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O'Neill Boys Take First At Golf MidStates Conference

May 8, 2024 (0)

MIDSTATES CHAMPIONS - O'Neill recently took first place at MidStates with their final score of 318. Pictured (l-r) are Jackson Larsen - 7th place, Logan Brabec - 6th place, James Eby - 12th place, Drake Berg - 3rd place and Turner Heiss - 1st place.

Recently the MidStates Golf Conference was held at O'Neill with multiple schools traveling to compete. O'Neill managed to soar to first place during the Conference. These are the full results from the day.

Boys Team Results

1. O'Neill 318

2. Norfolk Catholic 328

3. Cedar Catholic 339

4. Battle Creek 347

5. Pierce 352

6. Crofton/Wynot 359

7. GACC 390

8. Boone Central 410

9. Wayne 410

10. O'Neill JV 4365

11. Cedar Catholic JV 4404

12. Crofton/Wynot JV 4425

13. Battle Creek JV 4439

14. Pierce JV 5285

15. Wayne JV 5334

16. Boone Central JV 5355

Boys Individual Results

1. Turner Heiss, OHS 75

2. Travis Emory, PC 78

3. Drake Berg, OHS 78

4. Will Brockhaus, NC 79

5. Gage Yosten, NC 80

6. Logan Brabec, OHS 82

7. Jackson Larsen, OHS 83

8. Langston Christensen, CC 83

9. Callen Marshall, NC 83

10. Memphis Ulrich, CC 83

11. Kade Larson, BC 84

12. James Eby, OHS 85

13. Cooper Wachholtz, PC 85

14. Landon Weinandt, BC 85

15. Sam Kuehn, CC 85

16. Konnor Kralik, GACC 86

17. Grant Schieffer, C/W 86

18. Carson Wieseler, C/W 86

19. Hudson Fischer, NC 86

20. Zack Foxhoven, C/W 87

21. Mav Heine, CC 88

22. Ayden Wintz, BC 88

23. Gavin Lindgren, BC 90

24. Jace Rasmussen, BCL 92

25. Tyler Schulz, PC 93

26. Harrison Kuehn, CC 94

27. Dalton Young, BCL 94

28. Champion White, PC 96

29. Caiden Backer, WN 96

30. Ben Oligmueller, GACC 98

31. Camden Jansen, PC 98

32. Josiah Volk, BC 99

33. Josh Palensky, C/W 100

34. Seth Baumert, GACC 100

35. Andrew Haberman, C/W 101

36. Landen Sharer, WN 103

37. Mason Karsky, WN 105

38. Shelby Perchal, GACC 106

39. Dylan Jensen, WN 106

40. Dalton Rolf, BCL 111

41. Camden Redler, BCL 113

42. Brayden Rolf, GACC 115

43. Landen Roeber, WN 116

44. Hadley Gulbrandson, BCL 121

45. Player 4, OHS JV 1085

46. Xzavier Parks, OHS JV 1088

47. Bodie Hochstein, CC JV 1089

48. Colter Anderson, PC JV 1091

49. Brody Bessmer, BC JV 1094

50. Player 4, CCJV 1094

51. Evan Kopecky, OHS JV 1096

52. Noah Fuerhoff, PC JV 1096

53. Cameron Vogt, OHS JV 1096

54. Landyn Keiser, CC JV 1097

55. Trevor Allen, C/W JV 1098

56. Player 4, PC JV 1098

57. Player 4, BC JV 1099

58. Player 4, C/W JV 1101

59. Layne Schieffer, C/W JV 1102

60. Carter Wiese, WN JV 1108

61. Brayden Woehler, WN JV 1110

62. Player 4, WN JV 1116

63. Drew Kilday, BC JV 1117

64. Keaton Buhlmann, BCL JV 1117

65. Gavin Mauch, BCL JV 1117

66. Player 4, BCL JV 1121

67. Carter Gunther, C/W JV 1124

68. Ben Kleinschmit, CC JV 1124

69. Will Sheppard, BC JV 1129

70. Player 5, BC JV 2000

71. Player 3, BCL JV 2000

72. Player 5, BCL JV 2000

73. Player 5, CC JV 2000

74. Player 5, C/W JV 2000

76. Player 5, NC 2000

77. Player 5, OHS JV 2000

78. Player 5, PC JV 2000

79. Player 1, WN JV 2000

80. Player 5, WNJV 2000


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