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Village of Inman Proceedings 4-27-2023)

Apr 25, 2023 (0)

Minutes for April 3, 2023

Called to order @ 7:30 pm.

Open meeting act pointed out.

Board members present were Nicole Campbell, Deb Morsbach, Sherryl Sawyer, Randy Keil, and Kyle Campbell. Others present Brenda Harrison.

Minutes for 3-6-23: Sherryl Sawyer made a motion, seconded by Deb Morsbach. Aye: Sherryl Sawyer, Deb Morsbach Kyle Campbell, and Randy Keil. Nay: None. Motion carried.

Shirley Keyes was present to discuss a potential flea market in Inman.

Building permit: Ron Sterns was present for approval of a building permit for a 10 x 10 shed to be used as a pantry. Sherryl Sawyer made a motion, seconded by Deb Morsbach to approve the building permit as presented. Aye: Sherryl Sawyer, Deb Morsbach, Randy Keil, and Kyle Campbell. Nay: None. Motion carried.

2nd maintenance person: the wording of the help wanted will be updated.

NPPD: Brittney Koenig was present to discuss the Pro-Agreement/ franchise fee agreement.

Kyle Campbell made a motion, 2nd by Deb Morsbach to go into executive session @ 8:01 pm to discuss 4 issues: parks, employee issue, street issue, and nuisance properties. Aye: Kyle Campbell, Deb Morsbach, Randy Keil, and Sherryl Sawyer. Nay: None. Motion carried.

Randy Keil made a motion, 2nd by Kyle Campbell to exit the executive session at 8:50 p.m. Aye: Randy Keil, Kyle Campbell, Sherryl Sawyer, and Deb Morsbach. Nay: None. Motion carried.

Employee issue: No action.

Kyle Campbell made a motion, 2nd by Randy Keil made a motion to table the parks issue until the May meeting. Aye: Kyle Campbell, Randy Keil, Sherryl Sawyer, and Deb Morsbach. Nay: None. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report: Sherryl Sawyer made a motion, 2nd by Deb Morsbach to allow the April treasurer's report to be presented at the May Meeting. Aye: Sherryl Sawyer, Deb Morsbach, Randy Keil, and Kyle Campbell. Nay: None. Motion carried.

Reviewed bills: Kyle Campbell made a motion, 2nd by Sherryl Sawyer to approve bills as presented. Aye: Kyle Campbell, Sherryl Sawyer, Deb Morsbach, and Randy Keil. Nay: None. Motion carried.

Adjourned @ 9:15 pm

October 2022 Bills

Dana Cole $1550.00

CarQuest $293.42

Jacque Murray $55.41

Bruce Bowman $161.61

Boyd-Holt 911 $5400.00

Julie Engelbart $55.41

Sheila Carr $314.00

NPPD $892.01

Holt County Independent $132.25

Bomgaars $42.15

Mitchell Equip $148.84

J & J Sanitation $1,117.34

Black Hills $36.96

Holt County Economic $333.00

November 2022 Bills

Bruce B. $161.61

Lonnie D. $587.00

Sherryl $55.41

Julie $55.41

Deb M. $55.41

Deb F. $55.41

Sheila $314.00

Black Hills $82.80

J & J Sanitation $1,381.64

NPPD $769.46

Shamrock Vet Clinic $424.90

Vicki Doty $45.90

One Office Solutions $192.12

December 2022 Bills

NPPD $1,517.05

One Source $192.12

K & M Telephone (credit of $2.41)

Holt County Independent $5.03

Gotchall & Sholes PC, LLC $210.00

J & J Sanitation $1,381.64

One Call Concepts (credit of $5.10)

Pinnacle Bank $20.00

Black Hills Energy $260.48

Reiembursment Computer $468.42

Total $3,586.32

January 2023 Bills

Gary Connot $300.00

Holt County Independent $5.03

J & J Sanitation $1,381.64

NPPD $1,517.05

Gotschall & Sholes $210.00

Pinnacle Bank $20.00

Black Hills Energy/Library $2,604.48

U.S. Post Office $60.00

Dave Morsbach $392.50

Bruce Bowman $161.61

Nicole Campbell $55.41

Anson Insurance $262.50

Deb Morsbach $55.41

Jacque Murray $55.41

Sheila Carr $314.00

Kyle Campbell $55.41

February 2023 Bills

Bomgaars $234.50

Holt County Independent $117.08

NPPD $1,700.15

K & M Telephone $255.44

Nicole Campbell $241.78

Post Office

Pinnacle Bank $78.10

Farmer's Pride $1,704.69

Total $4,331.74

March 2023 Bills

Bomgaars $382.46

Dana Cole $1,775.00

Holt County Independent $7.12

Vicki Doty $27.00

K & M Telephone $85.53

Farmer's Pride $38.22

Nicole Campbell $55.41

Kyle Campbell $55.41

Sherryl Sawyer $55.41

Bruce Bowman $161.61

Brenda Harrison $313.99

Dave Morsbach $190.47

Total $3,147.63

April 2023 Bills


Published April 27, 2023              17



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Village of Inman Proceedings 4-27-2023)

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