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Law Enforcement Recovers Stolen Vehicle During High Speed Chase

Aug 7, 2024 (0)

The Holt County Sheriff's Office and the O'Neill Police Department were notified of a stolen vehicle from within O'Neill, Nebraska at approximately 2 p.m. on August 1, 2024. A 2021 Ram 2500 pickup was stolen from North 7th Street in O'Neill and last seen traveling south on North 7th Street.  The owner of the pickup reported there was also a pistol inside the pickup. An immediate search for the alleged stolen pickup was initiated with additional law enforcement being called out to assist.  

The Holt County Sheriff's Office located the alleged stolen pickup traveling east on Highway 95, west of Chambers, Nebraska at approximately 2:55 p.m.. Two Holt County Sheriff's Office deputies turned on the stolen pickup, which was traveling at 100 miles per hour, and began to pursue it.  The stolen pickup turned south on 480th Avenue and continued for 1 mile, when it then entered a pasture.  The pursuit continued in the pasture where the stolen vehicle was driven through multiple fences until deputies lost sight of the vehicle temporarily. A Nebraska State Patrol Carrier Enforcement Officer located the stolen pickup near 480th Avenue and 853rd Road and the pursuit continued east on 853rd Road until coming to a stop at 481st Avenue and 853rd Road.  

Two males, identified as Braiden Guido, age 27, and Jordan Menagh, age 24, were then taken into custody without further incident and transported to the Antelope County Jail where they were incarcerated for Parole Violations, Theft, Felony Operation of a Motor Vehicle to Avoid Arrest, 2nd Degree Criminal Trespass, Criminal Mischief, Possession of a Stolen Firearm, Possession of a Deadly Weapon by a Prohibited Person, Speeding, and Willful Reckless Driving. Guido and Menagh were out on parole from criminal convictions in other counties.

Law Enforcement learned the alleged pistol from inside the pickup was discarded during the pursuit.  A search for the firearm was initiated and the firearm was recovered.   

Members from the O'Neill Police Department, Holt County Sheriff's Office, Nebraska State Patrol, Atkinson Police Department, Nebraska Department of Correctional Services-Community Supervision Services, Nebraska Game and Parks, Boyd/Holt E911 Dispatch Center, and Chambers Fire and Rescue all assisted in the search for, pursuit, and recovery of the alleged stolen pickup and firearm.  


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