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Village of Inman Proceedings (11-17-2022)

Nov 15, 2022 (0)

The Inman Village Board held their regular meeting at the Inman Community Center on October 25th, 2022 as published pursuant to Section 1-112 of the municipal code. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Inman board meetings have been changed to the last Tuesday of the month and time change to 7 p.m. The board was informed of the location of the Open meeting poster. Members present: Jacque Murray, Sherryl Sawyer, Deb Fisher, Deb Morsbach and Sheila Carr Village Clerk - Julie Engelbart medical absence - Others present: Jeff Carr, Jim Ferris, Dave Morsbach, Bob Davis, Nicole Campbell, Kyle Campbell, Randy Keil, Vicki Doty and Gaylen Sprague.

Roll Call: 4 present, 1 absent.

Deb Morsbach was sworn in to fill the temporary position of Chair person.

October 2022 Receipts:

Sewer Fees: Sewer, Fees Collected $471.50

Hall Rental: General, Hall Rental $0

Holt Cty Treasurer: General, Taxes $491.79

NPPD: General, Lease $1,346.73

Inman Township: General, Dumpsters $460.00

St of Nebraska: Gen/Street, Hwy Allocation $2,653.70

St of Nebraska: General, Equalization $2,354.14

Totals $7,777.86

October 2022 Transfers

General Account to Street Account $663.43

Account Balances as of

October 31st, 2022

Income: $1,121,793.02

Building permits issued $140.00

Donations $1,054.00

Equalization $198,431.10

Dumpster (township) $-88,361.60

Hwy Allocation $365,184.81

Incentive $1,425.00

NPPD Lease $236,825.77

Sewer Fees Collected $156,441.50

Taxes (Real Estate) $158,225.69

Transfer (Street) $92,426.75

Expenses: $1,052,045.28

Uncategorized $-84.35

General $-497,695.12

Reserve $8,413.94

Sewer $-136,658.61

Street $-426,021.14

Overall Total $69,747.74

A motion was made by Murray and seconded by Fisher to approve minutes, deposits and balance reports. (Aye: all)

Bills Due:

NPPD: General, Utilities $384.09

Street, Utilities $352.42

Sewer, Utiliites $155.50

J&J Sanitation: General, Dumpsters $1,117.34

B.H. Energy: General, Utilities $36.96

Carquest: Street, Main/repairs $293.42

Mitchell Equipment: Street, Main/repairs $148.84

Bomgaars: General, Main/repairs $42.15

Dana F. Cole: General, Fees $1,550.00

Holt County Independent: General, Advertising $132.25

Holt Cty Economic Dev.: General, Dues $333.33

Boyd/Holt Joint: General, Dues $5,400.00

Bruce Bowman: General, Payroll $175.00

Julie Engelbart-Adams: General, Payroll $60.00

Jacque Murray: General, Payroll $60.00

Sherryl Sawyer: Sewer, Payroll $60.00

Deb Fisher: Street, Payroll $60.00

Sheila Carr: General, Payroll $170.00

Street, Payroll $170.00

EFT: General, Withholding $80.32

Street, Withholding $35.18

Sewer, Withholding $9.18

A motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Sawyer to approve all bill payment, all voted Aye.

New Business & 

Continued Old Business

1) Harte's Pub building permit was approved for the front area to be extended, Motion by Fisher, seconded by Murray - All Aye.

2) Tina Lines and neighborhood nuisance - tabled until next meeting.

3) Approval was given to paint a decorative hopscotch on the sidewalk by the Library, all labor and materials are being donated. Motion to approve by Murray, seconded by Fisher - All Aye.

4) Approval to buy a camcorder for meeting purposes - tabled for further discussion.

5) Usage of second payment of grant monies for sewer projects, in the amount of $10,796.25, suggested use, installing sewer shut-offs on all residences - tabled until next meeting.

6) Retaining Michael Sholes for the Jim Ferris case - Consent was give to let Michael Sholes and Jim Ferris lawyer a continuance in negotiations - Aye 2/Nay 1.

7) Bonds for clerk and treasurer - Performance/security bonds will be provided by Anson Insurance for the Clerk and the Treasurer in the amount of 75,000 with the village paying for bonding fees.

8) Ordinance book copies will be made available to the public in the form of PDF or hardcopy at a cost of 0.25 per sheet. Ordinance changes need to be updated in the book to be done shortly.

9) An Ad will be placed in the Holt County Independent for a part-time Maintenance person in Lonnie's surgical absence for the months of Nov. and Dec.

10) Employee monthly hours and rates to be researched, tabled until next meeting.

11) A request for audit, tabled until next meeting for further research on the subject.

12) Searching for a Village Lawyer to keep on retainer, tabled until next meeting for further research, motion made by Fisher, seconded by Murray.

13) League of Nebraska Municipalities, board was informed that we're members and do pay dues yearly.

14) Board individual job responsibilities - this item was tabled until next meeting.

15) CD rates - a motion was made by Fisher, seconded by Sawyer to place the CD into a higher rate option. Aye - all.

Note: if any of you have issues with our village policies, a signature must be included on all letters or forms of correspondence for the board to recognize the issues/concerns. Thank you!

Motion by Sawyer, seconde by Fisher to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned: 8:19 p.m. 

Sheila Carr/Village Clerk

Next meeting Tuesday, November 29th 2022 - 7:00 p.m.

Published November 17, 2022      46



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Village of Inman Proceedings (11-17-2022)

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