November 6, 2023 Village Board Meeting Minutes The meeting was called to order by Nicole Campbell, Chairperson at 7:31pm. Those in attendance were Nicole Campbell, Kyle Campbell, Randy Keil, Sherryl Sawyer, Deb Morsbach, Treasurer and Gwenda Decker-Sterns, Clerk. The public notice of the meeting which is posted on the Inman Community Center door was pointed out by Nicole Campbell, Chairperson as according to the Open Meeting Act. The Board reviewed the minutes of the meeting on October 2, 2023. Sherryl Sawyer made a motion to approve the minutes as written and Kyle Campbell seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. The Board discussed the need to review the Village ordnance book. It was discussed Gwen Decker-Sterns and Deb Morsbach will work on locating past updates, making sure current books have all the updates and if changes are needed, they will be presented to the Board for approval. Kyle Campbell made a motion and Randy Keil seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. Nicole Campbell, Chairperson shared with the Board an update on the playground equipment and the effect the property being in a name other than the Village has on the availability of grant monies for improvements. The Board discussed the possibility of the Village purchasing the property from the current owner. Kyle Campbell made a motion for Nicole Campbell to contact the owner and make an offer for the purchase of the property. The motion was seconded by Deb Morsbach. None opposed. Motion carried. Nicole Campbell, Chairperson shared with the Board the Unemployment taxes and Federal taxes are now current. A Village resident asked if gravel could be placed on the road in front of her home, as she feels the street is almost down to the dirt. Kyle Campbell states he will visit with the street engineer asking if the gravel can be placed at this time due to winter being just around the corner and the gravel would possibly be pushed from the street into the ditch. A building permit was presented to the Board for approval of a cement pad to be placed at 350 2nd Street for easier access to the back yard. Kyle made a motion to approve the permit and Randy Keil seconded the motion. None opposed. The motion carried. Nicole Campbell, Chairperson asked all Board members and Village employees to complete new W-4 forms. The Board discussed the possibility of purchasing a used motor grader and a payloader. There is no price on the motor grader at this time. If purchased it would possibly have a wing and a V-plow included in the purchase. There is no price currently and no date of availability. The Board also discussed the availability of an LW80 payloader which will be going up for sale on a sealed bid auction in the near future. The payloader would possibly also include a dirt bucket, snowplow and grapple. Kyle made a motion asking for approval to bid on the payloader. Randy Keil seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. Kyle Campbell presented to the Board the need to fill the fuel barrel before winter and the cost would possibly be over the amount of $2000. The Board approved the order for fuel. Nicole Campbell, Chairperson informed the Board of a deposit made by NEMA into the Village account. The deposit will be made into the General fund and be allocated to other departments as needed. The need to hire the Street Supervisor for the upcoming year was discussed. A motion was made by Kyle Campbell to hire Gary Connot again this year for the position and to increase the amount paid to him and his assistant. The motion was seconded by Sherryl Sawyer. None opposed. The motion carried. Deb Morsbach, Treasurer presented the October bills and the Treasures Report for review and approval. Sherryl Sawyer made the motion to approve the reports and Randy Keil seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried. A motion was made by Deb Morsbach, Treasurer to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Sherryl Sawyer. None opposed. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:24pm. The next meeting will be held December 4, 2023. September 2023 Bills Hubel Iron $11,000.00 Ogden Hardware 14.94 One Call concepts 4.73 Dana Cole & Co 2,100.00 Holt Co Roads 525.00 Emme Sand 781.00 Bomgaars 298.64 Anson Insurance 362.50 Holt County Independent 209.00 Walmart 29.11 Dollar Tree 10.70 Pedchem.mysho (sewer) 389.30 K & M Telephone 85.17 Waste Connection 1,079.10 NPPD 611.62 Hammer Insurance 1,813.00 Payroll 1,090.88 October 2023 Bills Bomgaars, Inc 229.83 Personal Concepts, Inc. 25.90 Ogden's Ace Hardware 1.75 Holt County Independent 84.05 K & M Telephone 85.68 NPPD 1,383.35 O'Neill Electric 237.80 One Call Concepts, Inc. 48.80 USPS/Stamps 66.00 Unemployment/Dept of Labor 75.90 IRS (1st quarter taxes) 752.92 IRS (2nd quarter taxes) 503.15 IRS (3rd quarter taxes) 596.90 Holt County Economic Development 333.00 Boyd-Holt Co. Enhanced 911 4,750.00 League of NE Municipalities 250.00 Gwenda Decker-Sterns 74.22 Emme Sand and Gravel 571.06 Payroll 981.83 Published November 16, 2023 46 ZNEZ
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