waste Water Plant Operator, per hour 24.13 Waste Water Lab Technician, per hour 25.85 Sewer Maintenance Operator, per hour 20.51 Water Operator I, per hour 22.78 Water Operator I, per hour 24.71 Sewer Seasonal Worker, per hour 16.25 Solid Waste Manager, per hour 34.52 Facility Operator/Driver I, per hour 25.41 Facility Operator/Driver II, per hour 19.15 Facility Operator/Landfill III, per hour 23.16 Facility Operator/Landfill II, per hour 25.51 Facility Operator/Landfill I, per hour 24.47 Police Chief, per hour 44.39 Sergeant, per hour 37.97 Investigator, per hour 32.85 Patrolman V, per hour 27.87 Patrolman IV, per hour 32.47 Patrolman III, per hour 31.20 Patrolman II, per hour 26.90 Patrolman I, per hour 31.00 Reserve Patrolman, per hour 20.00 Police Secretary I, per hour 24.53 Police Secretary II, per hour 20.76 Sec. 2. That any other ordinance or section passed and approved prior to the passage, approval, and publication or posting of this ordinance and in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect after October 1, 2023 from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 11th day of September, 2023. -ss- SCOTT MENISH, MAYOR ATTEST: (SEAL) -ss- SARAH SIDAK, CITY CLERK/TREASURER Moved by Wheeler, second by Walsh to introduce Ordinance No. 1420 and waive the three readings. Roll call vote as follows: Aye; Asche, Wheeler, Schneider, Liewer, Gleason and Walsh. Nay: Burdick. Absent: Kramer. Motion carried. Moved by Gleason, second by Liewer to adopt Ordinance No. 1420. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Schneider, second by Wheeler to approve the 2023-2024 budget as submitted. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Schneider, second by Gleason to approve application 07-LB840-23 in the amount of $26,000.00 for building acquisition, 08-LB840-23 in the amount of $27,000.00 for building acquisition, 09-LB840-23 in the amount of $56,250.00 for building acquisition, PIP-LB840-158 for $30,000.00 to demo a hotel, PIP-LB840-159 for $2,164.22 for a new sign. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Mayor Menish called for all bids for the south lift station generator. City Attorney Strope read the following bid aloud: • Eric Rumpel, Jr.: Remove generator per pics I took on 8-8-23 for $600.00 or trade removal from building for generator. Moved by Schneider, second by Gleason to reject the bid submitted by Eric Rumpel, Jr. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. No action was taken on advertising for bids for the construction project for the Police Department. Moved by Gleason, second by Burdick to accept option #1 with the wind/hail deductible of $25,000.00 from Reiser Insurance for our Liability/Property/Workers Compensation insurance. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Walsh, second by Wheeler to approve Treasurer's Report. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Liewer, second by Burdick to approve the bill submitted at this meeting by O'Neill Lumber. Roll call vote as follows: Aye; Asche, Wheeler, Burdick, Liewer, Gleason and Walsh. Nay: None. Abstain: Schneider. Absent: Kramer. Motion carried. Moved by Burdick, second by Liewer to approve the remaining bills. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. ALL FUNDS Payroll, salary 172,065.07 FED & FICA, tax 37,491.43 American Family, ins 1,531.32 Black Hills Energy, util 403.81 BlueCrossBlueShield, ins 51,641.54 Bomgaars, su 1,037.28 Colonial life, ins 1,037.13 Guardian, ins 1,656.26 John Hancock, pension 7,865.26 NE Dept. of Revenue, tax 5,799.12 NPPD, util 18,351.93 NT&T, phone 821.80 One Office, su 1,420.22 Quadient Finance, postage 3,000.00 Unum, ins 217.88 Verizon, phone 815.46 Wex Bank, fuel 9,219.86 GENERAL FUND A&J Tire, ser 1,057.57 ABI Attachments, su 196.98 Akrs, su 42.06 Alder Plumbing, ser 337.25 Appeara, su 556.55 Ellie Atkeson, re 57.50 Atkinson Ambulance, su 1,120.00 Donald Baker, re 550.29 Tony Bosn, ser 770.00 Century Link, phone 57.07 Serena Chavez, re 62.50 Cold Roll Industrial, pmt 3,199.00 Contingent Fund, su 388.25 Kyriana Crist, re 122.50 Danko Emergency, su * Dearborn Life, ins 86.00 Ecolab, ser 75.00 ED M Feld Equipment, fees 1,342.50 Emergency Medical, su 3,309.98 FCF Construction, ser 4,041.00 Fire Protection Srvcs, pmt 540.00 Fire Station Software, pmt 101.00 Floor Maintenance, su 312.88 GreatAmerica Finance, ser 218.25 Hammerlun Monument, ser 100.00 Heartland Fire, fees 383.70 Heiman Fire Equip, su 11,159.00 Hollman Media, ser 19.95 Holt Co Independent, ad 290.14 Holz Lumber, su 6.99 Inovalon Provider, su 3,414.33 Island Supply, su 97.05 KBRX, ad 7.50 Ryan Kelly, ser 68.44 Elijah Kopecky, re 62.50 Evan Kopecky, re 62.50 LB840 Fund, pmt 37,703.77 Wreece Liewer, re 122.50 Meyer, su 1,890.00 Summer Minnig, re 20.00 Chairity Montgomery, re 122.50 NECC, class 1,461.00 NE Generator, ser 1,190.60 Netcom, su 2,955.00 Ogden's, su 85.15 Olsson, fees 334.55 O'Neill Electric, ser 2,527.43 O'Neill Fire Department, re 771.42 Emma Otte, re 142.50 Bethany Owens, re 37.50 Pinnacle Bank, su 256.67 Precision IT, fees 12.00 Ranchland Auto, su 22.32 Jaycee Reynolds, re 62.50 Dori Rich, clean 885.00 Rocket Sign, su 100.50 Schaecher Electric, ser 161.56 School Dist 7, fees 4,030.00 Mallorie Scott, re 37.50 Siteone Landscape, su 311.69 State Fire Marshal, fees 100.00 Strope Law, fees 300.00 Tax Commissioner, tax 482.50 Taylor Corporation, su 193.03 Team Laboratory, su 2,355.00 Peyton Thompson, re 62.50 Neil Tompkins, ser 100.00 Torpin's, su 45.07 Mike Walker, ser 100.00 Wettlaufer Landscapes, ser 3,249.75 Delaney Wohlert, re 122.50 Peyton Yates, re 37.50 Quincy Young, re 122.50 Sydney Young, re 122.50 Zoll Medical, su 295.00 POLICE FUND A&J Tire, ser 195.72 Axon Enterprise, fees 2,988.49 Century Link, phone 66.42 Jackolyn Collier, clean, su 200.00 Covert Media, class 325.00 Davidson Guns, su 848.50 GreatAmerica Finance, ser 129.00 Holt Co Court, fees 34.00 Ideal Electric, ser 5,863.60 Motorola Solutions, su 5,500.00 O'Neill Car Wash, ser 53.76 O'Neill Electric, su 787.06 O'Neill Shopper, ad 50.00 Lynn Peavey Co, su 119.93 Pinnacle Bank, su 233.16 Prorider, su 550.50 Strope Law, fees 504.00 STREET FUND Appeara, su 307.58 Carhart Lumber, su 129.94 Cole Redi-Mix, su 648.00 Contingent Fund, su 64.00 Diamond Vogel, su 979.09 Emme Sand & Gravel, su 1,822.77 FCF Construction, ser 1,273.00 General Traffic, su 2,265.00 Great Plains Engine,pmt 19,980.00 Hendricks Small Motor, ser 168.00 Netcom, su 70.00 Olsson, fees 23,054.99 O'Neill Auto, su 22.98 Pinnacle Bank, su 161.58 Ranchland Auto, su 6.56 Reiser Ins, ins 576.00 Strope Law, fees 63.00 Team Lab, su 486.18 Van Diest Supply, su 3,340.70 Village of Stuart, ser 18,684.05 SEWER FUND Akrs, su 355.45 Core & Main, su 185.00 Contingent Fund, su 61.84 FedEx, ser 36.90 Grainger, su 232.59 Hach, su 822.89 Hutcheson Engineering, su 1,197.46 Krotter's, ser 184.48 Midwest Lab, ser 294.07 Mitchell Equipment, su 36.23 Olsson, fees 2,353.48 One Call, ser 53.03 Reiser Ins, ins 866.00 Stadium Sports, su 84.00 Tax Commissioner, tax 3,747.81 Torpins, su 12.73 WATER FUND Akrs, su 355.45 Anco Underground, re 1,320.88 Badger Meter, su 157.80 Carhart Lumber, su 218.51 City Utility Deposit, re 1,760.00 Cole Redi-Mix, su 1,872.00 Contingent Fund, su 257.60 Embassy Suites, rooms 378.00 Fedex, ser 139.96 Grainger, su 51.72 Krotter's, ser 184.48 Mitchell Equipment, su 36.23 Municipal Supply, su 442.99 NDEE, fees 600.00 NE Public Health, tests 626.00 NE Support, pmt 363.68 Niobrara Valley, util 196.54 Ogden's, su 37.98 One Call, ser 53.03 O'Neill Electric, ser 289.45 Pinnacle Bank, su 382.41 Tax Commissioner, tax 1,222.73 Torpin's, su 12.75 USA Blue Book, su 161.83 Wahoo Heritage, rooms 193.28 SOLID WASTE FUND Accounts Management, pmt 848.00 Akrs, su 197.08 Butler Co. Landfill, fee 48,789.33 Connot Tire, ser 785.55 Cubby's, fuel 1,022.07 Farmer's Pride, fuel 683.46 Holt Co Independent, ad 23.00 Klute Truck, su 8,465.00 Linweld, su 38.99 Murphy Tractor, ser 710.60 NDEE, fees 2,250.00 Niobrara Valley, util 852.51 O'Neill Auto, su 146.43 Overhead Door, ser 5,086.00 Pinnacle Bank, su 67.67 Ranchland Auto, su 341.57 Dori Rich, clean 300.00 Santander Bank, pmt 40,950.62 Schindler Electric, ser 1,373.44 Taylor Corporation, su 193.03 LB840 Strope Law, fees 267.50 KAYLA BURDICK, WARD I MICHELLE LIEWER, WARD I
Moved by Schneider, second by Wheeler to adjourn. Roll call vote as follows: Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 P.M. -ss- SCOTT MENISH, MAYOR ATTEST: (SEAL) -ss- SARAH SIDAK, CITY CLERK/TREASURER Published September 21, 2023 38 ZNEZ (0) COMMENTSWelcome to the discussion.
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