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City of O'Neill Proceedings (6-16-2022)

Jun 14, 2022 (0)

A regular meeting of the Mayor and the City Council of O'Neill was held at the City Hall in said City on the 6th day of June, 2022 at 6:30 P.M.

Present:  Mayor Scott Menish, City Attorney Boyd Strope, Deputy City Clerk Jan Fuhrer, Council President Don Baker and Council members; Kayla Burdick, Susie Kramer, Tim Schneider, Quana Kelly, Tim Gleason and Beth Walsh.  Absent:  Terri Krysl.

Notice of this meeting was given in advance thereof according to Section 84-1408 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska. Notice of the meeting was given to the Mayor and all members of the Council and a copy of the acknowledgement of receipt of notice and the agenda is attached to the minutes. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Menish. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Mayor Menish informed the public of the location of the Open Meetings Act poster.

Moved by Schneider, second by Kramer to waive the reading of the minutes of the May 2nd meeting and approve them as if read. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Mark Mahony from Reiser Insurance presented a safety dividend check for $47,857.36.

Moved by Baker, second by Burdick to change the conditional use permit for Jerod Waterman at 49322 872nd RD to an 175'x75' impound yard for towing with the lot located in the northeast corner of the property with an eight foot fence and one foot of wire on top. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Kelly, second by Schneider to open the Matt Dennis Conditional Use Request for an air bed and breakfast at 201 S. 2nd Street. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Council member Kelly informed the council that the Planning Commission had conducted a public hearing and approved the Conditional Use request.

No other public comment was made.

Moved by Walsh, second by Gleason to close the public hearing. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Gleason, second by Kramer to approve the Matt Dennis Conditional Use Request for an air bed and breakfast at 201 S. 2nd Street as submitted. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Baker, second by Burdick to open the Victoria Yates Conditional Use Request for a daycare at 617 E. Benton Street. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Council member Kelly informed the council that the Planning Commission had conducted a public hearing and approved the Conditional Use request.

No other public comment was made.

Moved by Gleason, second by Walsh to close the public hearing. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Baker, second by Burdick to approve the Victoria Yates Conditional Use Request for a daycare at 617 E. Benton Street as submitted. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Walsh, second by Kelly to open the Charles and April Miller Conditional Use Request to have and raise livestock as food source for the family at 87179 W. 10th. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Council member Kelly informed the council that the Planning Commission had conducted a public hearing and approved a maximum of 25 chickens only with a required setback of 50 feet from rear and side lot lines for the chicken enclosure. No other livestock approved.

Comments were made by Joan and Ron Brion, and Robert Sisson.

Moved by Walsh, second by Kelly to close the public hearing. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Gleason to table Conditional Use Request for Charles and April Miller until next month in order to clarify zoning. Motion died for lack of second.

Moved by Kelly, second by Walsh to deny the Conditional Use Request for Charles and April Miller and put on next month's agenda. Roll call vote as follows: Aye; Kelly, Kramer, Schneider, Gleason and Walsh. Nay:  Burdick and Baker. Absent: Krysl. Motion carried.

Moved by Kelly, second by Walsh to rescind the denial of the Conditional Use Request for Charles and April Miller. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Gleason, second by Schneider to table the Conditional Use Request for Charles and April Miller until Residential Ranchette Zoning can be more clearly defined. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Baker, second by Schneider to approve the special designated liquor license for Bohemian One Stop for a wedding reception/dance at the Community Center. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

The Council discussed security cameras at the landfill. No action was taken.

Moved by Burdick, second by Schneider to send a letter of intent to NPPD about the solar power program. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Baker, second by Schneider to change the library hours to Monday, Tuesday, Friday 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Wednesday, Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.; and Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Mayor Menish asked for volunteers for a pay scale committee and accepted Burdick, Kramer, Walsh and Schneider.

Moved by Schneider, second by Kelly to approve Seth Miller and Brandi Fehringer for the Fire and Ambulance Department. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Mayor Menish called for all hay bids.

Moved by Gleason, second by Walsh to close the hay bids. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Attorney Strope read the following bid aloud:

Jason Maloun — $500.00

Moved by Schneider, second by Burdick to accept the hay bid submitted by Jason Maloun for $500.00.  Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

City Attorney Strope read the following O'Neill Water Main Improvement Phase 1 bids aloud:

Rutjens Construction — $380,811.50

Elsbury Construction — $388,569.98

City Engineer Ziska opened the bids prior to the meeting.

Moved by Schneider, second by Baker to accept Rutjens Construction bid for $380,811.50 for the O'Neill Water Main Improvement Phase 1. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Schneider, second by Burdick to deny adding four Federal holidays and one State holiday not currently observed by the City. Roll call vote as follows: Aye; Kelly, Kramer, Schneider, Baker, Burdick, and Walsh. Nay: Gleason. Absent:  Krysl. Motion carried.

Moved by Kramer, second by Schneider to appoint Gene Kelly to the Park Board to replace John Nickless who resigned. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Gleason, second by Baker to approve application PIP-LB840-112 in the amount of $5,000.00 for new fence. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Kelly, second by Schneider to approve application PIP-LB840-113 in the amount of $5,000.00 for a new sign. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Schneider, second by Kelly to approve application PIP-LB840-114 in the amount of $4,990.00 to demo house. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Walsh, second by Baker to approve application PIP-LB840-115 in the amount of $200.00 for a new sign face. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Gleason, second by Walsh to approve application PIP-LB840-116 in the amount of $567.50 for a new sign. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Kelly, second by Schneider to approve application PIP-LB840-117 in the amount of $5,000.00 for a new sign. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Gleason, second by Schneider to approve the Treasurer's Report. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Baker, second by Gleason to approve the bill submitted at this meeting by Scott Menish. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Baker, second by Walsh to approve the bill submitted at this meeting by O'Neill Lumber. Roll call vote as follows:  Aye; Kelly, Kramer, Burdick, Baker, Gleason and Walsh.  Nay:  None.  Abstain: Schneider.  Absent:  Krysl.  Motion carried.

Moved by Burdick, second by Baker to approve the remaining bills with the exception of A & J Towing for $40.00. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Baker, second by Burdick to rescind previous action and approve all remaining bills without exception. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.


Payroll, salary 130,701.78 FED & FICA, tax 29,094.31

American Family, ins 1,251.48 Benefit Plans, fees 1,044.03

Black Hills Energy, util 1,424.30 Blue Cross, ins 44,716.03

Bomgaars, su 1,743.84 Colonial Life, ins 763.38

Guardian, ins 1,672.08 John Hancock, pension 7,123.62

NE Dept. of Revenue, tax 4,326.46 NPPD, util 14,764.00

NT&T, phone 888.50 Ogden's Hardware, su 301.22

Quadient Finance, pstg 1,000.00 Ranchland Auto, su 682.68

Taylor Corp, su 449.19 UNUM Life, ins 208.28

Verizon, phone 803.39 Wex Bank, fuel 8,637.09


A&J Tire, ser 29.75 A&J Towing, ser 40.00

ABI Attachments, su 105.39

AKRS, su 7.50

Alder Plumbing, ser 493.14

Appeara, su 313.42

Carhart Lumber, su 80.85 Century Link, phone 56.89

Contingent Fund, re 1,327.77 Danko Emergency Equip, su 335.00

Ecolab, ser 75.00 Egan Supply, ser 492.50

Elkhorn Valley, ser 78.00 Emergency Medical Prod, su 401.85

Dearborn Life, ins 99.76 Floor Maintenance, su 606.43

Great America, lease 218.25 Great Plains Small Engine,su 85.70

Heiman Fire Equip, su 222.75 Hollman Media, ser 19.95

Holt Co. Independent, ad 300.53 Island Supply, su 56.40

J&S TV, su 18.95

KBRX, ad 37.50

Krotter Auto, pckup 41,379.18 LB840 Fund, pmt 31,114.84

LONM, reg 445.00 Scott Menish, ser 135.00

Microfilm Imaging, fee 580.00

Netcom, su 101.00

Odeys, frt 31.25 Ogden Hardware, su 19.17

Olsson, ser 42.09 One Office, su 588.58

O'Neill Family Pharmacy, su 51.14 O'Neill Men's Club, su 2,500.00

O'Neill Shopper, ad 23.50 Reiman's Body Shop, ser 184.06

Dori Rich, clean 885.00 Strachan Sales, ser 530.10

Strope Law, fees 1,728.00 Stryker Sales, su 848.40

Tax Commissioner, tax 33.85 Team Lab, su 2,263.48

Torpin's, su 15.14 Windy Prairie, ser 2,300.00


A & J Tire, rep 45.99 Century Link, phone 64.50

Jackolyn Collier, clean 200.00 Consolidated Mgt, ser 42.59

Contingent Fund, re 34.24 HCAS, fees 480.00

Heartland Fire, su 103.00 911 Custom, su 1,094.00

NLETC, fee 604.00 One Office, su 72.52

O'Neill Car Wash, ser 21.85 O'Neill Shopper, ad 32.62

O'Neill Tire & Supply, ser 15.00 Pinnacle Bank, su 114.46

Aleacia Rix, ser 60.00 Special T's & More, su 30.00

Strope Law, fees 336.00 Taylor Made Printing, su 613.62


Appeara, su 267.75 Carhart Lumber, su 2,429.67

Connot Tire, ser 26.95 Contingent Fund, re 24.48

Cornerstone Bank, pmt 9,000.00 FCF Construction, ser 16,866.13

Floor Maintenance, su 31.09 K&K Welding, su 107.24

Nebraska Truck Center, ser 194.40 Olsson, ser 10,244.40

One Office, su 49.03 O'Neill Auto, su 170.54

O'Neill Lumber, su 95.15 O'Neill Shopper, ad 38.00

Team Lab, su 55.68 SEWER FUND

AKRS, su 28.04 Alder Plumbing, ser 165.00

Blain Pumping & Plumb, ser 150.00 Colonial Research, su 4,752.00

Fedex, ser 101.06 Grainger, su 25.62

HACH Co, su 2,455.40 Holt Co Independent, ser 10.08

Hutcheson Eng, su 808.16 Malloy Electric, su 25,311.10

Midwest Labs, tests 425.50 NDOT, fee 288,061.09

Olsson, ser 1,114.50 One Call Concepts, hotline 45.17

O'Neill Electric, ser 370.70 Overhead Door, su 1,355.00

Pinnacle Bank, su 6.69 Tax Commissioner, tax 3,726.05


AKRS, su 28.03 Badger Meter, fee 77.65

Carhart Lumber, su 90.00 City Utility Deposits, re 2,310.00

Contingent Fund, re 15.75 Core & Main LP, su 115.85

Fedex, ser 323.19 Holt Co Independent, ad 79.95

Interstate Ind, ser 288.52 K&K Welding, su 50.35

Metering & Tech, su 1,642.78 NDEE, fee 260.00

NDHHS, fee 1,661.04 NDOT, fee 166,730.25

NE Public Health, tests 465.00 NE Support, pmt 363.68

Niobrara Valley, util * Olsson, fees 26,833.28

One Call Concepts, hotline 45.17 Overhead Door, su 1,355.00

Pinnacle Bank, fees 6.69 Tax Commissioner, tax 3,303.87


A&J Towing, ser 450.00 Accounts Management, pmt 801.43

Butler Co. Landfill, fee 35,914.12 Connot Tire, ser 386.00

Cubby, su 312.28 Floor Maintenance, su 31.09

Holt Co Independent, ser 22.00 Johnson's, ser 1,065.88

Matheson Tri-gas, su 37.13 Niobrara Valley, util *

Dori Rich, clean 300.00 Strope Law, fees 210.00

Truck Center, 17.05 LB840 FUND

KBRX, ad 7.50 Strope Law, fee 1,575.00



Larry Wewel voiced his concerns about safety issues in O'Neill.

Quentin Johnston had suggestions for maintenance at Carney Park.

Moved by Schneider, second by Kramer to adjourn. Roll call vote as follows: All Ayes. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.







Published June 16, 2022              24



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City of O'Neill Proceedings (6-16-2022)

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