May Bills University of Nebraska $180.00 Walmart $226.77 Quickbooks $45.00 Wasteconnections $1,079.10 Bomgaars Nicole Campbell $ 55.41 Kyle Campbell $55.41 Randy Keil $55.41 Deb Morsbaugh $55.41 Sherryl Sawyer $55.41 David Morsbaugh $139.86 Brenda Harrison $313.99 Bruce Bowmann $161.61 NPPD $22.27 Holt County Independent $231.82 Kellum Welding $120.00 April Bills NPPD $1,517.05 One Source $192.12 K & M Telephone credit of $1.41 Holt County Independent $5.03 Gotchall & Sholes PC LLC $210.00 J & J Sanitation $1,381.64 Pinnacle Bank $20.00 Black Hills Energy $260.48 Nicole Campbell $55.41 Kyle Campbell $55.41 Randy Keil $55.41 Deb Morsbaugh $55.41 Sherryl Sawyer $55.41 Brenda Harrison $313.99 Dave Morsbaugh $259.55 Minutes 5-1-23 Village of Inman Called to order at 7:30 pm The open meetings act poster was pointed out. Holt County Economic Development: Shelby Reagan was present to request the Inman board to vote to appoint Nicole Campbell to the Economic Development board. Sherryle Sawyer made a motion, seconded by Kyle Campbell to approve and appoint Nicole Campbell to the Holt County Economic Development board. Aye: Sherryl Sawyer, Kyle Campbell, and Randy Keil. Nay: None. Absent: Deb Morsbaugh. Motion carried. Dog Registration: Shamrock Vet clinic will be contacted about a shot clinic in June. Town Spring cleaning: Tabled. Cemetery: There was a discussion concerning the usage of Inman equipment at the cemetery. Tabled. Parks: Kyle Campbell made a motion, seconded by Randy Keil to have the property surveyed. Aye: Kyle Campbell, Rady Keil, and Sherryl Sawyer. Nay: None. Absent: Deb Morsbaugh. Motion carried. Adjourned @ 7:45 pm Published May 11, 2023 19 ZNEZ - (0) COMMENTSWelcome to the discussion.