Bright Horizons-O'Neill office would like to proudly announce the recipient of our Outstanding Community Partner award for 2023. Congratulations to the Holt Boyd Community Connections Collaborative. This group is making our community a better place. Community Navigator Amy Shane and the board of directors are committed to meeting the needs of families. Over the course of the year, we have developed a partnership with the Holt Boyd Community Connections Collaborative. Many times our agency may be limited in what we can provide to survivors. The collaborative has been able to step in and be a helping hand or assist in finding other resources. Boyd Holt Community Connections Collaborative has promoted and improved the health and well-being of survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in our communities, by addressing the basic needs of families in our communities. This service is helping them feel alive and to thrive in the journey away from abuse. Boyd Holt Community Connections Collaborative recognizes that it is vital to provide resources and connections with all area partners. The group goes above and beyond to make connections. Due to their continued efforts, we have been able to help many survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence. The board and staff at Bright Horizons would like to thank this amazing group. The award was presented this in conjunction with a chamber coffee on Friday, Nov. 3rd at 10 a.m. at their new location 119 North 4th Street.
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