A regular meeting of the Mayor and the City Council of O'Neill was held at the City Hall in said City on the 5th day of June, 2023 at 6:30 P.M. Present: Mayor Scott Menish, City Attorney Boyd Strope, City Clerk/Treasurer Sarah Sidak, Council President Tim Schneider and Council members; Susie Kramer, Kayla Burdick, Paul Asche, Beth Walsh and Tim Gleason. Absent: Council members Michelle Liewer and Quana Wheeler. Notice of this meeting was given in advance thereof according to Section 84-1408 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska. Notice of the meeting was given to the Mayor and all members of the Council and a copy of the acknowledgement of receipt of notice and the agenda is attached to the minutes. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Scott Menish. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Mayor Menish informed the public of the location of the Open Meetings Act poster. Moved by Kramer, second by Asche to waive the readings of the minutes of the May 8th meeting and approve them as if read. Roll call vote as follows: Aye; Asche, Kramer, Schneider, Burdick and Walsh. Nay: None. Absent: Liewer, Wheeler and Gleason. Motion carried. Moved by Schneider, second by Walsh to approve PIP-LB840-154 for new sidewalks in the amount of $5,750.00, PIP-LB840-155 for house demolition in the amount of $3,600.00, PIP-LB840-156 for a new awning in the amount of $4,424.30 and PIP-LB840-157 for new signs in the amount of $1,400.00. Roll call vote as follows: Aye; Asche, Kramer, Schneider, Burdick and Walsh. Nay: None. Absent: Liewer, Wheeler and Gleason. Motion carried. Council member Gleason showed up at this time. Moved by Asche, second by Schneider to approve the real estate lease with TP&L. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Council member Kramer introduced and moved to adopt Resolution No. 23-3, which is on file with the City Clerk. RESOLUTION NO. 23-3 OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA WHEREAS, the Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 was signed in to law on October 30, 2000, placing new emphasis on state and local mitigation planning for natural hazards and requiring communities to adopt a hazard mitigation action plan to be eligible for pre-disaster and post-disaster federal funding for mitigation purposes; and WHEREAS, a Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan was prepared by Antelope, Holt, and Knox Counties, known as the Tri-County area, in Nebraska with assistance from JEO Consulting Group, Inc. WHEREAS, the purpose of the mitigation plan was to lessen the effects of disasters by increasing the disaster resistance of the counties and participating jurisdictions located within the planning boundary by identifying the hazards that affect the City of O'Neill and prioritize mitigation strategies to reduce potential loss of life and property damage from those hazards, and WHEREAS, FEMA regulations require documentation that the plan has been formally adopted by the governing body of the City of O'Neill in the form of a resolution and further requesting approval of the plan at the Federal Level; and NOW, THEREFORE, the governing body of the City of O'Neill does herewith adopt the most recent and FEMA approved version of the Tri-County Hazard Mitigation Plan 2023 in its entirety; and PASSED AND APPROVED this 5TH day of June, 2023. -ss- SCOTT MENISH, MAYOR ATTEST: (SEAL) -ss- SARAH SIDAK, CITY CLERK/TREASURER Second by Asche to adopt Resolution No. 23-3. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Walsh, second by Schneider to approve Amy Timmerman for the Fire and Ambulance Departments. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Council member Schneider introduced Resolution No. 23-4, which is on file with the City Clerk. RESOLUTION NO. 23-4 OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, that: Sec. 1. The City of O'Neill has received a Class I liquor license application from Gregory A. Vanevery d/b/a I Don't Care Bar and Café LLC. Sec. 2. Notice of a Public Hearing on said application set for May 8, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. was published as required by law. Sec. 3. The O'Neill City Council held a public hearing concerning the application of Gregory A. Vanevery d/b/a I Don't Care Bar and Café LLC Class I liquor license. Sec. 4. Upon hearing it is found and determined that the liquor license of Gregory A. Vanevery d/b/a I Don't Care Bar and Café LLC is hereby approved. Sec. 5. The City Clerk is authorized to submit necessary documents to the Nebraska Liquor Commission evidencing the outcome of the public hearing of said application. PASSED AND APPROVED this 5th day of June, 2023. -ss- SCOTT MENISH, MAYOR ATTEST: (SEAL) -ss- SARAH SIDAK, CITY CLERK/TREASURER Moved by Schneider, second by Gleason to adopt Resolution No. 23-4. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Schneider, second by Walsh to revise the recipient of the LB840 funds to be used for a grant match for the Rural Workforce Housing Fund Grant in the amount of $500,000 out to the O'Neill Chamber of Commerce. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Gleason, second by Burdick to move the July Council meeting date from Monday July 3rd to Monday July 10th. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Kramer, second by Burdick to approve the street closures on Clay Street from Jefferson Street to Madison Street for the Summerfest activities in Ford Park and on Hancock Street from 4th Street to 2nd Street for the concert at the Community Center on Saturday, July 15, 2023. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Schneider, second by Gleason to approve the Treasurer's Report. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Kramer, second by Gleason to approve the bill submitted at this meeting by O'Neill Lumber. Roll call vote as follows: Aye; Asche, Kramer, Burdick, Gleason and Walsh. Nay: None. Abstain: Schneider. Absent: Liewer and Wheeler. Motion carried. Moved by Asche, second by Schneider to approve the remaining bills. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. ALL FUNDS Payroll, salary 155,317.89 FED & FICA, tax 54,230.74 American Family, ins 1,548.56 Black Hills Energy, util 1,202.09 BlueCrossBlueShield, ins 48,079.35 Bomgaars, su 4,213.77 Colonial life, ins 952.28 Guardian, ins 1,708.66 John Hancock, pension 12,235.45 NE Dept. of Revenue, tax .5,612.98 NPPD, util 16,227.51 NT&T, phone 818.11 Quadient Finance, postage 2,000.00 Unum, ins 211.13 Verizon, phone 845.34 Wex Bank, fuel 9,040.12 GENERAL FUND Alder Plumbing, ser 913.35 Appeara, su 556.03 Asset Protection Unit, re 353.97 Tony Bosn, ser 455.00 C&S Repair, ser 671.72 Carhart Lumber, su 352.49 Century Link, phone 59.63 Contingent Fund, su 341.78 Danko Emergency Equip,su 10,020.08 Dearborn Life, ins 86.00 Emme Sand & Gravel, su 24.00 ESO Solutions, su 1,251.45 Floor Maintenance, ser 735.04 GreatAmerica Finance, ser 218.25 Hollman Media, ser 19.95 Holt Co Independent, ad 323.24 KBRX, ad 82.50 LB840 Fund, pmt 35,874.75 Netcom, su5 3.00 Odeys, su 3,810.48 Ogden's, su 277.51 Olsson, fees 44.87 O'Neill Family Pharmacy, su 225.93 O'Neill Lumber, su 212.99 Pinnacle Bank, su 88.75 Precision IT, ser 12.00 Ranchland Auto, su 11.50 Dori Rich, clean 885.00 Tax Commissioner, tax 25.60 Team Lab, su 463.50 Torpin's, su 87.11 Mike Walker, ser 100.00 Wettlaufer Landscapes, ser 233.22 POLICE FUND C&S Repair, ser 62.00 Century Link, phone 66.41 Jackolyn Collier, clean, su 160.00 Contingent Fund, su 34.84 GreatAmerica Finance, ser 129.00 Hastings Police Dept, ser 18.85 HCAS, ser 640.00 Kelli Munoz, ser 60.00 O'Neill Car Wash, ser 68.86 O'Neill Shopper, ad 33.60 Pinnacle Bank, su 133.37 Quill, su 250.12 John E Reid & Assoc, ser 630.00 STREET FUND Appeara, su 320.49 Avera Medical Group, ser 141.00 Blain Plumbing, ser 360.00 Carhart Lumber, su 95.73 Carroll Construction, su 756.85 Cole Redi-Mix, su 4,250.00 Contingent Fund, su 11.56 Diamond Vogel, su 2,001.00 General Traffic Controls, su 450.00 Holz Lumber, su 14.20 Kinetic Leasing, fees 499.00 Krier Technologies, ser 287.50 NE Truck Center, fees 226.80 Olsson, fees 16,591.80 O'Neill Auto, su 214.72 O'Neill Lumber, su 168.43 Ranchland Auto, su 37.88 Titan Machinery, ser 11,200.14 SEWER FUND Avera Medical Group, ser 278.00 Blain Plumbing, ser 500.00 Carhart Lumber, su 133.44 Colonial Research, su 7,885.00 Contingent Fund, su 28.76 Fedex, ser 57.56 Grainger, su 29.39 Hach, su 440.71 Hawkins, su 4,783.50 Krotter Home & Auto, ser 71.87 NEDEE, fees 150.00 NE Generator Service, ser 523.50 NE Water Environment, fees 450.00 Ogden's, su 62.35 Olsson, fees 3,590.00 O'Neill Electric, su 82.50 Smoke It Up Welding, ser 340.00 Stadium Sports, su 62.50 Tax Commissioner, tax 3,901.40 Torpins, su 6.37 WATER FUND Badger Meter, ser 78.50 Carhart Lumber, su 33.47 City Utility Deposit, re 1,540.00 Contingent Fund, su 22.29 Core & Main LP, su 263.15 Fedex, ser 135.22 Grainger, su 29.38 Krotter Home & Auto, ser 71.88 Municipal Supply, su 426.73 NEDEE, fees 97,806.85 NE Public Health, tests 756.00 NE Support, pmt 545.52 Niobrara Valley, util * Ogden's, su 31.99 Olsson, fees 23,276.86 O'Reilly, su 10.99 Stadium Sports, su 62.50 Tax Commissioner, tax 662.26 Torpin's, su 6.36 SOLID WASTE FUND Butler Co. Landfill, fee 48,044.22 Joseph Jeffrey, ser 3,771.00 Kansas Pmt Center, pmt 75.70 Klute Truck Equip, su 2,272.00 Linweld, su 38.99 Niobrara Valley, util * One Office, su 62.28 Ranchland Auto, su 7.51 Dori Rich, clean 300.00 Smoke It Up Welding, su 452.55 LB 840 KBRX, ad 7.50 PAUL ASCHE, WARD III QUANA WHEELER, WARD III Moved by Kramer, second by Schneider to adjourn. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:42 P.M. -ss- SCOTT MENISH, MAYOR ATTEST: (SEAL) -ss- SARAH SIDAK, CITY CLERK/TREASURER Published June 15, 2023 24 ZNEZ ______________________________ SCOTT MENISH, MAYOR ATTEST: (SEAL) ______________________________________ SARAH SIDAK, CITY CLERK/TREASURER Second by Asche to adopt Resolution No. 23-3. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Walsh, second by Schneider to approve Amy Timmerman for the Fire and Ambulance Departments. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Council member Schneider introduced Resolution No. 23-4, which is on file with the City Clerk. RESOLUTION NO. 23-4 OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, that: Sec. 1. The City of O'Neill has received a Class I liquor license application from Gregory A. Vanevery d/b/a I Don't Care Bar and Café LLC. Sec. 2. Notice of a Public Hearing on said application set for May 8, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. was published as required by law. Sec. 3. The O'Neill City Council held a public hearing concerning the application of Gregory A. Vanevery d/b/a I Don't Care Bar and Café LLC Class I liquor license. Sec. 4. Upon hearing it is found and determined that the liquor license of Gregory A. Vanevery d/b/a I Don't Care Bar and Café LLC is hereby approved. Sec. 5. The City Clerk is authorized to submit necessary documents to the Nebraska Liquor Commission evidencing the outcome of the public hearing of said application. PASSED AND APPROVED this 5th day of June, 2023. _____________________ SCOTT MENISH, MAYOR ATTEST: (SEAL) _________________________________ SARAH SIDAK, CITY CLERK/TREASURER Moved by Schneider, second by Gleason to adopt Resolution No. 23-4. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Schneider, second by Walsh to revise the recipient of the LB840 funds to be used for a grant match for the Rural Workforce Housing Fund Grant in the amount of $500,000 out to the O'Neill Chamber of Commerce. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Gleason, second by Burdick to move the July Council meeting date from Monday July 3rd to Monday July 10th. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.
Moved by Kramer, second by Burdick to approve the street closures on Clay Street from Jefferson Street to Madison Street for the Summerfest activities in Ford Park and on Hancock Street from 4th Street to 2nd Street for the concert at the Community Center on Saturday, July 15, 2023. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.
Moved by Schneider, second by Gleason to approve the Treasurer's Report. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Kramer, second by Gleason to approve the bill submitted at this meeting by O'Neill Lumber. Roll call vote as follows: Aye; Asche, Kramer, Burdick, Gleason and Walsh. Nay: None. Abstain: Schneider. Absent: Liewer and Wheeler. Motion carried. Moved by Asche, second by Schneider to approve the remaining bills. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. ALL FUNDS Payroll, salary 155,317.89 FED & FICA, tax 54,230.74 American Family, ins 1,548.56 Black Hills Energy, util 1,202.09 BlueCrossBlueShield, ins 48,079.35 Bomgaars, su 4,213.77 Colonial life, ins 952.28 Guardian, ins 1,708.66 John Hancock, pension 12,235.45 NE Dept. of Revenue, tax 5,612.98 NPPD, util 16,227.51 NT&T, phone 818.11 Quadient Finance, postage 2,000.00 Unum, ins 211.13 Verizon, phone 845.34 Wex Bank, fuel 9,040.12 GENERAL FUND Alder Plumbing, ser 913.35 Appeara, su 556.03 Asset Protection Unit, re 353.97 Tony Bosn, ser 455.00 C&S Repair, ser 671.72 Carhart Lumber, su 352.49 Century Link, phone 59.63 Contingent Fund, su 341.78 Danko Emergency Equip,su 10,020.08 Dearborn Life, ins 86.00 Emme Sand & Gravel, su 24.00 ESO Solutions, su 1,251.45 Floor Maintenance, ser 735.04 GreatAmerica Finance, ser 218.25 Hollman Media, ser 19.95 Holt Co Independent, ad 323.24 KBRX, ad 82.50 LB840 Fund, pmt 35,874.75 Netcom, su 53.00 Odeys, su 3,810.48 Ogden's, su 277.51 Olsson, fees 44.87 O'Neill Family Pharmacy, su 225.93 O'Neill Lumber, su 212.99 Pinnacle Bank, su 88.75 Precision IT, ser 12.00 Ranchland Auto, su 11.50 Dori Rich, clean 885.00 Tax Commissioner, tax 25.60 Team Lab, su 463.50 Torpin's, su 87.11 Mike Walker, ser 100.00 Wettlaufer Landscapes, ser 233.22 POLICE FUND C&S Repair, ser 62.00 Century Link, phone 66.41 Jackolyn Collier, clean, su 160.00 Contingent Fund, su 34.84 GreatAmerica Finance, ser 129.00 Hastings Police Dept, ser 18.85 HCAS, ser 640.00 Kelli Munoz, ser 60.00 O'Neill Car Wash, ser 68.86 O'Neill Shopper, ad 33.60 Pinnacle Bank, su 133.37 Quill, su 250.12 John E Reid & Assoc, ser 630.00 STREET FUND Appeara, su 320.49 Avera Medical Group, ser 141.00 Blain Plumbing, ser 360.00 Carhart Lumber, su 95.73 Carroll Construction, su 756.85 Cole Redi-Mix, su 4,250.00 Contingent Fund, su 11.56 Diamond Vogel, su 2,001.00 General Traffic Controls, su 450.00 Holz Lumber, su 14.20 Kinetic Leasing, fees 499.00 Krier Technologies, ser 287.50 NE Truck Center, fees 226.80 Olsson, fees 16,591.80 O'Neill Auto, su 214.72 O'Neill Lumber, su 168.43 Ranchland Auto, su 37.88 Titan Machinery, ser 11,200.14 SEWER FUND Avera Medical Group, ser 278.00 Blain Plumbing, ser 500.00 Carhart Lumber, su 133.44 Colonial Research, su 7,885.00 Contingent Fund, su 28.76 Fedex, ser 57.56 Grainger, su 29.39 Hach, su 440.71 Hawkins, su 4,783.50 Krotter Home & Auto, ser 71.87 NEDEE, fees 150.00 NE Generator Service, ser 523.50 NE Water Environment, fees 450.00 Ogden's, su 62.35 Olsson, fees 3,590.00 O'Neill Electric, su 82.50 Smoke It Up Welding, ser 340.00 Stadium Sports, su 62.50 Tax Commissioner, tax 3,901.40 Torpins, su 6.37 WATER FUND Badger Meter, ser 78.50 Carhart Lumber, su 33.47 City Utility Deposit, re 1,540.00 Contingent Fund, su 22.29 Core & Main LP, su 263.15 Fedex, ser 135.22 Grainger, su 29.38 Krotter Home & Auto, ser 71.88 Municipal Supply, su 426.73 NEDEE, fees 97,806.85 NE Public Health, tests 756.00 NE Support, pmt 545.52 Niobrara Valley, util * Ogden's, su 31.99 Olsson, fees 23,276.86 O'Reilly, su 10.99 Stadium Sports, su 62.50 Tax Commissioner, tax 662.26 Torpin's, su 6.36 SOLID WASTE FUND Butler Co. Landfill, fee 48,044.22 Joseph Jeffrey, ser 3,771.00 Kansas Pmt Center, pmt 75.70 Klute Truck Equip, su 2,272.00 Linweld, su 38.99 Niobrara Valley, util * One Office, su 62.28 Ranchland Auto, su 7.51 Dori Rich, clean 300.00 Smoke It Up Welding, su 452.55 LB 840 KBRX, ad 7.50 PAUL ASCHE, WARD III QUANA WHEELER, WARD III Moved by Kramer, second by Schneider to adjourn. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:42 P.M.
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