5 Eagles Attend State

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2024 O'Neill Irish Junior Schedule

The bats will be cracking soon with the start of the 2024 O'...


2024 O'Neill Irish Senior Schedule

May 15, 2024 (0)

The bats will be cracking soon with the start of the 2024 O'Neill Irish Senior  Legion season. The season runs May through July. The following is the Senior Legion schedule..

2024 O'Neill Irish Senior Legion Schedule

May 23 Home vs Plainview 8 p.m.

May 24 At Tri County (Orchard) 8 p.m.

May 27 Home vs Valentine 12 p.m.

Home vs Pender 5 p.m.

May 29 Home vs Ord 8 p.m.

June 1 Wakefield Tournament TBA

June 2 Wakefield Tournament TBA

June 4 Home vs Tri County 8 p.m. 

June 6 At Battle Creek 7 p.m. 

June 7 Wayne/Wakefield Tournament TBA

June 8 Wayne/Wakefield Tournament TBA

June 9 Wayne/Wakefield Tournament TBA

June 11 Home vs Albion 8 p.m.

June 13 Home vs Battle Creek 7 p.m.

June 14 At Atkinson 7 p.m. 

June 18 At Plainview 8 p.m.

June 20 At Ord 8 p.m.

June 22 Wahoo Tournament TBA

June 23 Wahoo Tournament TBA

June 25 At Stanton 7 p.m. 

June 28 Home vs Ord 8 p.m.

June 29 Home vs Wakefield 7:30 p.m.

June 30 Home vs St. Paul 6 p.m. 

July 2 At Albion 8 p.m.

July 9 Home vs Atkinson 7 p.m.

July 15 Home vs Stanton 7 p.m.

July 18 Home vs Wayne 5 p.m. & 7 p.m.

July 21 Home vs Broken Bow 2 p.m. & 4 p.m. 

July 26-31 Districts TBA

August 3-7 State in Holdrege TBA


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