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Men's Club Soliciting For Fireworks Funding

Jun 12, 2024 (0)

The O'Neill Men's Club are now taking donations for the Annual Fireworks Display to be held on July 4th at the O'Neill Golf Course. The cost of the fireworks display is costly and the O'Neill Men's Club is grateful for the donations made towards having the display.

Donations may be dropped off or mailed to the O'Neill Chamber of Commerce Office at 125 S. 4th in O'Neill or at the KBRX Radio Station. Your support of this event is what helps the event to continue from year to year. 

The Men's Club will not be going "door to door" this year to collect the donations, so please take a moment to keep the celebration going and drop a monetary donation. If you need a receipt or would like to pay with a credit card, stop by the chamber office and we can do that for you. Thank you in advance for your support of this event.


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