Meeting minutes for the regular monthly Village of Inman Board of Trustees held on March 3, 2025. The meeting was called to order by Nicole, Chairperson, at 7:30 p.m. Roll call was taken. Board members present were Nicole Campbell, Randy Keil, Michael Murray, & Kyle Campbell. Clerk, Paige Willams, was also present. Members in the audience include Gary Connot, Lisa Everett, Debra Fisher, Bruce Bowman, Julie Engelbart, & Scott Baker. New business: We need to make a 1 & 6 plan for Gary Connot. Nicole made a motion to approve. Randy seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. Scott Baker would like to join the Board. Kyle made a motion to approve. Michael seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. We need to start taking bids for demolition of the library. Will advertise for bids. Our CD at GPS Bank matures on March 14, 2025. Would like to keep CD at GPS Bank. Kyle made a motion to approve. Randy seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. Grant for sewer totaling $21,500. We did not spend the entire amount of the grant; only purchased pump motor & sewer saddle installations. Will need to pay the rest of the grant back to the state. The current agenda, comprised of the February 3, 2025 meeting minutes & bills/Treasurer's report were presented. Kyle made a motion to approve. Michael seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. Kyle made a motion to approve minutes from February. Randy seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. Debra Fisher would like to know which board members hold which seats. Nicole is chairman, Randy is parks & rec, Kyle is streets, Michael is sewer. Once sworn, Scott will be Treasurer. Debra inquired about a private donor for playground equipment. Nicole stated she was working with Holt County Economic Development for a grant but grant didn't receive the grant, but a private entity donated funds for two new hoops & springs for rabbit and bee. Debra inquired about a drop in hall rentals since rental price was raised to $100. The Board says rentals are at the highest during the warmer months. We don't see many rentals during the winter. Is there a new Core representative yet? Not yet. Old business: FEMA news – We need to file for an extension through the Federal government to decide if we will use steel or concrete. Have been working with FEMA/NEMA to no avail. They keep asking for adjustments. It has just been a back & forth with paperwork. We continue trying to get the extension. Randy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kyle seconded the motion. None opposed. Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m. February Bills: Farmers Pride $1,011.77, NPPD $1,200.53, Holt County Independent $78.04, USPS $0.73, Rubber Stamp Wearhouse $40.44, Cathy Pavel $100.00, Holt County Tire 4224.95, J&J Sanitation $549.36 Payroll (NC $55.41, KC $55.41, RK $55.41, MM $55.41, BB $161.61, PW $507.92) Hall Deposits: $0 Total: $4,096.89 -s- Paige Williams Published March 13, 2025 11 ZNEZ
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