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Old Time Capsule Buried 50 Years Ago Opened Sunday

Jun 5, 2024 (0)

1974 TIME CAPSULE OPENED - Mayor Scott Menish and Chuck Zegers use tin snips to open the 1974 Time Capsule.
1974 TIME CAPSULE was unearthed and opened at 5 p.m. on Sunday, June 2. The capsule, which was made of copper and soldered shut, kept the treasures in the capsule in pristine shape.
NATALIE BUTTERFIELD with the Holt County Historical Society shows off the treasures sealed in the 1974 Time Capsule.
TONS OF OLD TREASURES - While the capsule itself was in rough shape, its contents were kept in excellent condition. Found were some neatly folded flags, a plate, a Centennial hat, a book, some old documents and much more.

The anticipation and cloud of mystery is over as the 1974 Time Capsule planted during the 1974 Centennial Anniversary has given up its treasures. The old capsule was unearthed and unopened Sunday, June 2. The crowd stood on edge as Mayor Scott Menish peaked inside the copper box soldered shut sealed since June of 1974. A few of the people who were in their 20's showed up now in their 70's to view the items put in the box from their youth. Ann McCulloh, who was active in the city events at the time including a former Chamber of Commerce director, says she remembered the event with the box going into the ground as her husband Burns McCulloh was very instrumental in the event surrounding the Centennial publishing the 100 year book in celebration of the City's Birthday. 

In addition to several unrecorded mementoes by individuals, the time capsule included; Flags of the Nebraska Bicentennial, Ireland and City of O'Neill; a Nebraska Plate; Great Seal of Nebraska from the Secretary of State, Allen Beerman; centennial proclamations from then Gov. J. James Exon and queen Bonnie Forwood; Bicentennial Brochure and magazine; a copy of the Bible and "Great Controversy from Mary Ellenwood; a copy of the Declaration of Independence form the Nebraska Bicentennial Commission; O'Neill Jaycees St. Patrick's Day Mug; Letter from the Jaycees and centennial officers Mary Ellenwood and Burn McCulloh; St. Pat's pins from Matt Beha; O'Neill brochure, community profile, industrial facts book; Nebraska  map and the events and a city map from the Chamber of Commerce; Two copies of the May 30, 1974 Holt County Independent; copies of the centennial coronation program, tickets, a celebration schedule of events and poster for the Centennial Fair ribbons; small American Flag exchanged by the First Infantry Division Halo team in its jump over the airport; balloon from the Shriners; Centennial  commemorative items, including a silver coin numbered 100, "A Piece of Emerald" history books, Mrs. Jaycees cookbook, bronze coin, plate, letter opener, key case, hat bumper sticker, playing cards, bolo tie, ashtray, shaving permit and Brothers of the Brush Button; Centennial time Capsule Stock Holder Book with a list of the names of persons in O'Neill during the celebration who bought Centennial Time Capsule stock signatures of the centennial officers and tape recording of centennial activities made by Matt Beha.


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